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Last active August 13, 2020 10:21
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Save sudevschiz/6d4268a0fb5275a7e32b8ad4ad109af8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Concats all raw_data files with cleaning steps. Compares with the gospel to output the differences.
import pandas as pd # pylint: disable=import-error
import re
from pathlib import Path
import logging
import sys
import os
from urllib.error import HTTPError
# Set logging level
def fetch_raw_data_from_api():
Read all raw data and death and recovery files
Pass the latest version of raw data
i = 1
raw_d = []
while True:
url = f"{i}.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(url)
raw_d.append(df)"Fetched raw_data{i} ")
i = i+1
except HTTPError:
current_ver = i-1
death_rec = []"Fetching deaths_and_recoveries")
url = f""
df = pd.read_csv(f"{url}1.csv")
df = pd.read_csv(f"{url}2.csv")
return raw_d,death_rec,current_ver
def fetch_raw_data():
Read all raw data and death and recovery files
Return the latest number of raw data files
raw_d = []
death_rec = []
fpath = Path('tmp/csv/latest')
i = 1
while True:
df = pd.read_csv(fpath / f"raw_data{i}.csv")
raw_d.append(df)"Fetched raw_data{i} ")
i = i+1
except FileNotFoundError:
current_ver = i-1
i = 1
while True:
df = pd.read_csv(fpath / f"death_and_recovered{i}.csv")
death_rec.append(df)"Fetched death_and_recovered{i} ")
i = i+1
except FileNotFoundError:
break"Data read complete")
return raw_d,death_rec,current_ver
def fix_rawdata1and2(raw,rec,col_list,sheet_version):
Raw Data 1 and 2 had different format
Select necessary columns and change data types
Add death and recovery data to raw_data
print(f"V{sheet_version} Shape \t: {raw.shape}")
# Only choose the valid current statuses
raw = raw[raw['Current Status'].isin( ['Hospitalized','Recovered','Deceased','Migrated','Migrated_Other'])].copy()
#Prepare neceassary columns
# raw['Num Cases'] = 1
raw['Entry_ID'] = 0
raw['Current Status'] = "Hospitalized"
raw = raw.fillna('')
raw = raw[col_list]
# If Detected State is not available, entry is invalid
raw = raw[raw['Detected State'] != ''].copy()
# Convert Date Announced string to datetime
raw['Date Announced'] = pd.to_datetime(raw['Date Announced'],format='%d/%m/%Y')
# Add Sheet Version Column
raw['Sheet_Version'] = sheet_version
# Only choose the valid current statuses
rec = rec[rec['Patient_Status'].isin(['Hospitalized','Recovered','Deceased','Migrated','Migrated_Other'])].copy()
# Prepare necessary columns
rec['Num Cases'] = 1
rec['Entry_ID'] = 0
rec['Current Status'] = rec['Patient_Status']
rec['Date Announced'] = rec['Date']
rec['State code'] = rec['Statecode']
rec['Detected City'] = rec['City']
rec['Status Change Date'] = ''
rec['Contracted from which Patient (Suspected)'] = ''
rec['Detected State'] = rec['State']
rec['Detected District'] = rec['District']
rec['Patient Number'] = rec['Patient_Number (Could be mapped later)']
rec['State Patient Number'] = ''
rec['Type of transmission'] = ''
rec = rec.fillna('')
rec = rec[col_list]
# If Detected State is not available, entry is invalid
rec = rec[rec['Detected State'] != ''].copy()
# Convert Date column from string to date
rec['Date Announced'] = pd.to_datetime(rec['Date Announced'],format='%d/%m/%Y')
# Add sheet version
rec['Sheet_Version'] = sheet_version
# Add deaths and recoveries to raw data
raw = pd.concat([raw,rec],sort=True)
return raw
def merge_alldata(current_ver):
Merge it all together
col_list = ['Entry_ID', 'State Patient Number', 'Date Announced', 'Age Bracket',
'Gender', 'Detected City', 'Detected District', 'Detected State',
'State code', 'Num Cases', 'Current Status',
'Contracted from which Patient (Suspected)', 'Notes', 'Source_1',
'Source_2', 'Source_3', 'Nationality', 'Type of transmission',
'Status Change Date', 'Patient Number']
allraw = fix_rawdata1and2(raw_d[0],death_rec[0],col_list,sheet_version=1)
tmp = fix_rawdata1and2(raw_d[1],death_rec[1],col_list,sheet_version=2)
allraw = pd.concat([allraw,tmp],sort=True)
for i in range(2,current_ver):
print(f"V{i+1} Shape \t: {tmp.shape}")
tmp = raw_d[i]
tmp = tmp.fillna('')
