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Created May 22, 2024 05:35
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Analysis of Debian Preseed File

Analysis of Debian Preseed File

Some key things this preseed file covers:

User Accounts

  • It skips creation of a normal user account
  • It enables root login
  • It sets the root password using a pre-computed sha-512 hash:
d-i passwd/root-password-crypted password $6$H/WJeEJc$0HnpUXUtjPR/RMpD3qxvb.OGJgTY425jnZn6a9X0YrhGXyEifkR5kTJ20zpv9etzI0k.a9j2G4jMUZjx1XCIH0

System Configuration

  • It configures language/locale to English (United States)
  • It sets up networking details like hostname, domain, mirror
  • It configures the timezone to Europe/Warsaw
  • It automates disk partitioning to use entire disk with LVM

Software Selection

  • It installs only a minimal set of packages
  • It additionally installs the openssh-server package
  • After installation, it modifies /etc/ssh/sshd_config to permit root login over SSH

Password Hashing

The root password in the preseed file is stored not as plaintext, but as a cryptographic hash generated using the sha-512 algorithm. A few key points about this:

  1. One-Way Hash: SHA-512 is a one-way hash function, meaning the original password cannot be directly obtained or "decrypted" from the hash alone.

  2. Brute Force Required: The only way to determine the original password is through brute force attacks - guessing potential passwords, hashing them with SHA-512, and checking if the hashes match.

  3. Hash Format: The $6$ prefix in the hash string indicates it is a SHA-512 crypt hash as per RFC 7544 standard.

For example, the password "mypassword" hashed with SHA-512 would look like:


Directly reversing or "decrypting" such a hash is computationally infeasible. The only option is brute force guessing of the original password.

In summary, this preseed file automates a minimal Debian install with root login enabled and a pre-computed SHA-512 password hash set for the root account. Obtaining the plaintext password from the hash requires brute forcing it through exhaustive guessing attempts.

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