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Last active January 22, 2017 20:55
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This is a class for gathering information about the actual usage of MATL functions on
classdef MATLAnswer < handle
% MATLAnswer - class to represent a MATL answer
% This class works in conjunction with the Stack Exchange API
% to download MATL answers that were used to solve challenges
% on Using this class, you
% can gather usage statistics of various MATL functions.
% Including input/output argument specification.
% Fecthing All Answers
% answers = MATLAnswer.fetch();
% Fetching Answers After a Date
% recentAnswers = MATLAnswer.fetch('fromdate', '2016-03-01');
% Create Plots of Usage
% MATLAnswer.plots();
% Using the MATLAnswer Object
% answers = MATLAnswer.fetch();
% % Get a list of functions that are used
% funcs = functions(answers);
% % Get a list of input arguments used
% [inputargs, funcs] = specifiedInputs(answers);
% % Get a list of output arguments used
% [outputargs, funcs] = specifiedOutputs(answers);
% % Create a histogram of function usage
% h = functionHistogram(answers);
% % Create a histogram of meta function usage
% h = metaHistogram(answers);
% % Check which answers use a given function
% hasMod = uses(answers, '\');
% answers_with_mod = answers(hasMod);
% % Check which answers use a function with a specific input spec
% hasSpec = uses(answers, '2$l');
% two_input_ones_answers = answers(hasSpec);
% % Check which answers use a function with a specific out spec
% hasSpec = uses(answers, '2#f');
% two_output_find_answers = answers(hasSpec);
% % Open a browser to one of the answers
% open(answers(1))
% % Open a tab for each of the first four answers
% open(answers(1:4))
MetaData % additional metadata returned by the API
Source % MATL source code for the answer
Valid = true % Flag to indicate whether this is valid MATL
properties (Dependent)
Accepted % Whether an answer was accepted or not
Hyperlink % Link to the original answer
ID % ID of the answer
Score % Score of the answer
QuestionID % ID of the question
CreationDate % Date an answer was initially created
LastActivity % Date an answer was last edited
Owner % ID of the owner of the question
URL % URL of the answer
properties (Hidden, Constant)
% The URL to the stackexchange API
API_URL = '';
properties (Hidden)
Parts % Results of matl_parse on the source code
function self = MATLAnswer(metadata)
% MATLAnswer - constructor for the MATLAnswer class
% A = MATLAnswer(metadata)
% metadata: Struct, information returned from the stack
% exchange API.
% A: Handle, Handle to the MATLAnswer object.
% If an array of metadata structs are passed in, create a
% MATLAnswer object for each of them
if numel(metadata) > 1
objs = arrayfun(@MATLAnswer, metadata, 'uni', 0);
self = reshape(cat(1, objs{:}), size(metadata));
% Store the metadata
self.MetaData = metadata;
% Extract the source code component. For this we use
% <pre><code> in the HTML rather than the Markdown just because
% code can be posted as either indented or surrounded by ``. We
% use the HTML so SO can deal with that conversion for us.
% We also grab the first code block (with no newlines). This
% prevents us from grabbing explanation text if it is in a
% separate or the same codeblock.
pattern = '(?<=<pre><code>[\s\n]*)[^\n]*';
code = regexp(metadata.body, pattern, 'match', 'once');
% Now convert any HTML encoded symbols (<, >, &, etc.)
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
self.Source = char(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(code));
% Now use the MATL parser to actually parse the source code
self.Parts = matl_parse(self.Source, false);
catch ME
% If there was a parse error, then just mark as invalid
if strncmpi(ME.identifier, 'MATL:parser', 11)
self.Valid = false;
function [f, ind] = functions(self)
% functions - List of functions that are used by the answers
% This listing excludes all literal numbers and literal
% strings.
% [F, ind] = functions(self)
% self: Handle, Scalar or array of MATLAnswer objects
% F: [1 x N] Cell Array, Strings representing all
% functions that were used by any of the MATLAnswer
% objects passed to the function.
% ind: [1 x N] Array, Indices into the input object
% indicating which object used a particular function.
