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Created April 19, 2024 15:48
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System Design: Scheduler
design a scheduler:
- schedule for a given time input->(fn, time)
- cron like schedule ( every night at 12:00 AM)
- configure
schedule looks like this:
POST /schedules -d {'config'}
-header: serviceName
-header: x-auth: digest (service_id+nonce)
-header: nonce
job_detail: {
job_priority: (1-10)
job_type: cron/fixed-schedule
cron: cron_expression (* * * * *) (upto second's granularity)
fixed-schedule: time_in_the_future (unix timestamp in GMT)
retry_count: 3
backoff: (2)^attempt
type: webhook/event/rpc,
value: "webhook endpoint"
Scheduler invocation:
webhook flow
- curl -X post webhook -d {}
- x-auth:
- x-service_id:
event flow:
scheduler -> api gateway -> aws SNS -> lambda (function url)
- statically conifugre when app starts up
- library (programmatic way to register schedules) (import scheduler.schedule(fn,....))
- wrap this in a service (http rest api call) POST /schedules -d {'config'} GET /schedules/:id
invocation: webhook (application logic), scheduler emits event, rpc (grpc)
Visibility into the scheduler system:
Control Center (UI) - rbac (auth)
Queues, schedules, crons (filter by date, which is going to execute soon)
way to manually execute (in case of failures)
- log aggregation, tracing, monitoring of request count , cpu , mem usage
distributed scheduler:
s1, s2, s3 :
- idempotency:
handling many crons
handing many crons with priorities
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