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Created January 22, 2016 19:29
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Sentiment Analysis
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
type SentiWordNetEntry = {POS:string; ID:string; PositiveScore:string; NegativeScore:string; Words:string}
let sentiWordList = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(@"SentiWordNet_3.0.0_20130122.txt")
|> Array.filter (fun line -> not (line.StartsWith("#")))
|> (fun line -> line.Split '\t')
|> (fun lineTokens -> {POS = lineTokens.[0];
ID = lineTokens.[1];
PositiveScore = lineTokens.[2].Trim();
NegativeScore = lineTokens.[3].Trim();
Words = lineTokens.[4]})
|> item -> [item.Words.Substring(0,item.Words.LastIndexOf('#')+1);
//let getPolarity (sentiWordNetList:string list[]) (word:string) =
// let matchedItem = sentiWordNetList
// |> Array.filter(fun item -> item.[0].Contains (word))
// match matchedItem.Length with
// | 0 -> (0.0,0.0)//No value found
// //There can be multiple match; picking the first one (i.e: matchedItem.[0])
// | _ -> (float matchedItem.[0].[1], float matchedItem.[0].[2])
let getPolarityScore (sentence:string) (sentiWordNetList:string list[]) =
let words = sentence.Split ' '
let mutable totalPositivity = 0.0
let mutable totalNegativity = 0.0
let polarities = words
|> word -> getPolarity sentiWordNetList word)
|> (fun polarity -> totalPositivity <- totalPositivity + fst polarity)
|> ignore
|> (fun polarity -> totalNegativity <- totalNegativity + snd polarity)
|> ignore
if totalPositivity > totalNegativity then 1 //Positive polarity
elif totalNegativity = totalPositivity then 0 //Neutral polarity
else -1 //Negative polarity
//Finding polarities of the sentences using SentiWordNet
getPolarityScore "I am loving this product.I thought that the camera will be much better" sentiWordList
getPolarityScore "don't buy this drug . it gave me a bummer" sentiWordList //negative
let allPositiveWords (sentiWordNetList:string list[])=
|> Array.filter(fun sentiWord -> float sentiWord.[1] > float sentiWord.[2])
|> (fun sentiWord -> sentiWord.[0])
let allNegativeWords (sentiWordNetList:string list[])=
|> Array.filter(fun sentiWord -> float sentiWord.[1] < float sentiWord.[2])
|> (fun sentiWord -> sentiWord.[0])
let positiveWords = allPositiveWords sentiWordList |> Array.toList
let negativeWords = allNegativeWords sentiWordList |> Array.toList
let delims = [|'#';' '|]
let pos = positiveWords |> (fun t -> t.Split delims
|> Array.filter(fun z -> Regex.Match(z,"[a-zA-Z]+").Success))
let neg = negativeWords |> (fun t -> t.Split delims
|> Array.filter(fun z -> Regex.Match(z,"[a-zA-Z]+").Success))
let mutable posList = [""]
let mutable negList = [""]
pos |> (fun current -> [for k in 0 .. current.Length - 1 ->
posList <- posList @ [current.[k]]])
|> ignore
neg |> (fun current -> [for k in 0 .. current.Length - 1 ->
negList <- negList @ [current.[k]]])
|> ignore
posList <- posList |> List.filter (fun word -> word.Length > 0)
negList <- negList |> List.filter (fun word -> word.Length > 0)
let getPolarity (sentiWordNetList:string list[]) (word:string) =
let wordWithHash = String.concat "" [word; "#"]
let wordWithLeadingBlankAndHash = String.concat "" [" ";wordWithHash]
let matchedItem = sentiWordNetList
|> Array.filter(fun item -> item.[0].ToString().StartsWith(wordWithHash)
|| item.[0].ToString().Contains wordWithLeadingBlankAndHash)
match matchedItem.Length with
| 0 -> if word = "Negative_detected" then (0.0,0.675)
elif word = "Ok_detected" then (0.125,0.0)
else (0.0,0.0)//No value found
//There can be multiple match
| _ -> (float matchedItem.[0].[1], float matchedItem.[0].[2])
let negations = ["no";"not";"never";"seldom";"neither";"nor"]
let badCombos = negations
|> List.collect (fun x -> posList |> (fun y -> x + " " + y))
let okCombos = negations
|> List.collect (fun x -> negList |> (fun y -> x + " " + y))
let mutable sen = "the camera of the phone was not amazing"
badCombos |> (fun badWordCombo -> sen <- Regex.Replace (sen, badWordCombo,"Negative_detected"))
|> ignore
okCombos |> (fun badWordCombo -> sen <- Regex.Replace (sen, badWordCombo,"Ok_detected"))
|> ignore
let prob list word =
let matchCount = list |> List.filter (fun z -> z |> List.contains word)
|> List.length |> float
matchCount / float list.Length
let probBoth list w1 w2 =
let matchCount = list |>List.filter (fun z -> z |> List.contains w1 && z |> List.contains w2 )
|>List.length |> float
matchCount / float list.Length
let pmi docs w1 w2 =
let numerator = probBoth docs w1 w2
let denominator = (prob docs w1) * (prob docs w2)
if denominator > 0.0 && numerator > 0.0 then log (numerator / denominator) else 0.0
//List of positive words
let pWords = ["good"; "nice"; "excellent"; "positive"; "fortunate";
"correct"; "superior"]
//List of negative words
let nWords = ["bad"; "nasty"; "poor"; "negative"; "unfortunate"; "wrong"; "inferior"]
let mutable posi = 0.0 //Total positive semantic orientation
let mutable negi = 0.0 //Total negative semantic orientation
let docs =[
[["nasty";"behaviour"];["unfortunate"; "outcome"];["poor";"quality"]]//Bank2
for i in 0 .. docs.Length - 1 do
for j in 0 .. docs.[i].Length - 1 do
for pw in pWords do
posi <- posi + pmi docs docs.[i].[j] pw
for i in 0 .. docs.Length - 1 do
for j in 0 .. docs.[i].Length - 1 do
for pw in nWords do
negi <- negi + pmi docs docs.[i].[j] pw
let so_pmi = posi - negi //Calculating semantic orientation's value
let calculateSO (docs:string list list)(words:string list)=
let mutable res = 0.0
for i in 0 .. docs.Length - 1 do
for j in 0 .. docs.[i].Length - 1 do
for pw in words do
res <- res + pmi docs docs.[i].[j] pw
let soPMI ( reviews : string list list list )=
let mutable posi = 0.0
let mutable negi = 0.0
reviews |> (fun docs ->
posi <- calculateSO docs pWords
negi <- calculateSO docs nWords
(docs, posi - negi))
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