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Last active September 8, 2018 12:12
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  • Save sudhackar/42b7c23ac301c59050e93536ef90b937 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sudhackar/42b7c23ac301c59050e93536ef90b937 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
strict digraph "" {
graph [ordering="out"];
C -> G;
C -> H;
G -> M;
G -> N;
F -> S;
F -> U;
H -> null;
H -> W;
J -> Z;
J -> A;
L -> P;
L -> Y;
O -> J;
O -> K;
P -> O;
P -> E;
S -> L;
T -> F;
T -> V;
W -> X;
W -> I;
Z -> C;
Z -> D;
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
debug = False
def the_process(stored, inp, size, fs):
if debug:
print '\t' * fs + \
"the_process({}, {}, {})".format(stored, "".join(inp), size)
idx = 0
global thstr
idx = stored.index(inp[0])
if idx:
the_process(stored[:idx], inp[1:], idx, fs + 1)
if size - 1 != idx:
the_process(stored[1 + idx:1 + idx + size - idx - 1],
inp[idx + 1:], size - idx - 1, fs + 1)
def rev_process(stored, inp, size, fs):
if debug:
print '\t' * fs + \
"rev_process({}, {}, {})".format(stored, "".join(inp), size)
if not size:
global thstr
mp = {stored[i]: i for i in xrange(len(stored))}
idx = mp[inp[-1]]
if size == 1:
less_part = max(
loc for loc,
val in enumerate(inp) if mp[val] < idx) + 1
except ValueError:
less_part = 0
rev_process(stored[:idx], inp[:less_part], less_part, fs + 1)
if less_part != size - 1:
rev_process(stored[idx + 1:], inp[less_part:-1],
size - less_part - 1, fs + 1)
if __name__ == "__main__":
thstr = []
print "sample input : " + input1
the_process(stored, input1, 23, 0)
output1 = "".join(thstr)
print "sample output : " + output1
thstr = []
rev_process(stored, output1, 23, 0)
input1_rev = "".join(thstr)
assert input1 == input1_rev
thstr = []
print "target output : " + target
rev_process(stored, target, 23, 0)
target_rev = "".join(thstr)
print "target input : " + target_rev
thstr = []
the_process(stored, target_rev, 23, 0)
target_out = "".join(thstr)
assert target_out == target
strict digraph "" {
graph [ordering="out"];
A -> X;
X -> C;
C -> G;
G -> M;
G -> N;
C -> H;
X -> D;
D -> I;
I -> W;
I -> Z;
D -> J;
A -> Y;
Y -> E;
E -> K;
E -> L;
K -> O;
K -> P;
Y -> F;
F -> S;
F -> T;
T -> U;
T -> V;
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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<!-- I -->
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<!-- E -->
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<!-- F -->
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<!-- K -->
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<!-- L -->
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<!-- E&#45;&gt;L -->
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<!-- O -->
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<text text-anchor="middle" x="315" y="-14.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="#000000">O</text>
<!-- K&#45;&gt;O -->
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<!-- P -->
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<!-- S -->
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<!-- T -->
<g id="node21" class="node">
<ellipse fill="none" stroke="#000000" cx="531" cy="-90" rx="27" ry="18"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="531" y="-86.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="#000000">T</text>
<!-- F&#45;&gt;T -->
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<!-- U -->
<g id="node22" class="node">
<ellipse fill="none" stroke="#000000" cx="495" cy="-18" rx="27" ry="18"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="495" y="-14.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="#000000">U</text>
<!-- T&#45;&gt;U -->
<g id="edge21" class="edge">
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<!-- V -->
<g id="node23" class="node">
<ellipse fill="none" stroke="#000000" cx="567" cy="-18" rx="27" ry="18"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="567" y="-14.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00" fill="#000000">V</text>
<!-- T&#45;&gt;V -->
<g id="edge22" class="edge">
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M539.7146,-72.5708C543.9597,-64.0807 549.1536,-53.6929 553.8663,-44.2674"/>
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