% If an array was passed in, parse each entry and concatenate
% the results.
if numel(self) > 1
f = arrayfun(@functions, self, 'uni', 0);
% Figure out how many outputs were from each object
ind = repelem(1:numel(f), cellfun(@numel, f));
f = cat(2, f{:});
% This is going to exclude number literals and string literals
toexclude = {'literal.number', 'literal.string'};
isliteral = ismember({self.Parts.type}, toexclude);
f = {self.Parts(~isliteral).source};
ind = ones(size(f));
function [inputs, funcs, inds] = specifiedInputs(self)
% specifiedInputs - Get all instances where $ was used
% This function returns all instances where $ was used to
% indicate the number of input arguments. The result is a
% cell array indicating what the preceding value for $ was as
% well as the function for which $ was being used.
% [inputs, functions, inds] = specifiedInputs(self)
% self: Handle, Scalar or array of MATLAnswer objects
% inputs: [1 x N] Cell Array, Cell array containing what
% the specified number of inputs actually was.
% All values (even if numeric) are returned as
% strings for consistency.
% functions: [1 x N] Cell Array, Strings corresponding to
% the previous output variable which indicate
% which MATL function the input specification was
% applied to.
% inds: [1 x N] Array, Index values corresponding to
% which of the input objects each of the outputs
% belongs to.
% If an array of answers were provided, compute this for all of
% them and concatenate the results
if numel(self) > 1
[I, F] = arrayfun(@specifiedInputs, self, 'uni', 0);
inds = repelem(1:numel(I), cellfun(@numel, I));
inputs = cat(2, I{:});
funcs = cat(2, F{:});
% Find all usages of $ (metaFunction.inSpec)
isInput = ismember({self.Parts.type}, 'metaFunction.inSpec');
% Find the numbers that preceded $
inputs = self.findNumericInputs(self.Parts, isInput, self);
% Find the first function call after each $ usage
funcs = self.findNextFunction(self.Parts, isInput);
% Remove empty results (ones which failed validation)
toremove = cellfun('isempty', inputs);
inputs(toremove) = [];
funcs(toremove) = [];
% Filler for the indices
inds = ones(size(inputs));
function [outputs, funcs, inds] = specifiedOutputs(self)
% specifiedOutputs - Get all instances where # was used
% This function returns all instances where $ was used to
% indicate the number of input arguments. The result is a
% cell array indicating what the preceding value for $ was as
% well as the function for which $ was being used.
% [outputs, functions, inds] = specifiedOutputs(self)
% self: Handle, Scalar or array of MATLAnswer objects
% ouptuts: [1 x N] Cell Array, Cell array containing what
% the specified number of outputs actually was.
% All values (even if numeric) are returned as
% strings for consistency.
% functions: [1 x N] Cell Array, Strings corresponding to
% the previous output variable which indicate
% which MATL function the output specification
% was applied to.
% inds: [1 x N] Array, Index values corresponding to
% which of the input objects each of the outputs
% belongs to.
% If an array of answers were provided, compute this for all of
% them and concatenate the results
if numel(self) > 1
[outs, F] = arrayfun(@specifiedOutputs, self, 'uni', 0);
inds = repelem(1:numel(outs), cellfun(@numel, outs));
outputs = cat(2, outs{:});
funcs = cat(2, F{:});
% Find all usages of # (metaFunction.outSpec)
isOutput = ismember({self.Parts.type}, 'metaFunction.outSpec');
% Find the number that preceded #
outputs = self.findNumericInputs(self.Parts, isOutput, self);
% Find the first function call after each # usage
funcs = self.findNextFunction(self.Parts, isOutput);
% Remove empty results (ones which failed validation)
toremove = cellfun('isempty', outputs);
outputs(toremove) = [];
funcs(toremove) = [];
% Filler for the indices
inds = ones(size(outputs));
function stat = open(self, browser, new)
% open - Opens a given answer in the MATLAB browser
% stat = open(self, browser, new)
% browser: Logical, Indicates whether to use the system
% browser (true) or not (false) [Default = false]
% new: Logical, Indicates whether to open the answer
% in a new tab (true) or not (false). If an array
% of answers are provided, this open is ignored
% and a tab is opened per answer. [Default =
% true]
% stat: Integer, Indicates the status of the 'web'
% command in MATLAB. See built-in help for 'web'
% for more information
flags = {};
system_browser = exist('browser', 'var') && browser;
if system_browser
flags{end+1} = '-browser';
elseif (~exist('new', 'var') || new) || numel(self) > 1
flags{end+1} = '-new';
% Find the answers with unique URLs
stat = cellfun(@(x)web(x, flags{:}), {self.URL});
function bool = uses(self, func)
% uses - Determines whether the answer uses a specific function
% This method determines whether a given MATL answer uses a
% particular function. In addition to a standard function
% name, you can specify the input/output spec to filter the
% result to only those answers that use that function AND use
% the specified input/output spec.
