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Last active September 17, 2017 08:46
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  • Save sudoaza/a925ee51cd437f99419b6018d170d498 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Bruteforce bit by bit
from pwn import *
from math import *
def match(str_1, str_2):
s1 = bits(str_1)
s2 = bits(str_2)
for i in range(len(s1)):
if s1[i] != s2[i]:
return i-1
return i-1
def try_plain(plain):
# connect to remote
r = remote('', 40112)
# wait for prompt
r.recvline('Type you plain text:')
# send guess
# receive answer
answer = r.recvall()
# extract
m ='output: ([a-zA-Z0-9+/]+)',answer)
answer =
return answer
confirmed = []
cipher = "ypovStywDFkNEotWNc3AxtlL2IwWKuJA1qawdvYynITDDIpknntQR1gB+Nzl"
total_len = len(cipher) * 6
match_val = len(confirmed)
context.log_level = 'error'
i = 0
while True:
guess = bits(i)[-6:]
i += 1
pad = [0, 1] * ((total_len - len(confirmed + guess))/2)
plain = unbits(confirmed + guess + pad)
answer = try_plain(plain)
if ( match(cipher,answer) > match_val):
match_val = match(cipher,answer)
best_guess = guess
print match_val
print unbits(confirmed+best_guess)
print "doing it better !!!!!"
if i >= 64:
confirmed = confirmed + best_guess
i = 0
best_guess = 0
print 'end cicle'
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