# Remove rows that doesn't have
# any State mentioned.
# This handles the situation at
# the tail of most recent sheet
tmp = tmp[tmp['Detected State'] != ''].copy()
# Select only necessary columns
tmp = tmp[col_list]
# Convert date string to datetime
tmp['Date Announced'] = pd.to_datetime(tmp['Date Announced'],format='%d/%m/%Y')
# Add sheet version
tmp['Sheet_Version'] = i+1
allraw = pd.concat([allraw,tmp],sort=True)
# Try to fix age to float
allraw['Age Bracket'] = allraw['Age Bracket'].map(lambda x : fix_age(x))
# Try to fix gender column
allraw['Gender'] = allraw['Gender'].map(lambda x : fix_gender(x))
print(f"Raw Data Shape \t: {allraw.shape}")
return allraw
def fix_age(age):
Age entries are sometimes entered in months.
Change them to fraction
rgx_month = re.compile(r"([0-9]*)( month?.)")
rgx_day = re.compile(r"([0-9]*)( day?.)")
res_month =
res_day =
if res_month:
age_corr = float(
return round(age_corr,2)
elif res_day:
age_corr = float(
return round(age_corr,2)
return float(age)
def fix_gender(g):
Fix any invalid entries in gender column
rgx_F = re.compile(r"[w,W]|[f,F]emale")
rgx_M = re.compile(r"[m,M]ale")
g = str(g)
g = re.sub(rgx_F,"F",g)
g = re.sub(rgx_M,"M",g)
return g
def compare_with_gospel():
Till April 26th, the districtwise sheet was managed
separately. i.e, Raw Data till then do not truly represent
the district values till then.
This function compares the entries in Raw Data with gospel
Note that this function ignores the blank districts.
# Read merged data
df = pd.read_csv('./tmp/csv/latest/raw_data.csv',low_memory=False)
df['Date Announced'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date Announced'])
df = df[df['Date Announced'] <= '2020-04-26']
df['District_Key'] = df['State code'] + "_" + df['Detected District']
df['Num Cases'] = pd.to_numeric(df['Num Cases'], errors='coerce')
dis_counts = pd.pivot_table(df,values = 'Num Cases',
index = 'District_Key',
columns='Current Status',
aggfunc = sum).reset_index()
# Read gospel
url = ""
gospel = pd.read_csv(url)
compare = pd.merge(gospel,dis_counts,on='District_Key', suffixes=("_gospel","_v1v2"))
compare['Conf_Diff'] = compare['Confirmed_gospel'] - compare['Confirmed_v1v2']
compare['Reco_Diff'] = compare['Recovered_gospel'] - compare['Recovered_v1v2']
compare['Dece_Diff'] = compare['Deceased_gospel'] - compare['Deceased_v1v2']
compare.to_csv("./tmp/csv/compare_gospel_v1v2.csv",index=False)'Comparison file saved as ./tmp/csv/compare_gospel_v1v2.csv')
return compare
if __name__ == "__main__":'''----------------------------------------------------------------------''')'''Build one true raw data''')'''----------------------------------------------------------------------''')
# raw_d,death_rec,current_ver = fetch_raw_data()
# If remote fetch is required
raw_d,death_rec,current_ver = fetch_raw_data_from_api()
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error while reading the files")
allraw = merge_alldata(current_ver)
allraw.to_csv('./tmp/csv/latest/raw_data.csv',index=False)'''----------------------------------------------------------------------''')'''Raw Data saved''')'''----------------------------------------------------------------------''')'''Comparing with Gospel''')
_ = compare_with_gospel()'''----------------------------------------------------------------------''')
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