% bool = uses(self, func)
% func: String, Function to check usage for. This can
% either be a plain function call (i.e. 'f') or a
% function with a specific input spec (i.e. '2$f') or
% output spec (i.e. '2#f')
% bool: Logical, A logical array where the value is true if
% the function was used in a particular answer or
% false if it was not. This is an array the same size
% as the object array passed to this function.
if numel(self) > 1
bool = arrayfun(@(x)uses(x, func), self);
% First check to see if input or output spec is here.
parts = matl_parse(func, false);
% Remove the implicit ones
parts = parts(~[parts.implicit]);
% First check for the function
isFunction = ismember({parts.type}, 'function');
if sum(isFunction) > 1
error(sprintf('%s:InvalidInput', mfilename), ...
'You can only specify one function');
elseif ~any(isFunction)
error(sprintf('%s:InvalidInput', mfilename), ...
'You must specify one function');
func = parts(isFunction).source;
% Now look at functions
funcs = functions(self);
bool = ismember(func, funcs);
if ~bool; return; end
% Check for input spec
[tf, ind] = ismember('metaFunction.inSpec', {parts.type});
if tf
% Then filter the results
nInputs = parts(ind-1).source;
[inSpec, funcs] = specifiedInputs(self);
% Look for where the function and spec match
ismatch = ismember(inSpec, nInputs) & ...
ismember(funcs, func);
bool = bool && any(ismatch);
if ~bool; return; end
[tf, ind] = ismember('metaFunction.outSpec', {parts.type});
if tf
nOutputs = parts(ind-1).source;
[outSpec, funcs] = specifiedOutputs(self);
ismatch = ismember(outSpec, nOutputs) & ...
ismember(funcs, func);
bool = bool && any(ismatch);
if ~bool; return; end
function h = functionHistogram(self)
% functionHistogram - Create an image showing function usage
% h = functionHistogram(self)
% self: Handle, Scalar or array of MATLAnswer objects
% h: Graphics Handle, handle to the pcolor plot
% object showing the histogram.
% Get a list of all functions that are used
F = functions(self);
% All possible functions and modifiers
rows = ['!"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@', ...
rows = num2cell(rows);
modifiers = {'', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'};
% Compute the number of occurances for each one
results = zeros(numel(rows) + 1, numel(modifiers) + 1);
for k = 1:numel(modifiers)
combos = strcat(modifiers{k}, rows);
[~, inds] = ismember(F, combos);
for m = 1:numel(combos)
results(m,k) = sum(inds == m);
% Show the histogram image
h = self.histogramImage(results, modifiers, rows);
% Update the title
title('MATL Function Usage')
function h = metaHistogram(self, varargin)
% metaHistogram - Create an image showing metafunction usage
% h = metaHistogram(self)
% self: Handle, Scalar or array of MATLAnswer objects
% h: Graphics Handle, handle to the pcolor plot
% object showing the histogram.
