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Last active June 2, 2018 09:51
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example of fseek and ftell function c file handling
fseek used to move file pointer where u want to move
ftell used to find is current location
location is defined by character by character
like if file contains "Sudhanshu"
minimum position is 0
and max is len("Sudhanshu")
/* fseek(file pointer, offeset, origin)
origin will be :
SEEK_SET Beginning of file
SEEK_CUR Current position of the file pointer
SEEK_END End of file *
/* Prototypes */
char *ParseLine(char *arr, char *delimiter);
int main(){
FILE *fp;
char line[50];
fp = fopen("data.txt","r");
if(fp == NULL){
printf(" Error in opening File !\n");
//fetch a ParseLine
fscanf(fp,"%s",line); //parse the fist line that has 21 character so it point to 21
/* Printing position of file pointer */
//posion is n if fp point to nth char of file
printf("currrent posion of fp pointer in file : %ld\n", ftell(fp));
printf("\nmovienf pointer to the end of FILE\n");
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
printf("currrent posion of fp pointer in file : %ld\n", ftell(fp));
printf("\nmovienf pointer to the -5th postion from End\n");
fseek(fp, -5, SEEK_END);
printf("currrent posion of fp pointer in file : %ld\n", ftell(fp));
printf("\nmovienf pointer to the begining of FILE\n");
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
printf("currrent posion of fp pointer in file : %ld\n", ftell(fp));
printf("\nmovienf pointer to the 5th postion from begining\n");
fseek(fp, 5, SEEK_SET);
printf("currrent posion of fp pointer in file : %ld\n", ftell(fp));
return 0;
currrent posion of fp pointer in file : 21
movienf pointer to the end of FILE
currrent posion of fp pointer in file : 65
movienf pointer to the -5th postion from End
currrent posion of fp pointer in file : 60
movienf pointer to the begining of FILE
currrent posion of fp pointer in file : 0
movienf pointer to the 5th postion from begining
currrent posion of fp pointer in file : 5
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