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Created January 22, 2016 19:14
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Anomaly Detection
//Finds the median
let median numbers =
let sorted = List.sort numbers
let n = float numbers.Length
let x = int (n/2.)
let mutable result = 0.0
if (float numbers.Length) % 2. = 0.0 then result <- float (numbers.[x] +
numbers.[x-1]) / 2.0
else result <- float numbers.[x]
//Finds the inter quartile range
let getIQRRange numbers =
let med = median numbers
let smaller = numbers |> List.filter (fun item -> item < med)
let bigger = numbers |> List.filter (fun item -> item > med)
let q1 = median smaller
let q3 = median bigger
let iqr = q3 - q1
(q1-1.5 * iqr, q3 + 1.5*iqr )
//Find the indices where the outliers occur
let findOutliers numbers =
let iqrRange = getIQRRange numbers
numbers |> List.mapi (fun index item -> if item < fst iqrRange || item > snd iqrRange
then index else -1)
|> List.filter (fun index -> index <> -1)
let stdDevList list =
let avg = List.average list
sqrt (List.fold (fun acc elem -> acc + (float elem - avg) ** 2.0 ) 0.0 list
/ float list.Length)
let zScores xs =
let x_bar = List.average xs
let s = stdDevList xs
let scores = xs |> ( fun x -> abs (x - x_bar) / s )
let findAnomalies (xs:float list) t =
let n = float xs.Length
let threshold = (( n - 1.)/(sqrt n)) * sqrt ( t ** 2. / ( n - 2. + t ** 2.))
let z_scores = zScores xs
xs |> List.mapi (fun i x -> if z_scores.[i] > threshold then i else - 1 )
|> List.filter (fun z -> z <> -1)
#load "...\packages\MathNet.Numerics.FSharp.3.10.0\MathNet.Numerics.fsx"
open MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra
//Returns the mean value of each column
let meanOf(x:(float list)list)=
let k = x.[0].Length - 1
let n = x.Length - 1
let revs = [for i in 0 .. n -> [0 .. k] |> t -> x.[i].[t])]
[0 .. k]|> (fun k -> List.average revs.[k])
//Gets the covariance matrix of the given matrix
let getCovarianceMatrix (x:(float list)list)=
let n = x.Length //Number of rows
let k = x.[0].Length//Number of columns
let mean = meanOf(x)//Mean of the rows returns a vector of k elements
//repmats is the repetition of mean row n times
let repmats = DenseMatrix.ofRowList [for i in 0 .. n - 1 -> mean]
let xC = (DenseMatrix.ofRowList x) - repmats
let covMat = (xC.Transpose() * xC).DivideByThis(float n)
//Converting multivariate data to univariate data
//so that Grubb's test can be used.
let toUnivariate (xs:(float list)list) =
let s = getCovarianceMatrix xs
let x_bar = meanOf xs
let mats = xs |> (fun x -> (x, DenseMatrix.ofRowList[x] -
DenseMatrix.ofRowList [x_bar]))
mats |> (fun elem -> (fst elem, (((snd elem) * s.Inverse()) *
(snd elem).Transpose()).At(0,0)))
let ys = toUnivariate [[2.;2.];[2.;5.];[6.;5.];[100.;345.]]
printfn "ys = %A" ys
let chiSquareStatistic xs es = xs es
|> (fun elem -> (fst elem,( (fst elem - snd elem ) ** 2.0)
/(fst elem)))
//Calculates mu j
let mu(x:(float list)list)(j:int)=
x |> ( fun xrow -> xrow.[j])
|> List.average
//The following function finds the square of the standard deviation
//of the jth feature: Calculates sigma squared j
let sigmaSqr(x:(float list)list)(j:int)=
x |> (fun xrow -> (xrow.[j] - mu x j) ** 2.0)
|> List.average
//Calculates the product of the probabilities
//for each feature.
let px (trainingSet:(float list)list)(xtest:float list)=
let n = trainingSet.Length
let root2pi = sqrt ( 2.0 * 3.14159)
let probs = [for i in 0 .. n - 1 -> (1./root2pi * sqrt(sigmaSqr trainingSet i)) * exp ( - (xtest.[i] - mu trainingSet i)/
(2.0 * sigmaSqr trainingSet i))]
let mutable pxValue = 1.0
probs |> (fun z -> pxValue <- pxValue * z) |> ignore
let data = [1;45;1;3;54;1;45;24;5;23;5;5]
let windowSize = 3
let series = [for i in 0 .. data.Length-windowSize ->
data |> Seq.skip i |> Seq.take 3 |> Seq.toList]
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