% Get all input specifications
[inputs, inputfuncs] = specifiedInputs(self);
% Get all output specifications
[outputs, outputfuncs] = specifiedOutputs(self);
% Add $ to all input specs and # to all output specs and sort
[inputs, iind] = sort(strcat(inputs, '$'));
[outputs, oind] = sort(strcat(outputs, '#'));
% Apply the sorting to the function names as well
inputfuncs = inputfuncs(iind);
outputfuncs = outputfuncs(oind);
% Combine the input/output data
nargs = cat(1, inputs(:), outputs(:));
funcs = cat(1, inputfuncs(:), outputfuncs(:));
% Now compute the histogram
[uniqueArgs, ~, ib] = unique(nargs, 'stable');
[uniqueFunctions, ~, fb] = unique(funcs);
results = zeros(numel(uniqueFunctions)+1, numel(uniqueArgs)+1);
for k = 1:numel(uniqueFunctions)
for m = 1:numel(uniqueArgs)
results(k,m) = sum(ib == m & fb == k);
% Display the histogram
h = self.histogramImage(results, uniqueArgs, uniqueFunctions);
% Now draw a thick vertical line between inputs/outputs
xpos = numel(unique(inputs(:))) + 1;
ylims = get(gca, 'ylim');
plot([xpos, xpos], ylims, 'Color', 'k', 'linewidth', 3)
% Update title/labels
title('MATL Meta-Function Usage')
xlabel('Explicit Number Inputs/Outputs')
%--- Getters and Setters ---%
function res = get.Hyperlink(self)
% Convert the hyperlink to a clickable link
url = self.URL;
res = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', url, url);
function res = get.URL(self)
format = '';
res = sprintf(format, self.MetaData.answer_id);
function res = get.ID(self)
res = self.MetaData.answer_id;
function res = get.Score(self)
res = self.MetaData.score;
function res = get.QuestionID(self)
res = self.MetaData.question_id;
function res = get.CreationDate(self)
dt = self.MetaData.creation_date;
res = datetime(dt, 'ConvertFrom', 'epochtime');
function res = get.LastActivity(self)
dt = self.MetaData.last_activity_date;
res = datetime(dt, 'ConvertFrom', 'epochtime');
function res = get.Accepted(self)
res = self.MetaData.is_accepted;
function res = get.Owner(self)
res = self.MetaData.owner.user_id;
methods (Static, Access = 'protected')
function h = histogramImage(data, xlabels, ylabels)
% histogramImage - Creates a histogram-based image w/ labels
% This helper function creates a pcolor instance showing the
% 2D histogram that is passed to it. The color scales from 1
% (white) to the max (dark green). Any zeros are shown as
% gray.
% h = MATLAnswer.histogramImage(data, xlabels, ylabels)
% data: [M x N] Matrix, Contains the number of counts for
% each 2D bin
% xlabels: [1 x N] Cell Array, Labels for the x dimension
% of the histogram
% ylabels: [1 x M] Cell Array, Labels for the y dimension
% of the histogram
% h: Graphics Handle, handle to the pcolor plot that
% was generated.
% Determine the default width/height of the figure window
height = max(300, size(data, 1) * 20);
width = max(300, size(data, 2) * 30);
figure('Position', [0 0 width height]);
% Create the pcolor plot
h = pcolor(data);
% Compute the colormap to use
N = max(data(:));
CMAP = [linspace(1, 0, N); ...
linspace(1, 0.5, N); ...
linspace(1, 0, N)].';
% Use gray for zero usages
CMAP = cat(1, [0.8 0.8 0.8], CMAP);
% Apply the colormap
% Place x/y labels as requested
xpos = (1:size(data, 2)) + 0.5;
ypos = (1:size(data, 1)) + 0.5;
[xx,yy] = meshgrid(xpos, ypos);
set(gca, 'xtick', xpos, 'xticklabels', xlabels, ...
'ytick', ypos, 'yticklabels', ylabels, ...
'LooseInset', [0 0 0 0], ...
'OuterPosition', [0 0 1 1]);
hold on
% Default text properties
args = {'VerticalAlignment', 'middle', ...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', ...
'FontWeight', 'bold'};
% Place all numeric labels (when non-zero)
for k = 1:numel(data)
if data(k)
text(xx(k), yy(k), num2str(data(k)), args{:});
% Polish up the axes and figure
set(gca, 'ydir', 'reverse', 'fontweight', 'bold')
set(gcf, 'PaperPositionMode', 'auto')
function funcs = findNextFunction(data, functionIndex)
% findNextFunction - Finds the next available function call
% Given an index, this function seeks to find the next
% function call and returns the name of that function.
