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Created February 6, 2016 01:09
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Basic Aggregate SQL Functions.
SELECT * FROM Owners.contributors;
#find all contributors from Georgia who have given more than $1000:
select * from contributors where state = 'GA' and amount > 1000;
#find all contributors who either live in Georgia or who have given more than $1000:
select * from contributors where state = 'GA' or amount > 1000;
#find all contributors who either live in Georgia or who have given more than $
select * from contributors where state in ('GA','IL') and amount > 1000;
#sorting results by order by
select distinct * from contributors where state in ('GA','IL') and amount > 1000 order by last_name,amount asc;
# clear table of all the data.
#truncate contributors;
select * from contributors;
select distinct * from contributors where state in ('GA','IL') and amount > 200 order by amount,last_name asc;
#update an attribute of a table.
#update contributors set state = 'NE' where id=1;
#Read from a txt file
# LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/Users/wyh669/Documents/SQL/contributors.txt' INTO TABLE contributors FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n';
select * from contributors;
# NULL is a key word.
select * from contributors where first_Name = "";
# <> is the same as !=
SELECT * FROM contributors WHERE state = 'VA' AND last_name <> 'Lewis';
SELECT * FROM contributors WHERE last_Name LIKE '% ';
SELECT CONCAT(city, ', ', state) FROM contributors;
SELECT * from contributors WHERE UPPER(city) = 'BIRMINGHAM';
select * from contributors where amount between 1000 and 1500;
#Let’s find all contributors from a few southern states:
select * from contributors where state in ('FL');
#Let’s find number of contributors from Florida:
select count(distinct zip) from contributors where state in ('FL') ;
#and state not in (NUll);
#Update contributors set zip = '339044462' where id in (44);
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