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Last active April 30, 2024 03:28
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Save sudocarlos/49982cd4928abd4153da64900a268d81 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Download, configure and run Cloudflare tunnels for Start9 services
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Warn and prompt
read -p "Note, this script is reckless! You should not be exposing your Start9 the
Internet like this. This will allow Cloudflare to read all processed data.
Do you really want to continue?? [Y/N]" -n 1 -r
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
# Variables
BOLD=$(tput bold) # Start bold text
NORMAL=$(tput sgr0) # Stop bold text; turn off all attributes
# Place each domain.name_cert.pem in $HOME, example:
# $ ls $HOME
# domain1.com_cert.pem domain2.com_cert.pem
DOMAINS=('' '')
# SERVICES_FILE is a csv file, example:
# services.csv
# -----
# service,public_hostname,protocol,port
# btcpayserver,,http,
# mempool,,http,8080
# nostr,,http,8080
# nostr,,http,8080
# download and install cloudflared
curl -L --output cloudflared.deb &&
sudo dpkg -i cloudflared.deb
# This section deals with stopping cloudflared and removing installed services
## Stop cloudflared service
sudo systemctl stop cloudflared 2> /dev/null
## Remove cloudflared service
sudo cloudflared service uninstall 2> /dev/null
## Kill all clourdflared processes by id
CLOUDFLARED_PIDS=$(pidof cloudflared)
if [[ -n $CLOUDFLARED_PIDS ]]; then sudo kill $CLOUDFLARED_PIDS; fi
# Check if cert files exists for each domain
for DOMAIN in ${DOMAINS[@]}; do
if [[ -e ${HOME}/${DOMAIN}_cert.pem ]]; then
echo "INFO: ${HOME}/${DOMAIN}_cert.pem exists."
echo "${BOLD}WARN: ${HOME}/${DOMAIN}_cert.pem does not exist${NORMAL}. Running \`cloudflared tunnel login\`.."
sleep 5
rm -fv ${CLOUDFLARED_DIR}/cert.pem
cloudflared tunnel login
echo "INFO: Copying ${CLOUDFLARED_DIR}/cert.pem to ${HOME}/${DOMAIN}_cert.pem"
cp -fv ${CLOUDFLARED_DIR}/cert.pem ${HOME}/${DOMAIN}_cert.pem
## List and delete existing tunnels
echo "INFO: List and delete existing tunnels..."
EXISTING_TUNNELS=$(cloudflared tunnel --origincert ${HOME}/${DOMAIN}_cert.pem list | grep -ve 'You\|CREATED' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs)
cloudflared tunnel --origincert ${HOME}/${DOMAIN}_cert.pem info $TUNNEL
cloudflared tunnel --origincert ${HOME}/${DOMAIN}_cert.pem delete $TUNNEL
# Create tunnel and set TUNNEL_ID
TUNNEL_ID=$(cloudflared tunnel --origincert ${HOME}/${DOMAINS[0]}_cert.pem create ${TUNNEL_NAME} | grep Created | awk '{print $NF}')
# Begin creating tunnel config
echo "tunnel: ${TUNNEL_ID}" > ${TUNNEL_CONFIG}
echo -e "credentials-file: ${HOME}/${TUNNEL_ID}.json\n\ningress:" >> ${TUNNEL_CONFIG}
# Read the SERVICES_FILE and ignore the first line
# Set SERVICE_ADDRESS according to empty/non-empty PORT
if [[ -n ${PORT} ]]; then
# Write ingress rule entries to tunnels config
echo " - hostname: ${PUBLIC_HOSTNAME}" >> ${TUNNEL_CONFIG}
echo " service: ${SERVICE_ADDRESS}" >> ${TUNNEL_CONFIG}
# Add PUBLIC_HOSTNAME to tunnel routes using the correct domain certificate
for DOMAIN in ${DOMAINS[@]}; do
if [[ ${PUBLIC_HOSTNAME} == *"${DOMAIN}"* ]]; then
echo "INFO: Adding ${PUBLIC_HOSTNAME} to tunnel routes..."
cloudflared tunnel --origincert ${HOME}/${DOMAIN}_cert.pem route dns -f ${TUNNEL_ID} $PUBLIC_HOSTNAME
# Finish writing tunnel config
echo " - service: http_status:404" >> ${TUNNEL_CONFIG}
# Delete possible conflicting configuration
sudo rm -fv /etc/cloudflared/config.yml
# Install cloudflared service to systemctl
sudo cloudflared --config ${TUNNEL_CONFIG} -f service install
# Restart cloudflared service and display the status
sudo systemctl restart cloudflared.service
sudo systemctl status cloudflared.service
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sudocarlos commented Jul 3, 2023


Note, this script is reckless! You should not be exposing your Start9 the
Internet like this. This will allow Cloudflare to read all processed data.


I created this for myself and I really hope I didn't spend hours on something that someone has already done and shared (I guess I should have searched it a bit more), but either way I hope that someone will find this useful.


  1. Copy this file to your Start9
  2. Make this file executable chmod +x
  3. Create a CSV file following the format described starting line 16
  4. Modify the variables at the beginning of the file as necessary
  5. Ensure you have entered your domain names in line 14. Note, this is a bash array and will only work when multiple domains are managed by the same Cloudflare account.


  • Existing cloudflared tunnels are deleted. Based on what I've read online, the intended design is one tunnel per system.
  • This uninstalls the cloudflared.service and reinstalls it after building a new config
  • You may want to backup ~/.cloudflared, /root/.cloudflared, and /etc/cloudflared before using this script

Please provide any feedback you may have. Good luck!


2024-04-29 - Add prompt and warning
2023-11-14 - Suppress error message when attempting to stop and uninstall cloudflared
2023-11-14 - Use service hostname and remove docker command to get service IP address
2023-08-09 - Fixed failed kill output by adding a conditional
2023-07-07 - Fixed delete tunnels by moving it to the appropriate section

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That worked perfectly, thanks a lot!

Just a few small things.

  1. It seemed to be necessary to manually create the tunnel and install it in start9 initially. Otherwise, the script would fail.
  2. At first, I wasn't aware that the *_cert.pem file was the certificate created by cloudflared for the tunnel. I thought it was the client cert or origin server cert (since I am not that experienced in this kind of stuff)

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  1. When your StartOS reboots, cloudflared and foreign files are removed. If the script is run after a reboot, it will generate an error when it tries to stop and uninstall cloudflared because the service does not exist and is not running. These commands now run with 2> /dev/null to suppress related error messages.
  2. Not sure how to improve language around this. Any suggestions?

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Thank you for your response and for updating the script to use podman!
I see that you are (now?) copying the .pem file form the ${CLOUDFLARED_DIR}/cert.pem so it is not necessary to manually place the $HOME folder as described in line 10. Maybe the comment can be deleted?

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No, line 10 is just a comment saying that you should place those files in that directory. If the files are found there then the script will try to use them. If they are not found, then the script will generate a link to generate the file on Cloudflare and download it to your home directory with the expected filename. All of that happens in lines 40 - 60

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Oh I see, sorry my mistake.

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No apologies necessary, it means that my script could be more clear

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Stop using this

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