% funcs = MATLAnswer.findNextFunction(data, index)
% data: [1 x N] Struct, An array of structs where each
% entry is an entry from matl_parse. This is used to
% find the next function.
% index: [1 x N] Logical, or [1 x M] Integer, Reference
% index which indicates which entry in data we should
% use as the reference point for finding the next
% function.
% funcs: [1 x M] Cell Array, An array of function names that
% were found to follow the specified indices.
% Convert logical values to index-based values
if islogical(functionIndex)
functionIndex = find(functionIndex);
% Figure out which of the parse values are actually functions
isFunction = find(ismember({data.type}, 'function'));
funcs = cell(1, numel(functionIndex));
% Find the next closest function after the current one
for k = 1:numel(functionIndex)
nextind = min(isFunction(isFunction > functionIndex(k)));
funcs{k} = data(nextind).source;
function inputs = findNumericInputs(data, functionIndex, obj)
% findNumericInputs - Find the number that precedes a function
% This function is used to identify the number which precedes
% a function, specifically $ or #. If it encounters a
% function such as q, Q, or t instead of an actual number, an
% attempt is made to look back in the stack for the number
% literal.
% inputs = findNumericInputs(data, index, obj)
% data: [1 x N] Struct, An array of structs where each
% entry is an entry from matl_parse. This is used to
% find the preceding number literal.
% index: [1 x N Logical or [1 x M] Integer, Reference
% index which indicates which entry in data we should
% use as the reference for finding the preceding
% number literal.
% inputs: [1 x M] Cell Array, The number literal (as a
% string) that was found to preceded each entry
% specified by index.
% Convert logical indices into actual index values
if islogical(functionIndex)
functionIndex = find(functionIndex);
% Now locate the previous entry before the function
previous = data(functionIndex - 1);
inputs = cell(1, numel(previous));
for k = 1:numel(previous)
switch previous(k).type
% For number literals and logicals, use as-is
case {'literal.number', 'literal.logicalRowArray'}
inputs{k} = previous(k).source;
case 'function'
% Check to see if this function is a pre-defined
% number (H, I, K, N, etc.)
num = MATLAnswer.predefinedNumber(previous(k).source);
% If it was a pre-defined literal go to the next
if ~isempty(num)
inputs{k} = num;
% Otherwise we have a stack manipulation that we
% will try to work with
if ismember(previous(k).source, {'q', 't', 'Q'})
% Now we can go get the previous value
prevPrevious = data(functionIndex(k) - 2);
% Convert to a number (if possible)
num = MATLAnswer.predefinedNumber(prevPrevious.source);
if ~isempty(num)
switch previous(k).source
case 'q' % Decrement by 1
increment = -1;
case 't' % Duplicate
increment = 0;
case 'Q' % Increment by 1
increment = 1;
% Special case when input is `N`
if isequal(num, 'N')
inputs{k} = [num, previous(k).source];
% Attempt to apply the increment
num = str2double(num) + increment;
% If there was a NaN something went wrong
if ~isnan(num)
inputs{k} = num2str(num);
% If we haven't parsed it, warn and move on
throwWarning(previous(k).source, obj)
% If this is something we didn't account for, warn
% and move onto the next
throwWarning(previous(k).source, obj)
function throwWarning(src, obj)
% throws a warning with helpful debug info
warning('Unexpected input argument: %s', src);
function num = predefinedNumber(src)
% Converts the source to a number literal (if possible)
% num = MATLAnswer.predefinedNumber(src)
% src: String, Source that we want to attempt to convert
% to a number literal.
% num: String, Number literal (if possible), otherwise an
% empty array is returned.
% Map all functions that are pre-defined number litearls
mapper = {'O', '0';
'l', '1';
'H', '2';
'I', '3';
'K', '4';
'N', 'N'};
% First try to convert if already a number literal
if ~isnan(str2double(src))
num = src;
% Now look to map pre-defined functions to number literals
[tf, ind] = ismember(src, mapper(:,1));
if tf
num = mapper{ind, 2};
% Return an empty string if this fails
num = [];
function data = getData(url, varargin)
% getData - Makes a call to the API URL to retrieve data
% data = MATLAnswer.getData(url, varargin)
% url: String, URL to query, expects a JSON response
% varargin: Any additional parameters to pass to webread
% to perform the query.
