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Last active November 30, 2017 07:54
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Ruby & Rails questions

Ruby and Rails Interview Questions


  • What is a class?
  • What is an object?
  • What is a module? Can you tell me the difference between classes and modules?
  • Can you tell me the three levels of method access control for classes and modules? What do they imply about the method?
  • There are three ways to invoke a method in ruby. Can you give me at least two?
  • Explain this ruby idiom: a ||= b
  • What does self mean?
  • What is the difference between lambda, block and proc?
  • How do you sort an Array of objects by a particular attribute? What is a better way to do sorting with ActiveRecord?
  • What are some of your favorite gems? What are their alternatives?
  • In Ruby, which is generally the better option: a recursive function or an iterative one?
  • What are #method_missing and #send? Why are they useful?
  • What makes Ruby different from other programming languages?
  • What do you mean by Meta Programming?
  • Explain how everything is an object in Ruby.
  • How would you explain the Ruby OOP model?
  • Define block, proc and lambda and give difference between them.
  • What is difference between String and Symbol?
  • What is difference between includes and extends?
  • What is difference between ==, ===, eql? and equal??


  • What is new in Rails 4?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Ruby on Rails in Web Development?
  • Explain MVC in terms of Rails.
  • Explain the different pieces of Rails or What are different components of Ruby on Rails?.
  • Walk through the flow of a request through Rails.
  • Give list of frameworks which is similar to Rails.
  • What are the different server options for running a Rails/Rack app?
  • Explain CSRF and how Rails combats it.
  • Explain mass-assignment vulnerability.
  • What is Rack?
  • What is middleware? How does it compare to controller filters/actions?
  • Explain various forms of caching available in Rails.
  • How is something like 30.seconds.ago implemented?
  • Give difference between last 3 versions of Rails.
  • What are the major improvements in Rails 5.0?
  • What do you mean by ORM?
  • What is Self-Referential Association aka Self Join?
  • List down types of associations in Rails.
  • What is functionality of Helpers?
  • Explain eagerloading.
  • What is ActiveRecord?
  • Explain Active Record Callbacks.
  • Explain Filters.
  • Define resource, resources, collection and namespace in terms of routes.
  • What things we can define within Model?
  • What is Asset Pipeline?
  • How parsing has been done from ERB file to HTML?
  • What is difference between Render and Redirect?
  • What is difference between Gems and Plugins?
  • What is difference between save and save!
  • What is difference between find and find_by_xxx method?
  • What is difference between form_for and form_tag?
  • What is difference between Application Server and Web Server?
  • List down servers supported by Rails.


  • What is difference between TDD and BDD?
  • What are the testing tools available for rails and which one you have used ?


  • What do you mean by Agile Development?
  • What is difference between Gemfile and Gemfile.lock?
  • What are your favourite Gems?

Contributions are most welcome

  • Please make sure that questions are unique
  • You can submit your answer too.
  • Question must be related with Ruby/Rails (Preparing a diffrent gist for Data Structure and Algorithms)


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