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Created May 30, 2018 06:38
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Array based Max Heap implementation in Python
__author__ == 'Sudhanshu Patel'
1. Height should be h or h-1
2. max heap : parent node have hire value than all of its children
class Heap_Array(object):
# Array Implementation of max Heap
# parent of a node is (i-1)/2 and child of a node is 2*i+1 and 2*i+2
heap_type = 'MaxHeap'
def __init__(self, capacity=20):
self.arr = [None for x in range(capacity)]
self.count = 0
self.capacity = capacity
def parent_node(self, i):
if i < 0 or i > self.count:
return False
return int((i-1)/2)
def left_child(self, i):
left = 2*i+1
return False if left >= self.count else left
def right_child(self, i):
right = 2*i+2
return False if right >= self.count else right
def insert(self, key):
#count have number of element in array
# so index of last element in heap is count-1
if self.count < self.capacity:
self.arr[self.count] = key
self.count += 1
def print_heap(self):
print(', '.join([str(x) for x in self.arr[:self.count]]))
def heapify_down(self, parent):
:param parent:
heapy parant node from top to bottom
left = self.left_child(parent)
right = self.right_child(parent)
if left and self.arr[left] > self.arr[parent]:
max_ = left
max_ = parent
if right and self.arr[right] > self.arr[max_]:
max_ = right
if max_ != parent:
#swap max index with parent
self.arr[parent], self.arr[max_] = self.arr[max_], self.arr[parent]
#recursive heapify
def heapify_up(self, child):
parent = self.parent_node(child)
if self.arr[parent] < self.arr[child]:
self.arr[parent], self.arr[child] = self.arr[child], self.arr[parent]
def drop_max(self):
this is a max heap so root node is max, drop it replace it with last node.
delete lst node then heapify top to bottom
:return: max element of heap
if self.count ==0 :
print('__ Heap is Empty !__')
max_data = self.arr[0]
self.arr[0] = self.arr[self.count-1]
self.arr[self.count-1] = None
self.count -= 1
return max_data
if __name__ == '__main__':
heap_arr = Heap_Array()
for i in range(1,10):
print('Drop Max :', heap_arr.drop_max())
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