% data: [M x 1] Cell Array, Each element contains a
% single object returned by webread.
% Default parameters to pass to the API
params = {'order', 'desc', ...
'sort', 'creation', ...
'pagesize', 100, ...
'site', 'codegolf'};
% Loop until we have all records
resp.has_more = true;
page = 1;
data = {};
while resp.has_more
resp = webread(url, params{:}, 'page', page, varargin{:});
% If an array of structs was returned, convert to a cell
% array for consistency
if ~iscell(resp.items)
resp.items = num2cell(resp.items);
% Concatenate all data
data = cat(1, data, resp.items(:));
page = page + 1;
methods (Static)
function plots(varargin)
% plots - Create (and save) histogram plots
% MATLAnswer.plots(varargin)
% varargin: ..., Same inputs as to MATLAnswer.fetch()
answers = MATLAnswer.fetch(varargin{:});
print(gcf, 'MATL.Functions.png', '-dpng', '-r300');
print(gcf, 'MATL.Meta.Usage.png', '-dpng', '-r300');
function res = fetch(ignore, varargin)
% fetch - Fetch all current answers and return MATLAnswer's
% This static method requests all current MATL answers using
% the stack exchange API and parses the result into an array
% of MATLAnswer objects. These objects can then be used to
% understand and visualize the way that MATL functions are
% currently being used.
% R = MATLAnswer.fetch(toignore, pvpairs)
% R = MATLAnswer.fetch(pvpairs)
% toignore: [1 x N] Array, Array of question IDs to ignore.
% By default we ignore cops/robbers threads as
% those never parse correctly due to the usage of
% # as an unknown character place-holder. Any
% specific question ID can be placed here.
% pvpairs: Parameter/value pairs, Any additional inputs
% that should be passed to the API to filter the
% result.
% R: [M x 1] Object, Array of MATLAnswer objects
% which can be used to gather current MATL usage
% statistics.
if exist('ignore', 'var') && ischar(ignore)
% Then no ignores were specified
varargin = cat(2, ignore, varargin);
clear ignore
if ~exist('ignore', 'var')
% Ignore all of the answers that were posted in
% cops/robbers questions due to stray #
ignore = 77419;
% Look in search/excerpts for MATL occurances
url = strcat(MATLAnswer.API_URL, '/search/excerpts');
answers = MATLAnswer.getData(url, 'q', 'MATL', varargin{:});
% Determine which ones are *actual* answers (start with MATL)
isAnswer = cellfun(@(x)strcmp(x.item_type, 'answer'), answers);
answers = answers(isAnswer);
% Convert the cell array of structs into an array of structs
% now that they are all answers
answers = cat(1, answers{:});
isMATL = ~cellfun(@isempty, regexp({answers.body}, '^MATL'));
answers = answers(isMATL);
% Now we want the actual content from the answers
% The URL should have a semi-colon separated list of all
% answers IDs that we care about. We only want to pass 100 at a
% time though
allanswers = {};
chunksize = 100;
for k = 1:ceil(numel(answers) / chunksize)
chunk = answers(((k - 1) * chunksize + 1) : ...
(min(k * chunksize - 1, numel(answers))));
ids = sprintf('%d;', chunk.answer_id);
url = strcat(MATLAnswer.API_URL, '/answers/', ids(1:end-1));
data = MATLAnswer.getData(url, 'filter', '!9YdnSM64y');
allanswers = cat(1, allanswers, data);
% Remove entries with last_edit_date and community_owned_date
% since it's not present in all results
for k = 1:numel(allanswers)
if isfield(allanswers{k}, 'last_edit_date')
allanswers{k} = rmfield(allanswers{k}, 'last_edit_date');
if isfield(allanswers{k}, 'community_owned_date')
allanswers{k} = rmfield(allanswers{k}, 'community_owned_date');
answers = cat(1, allanswers{:});
% Ignore answers that were in the ignored list
toremove = ismember([answers.question_id], ignore);
answers(toremove) = [];
% Now create an object instance for each answer
res = MATLAnswer(answers);
% Remove entries which were considered to be invalid
res = res([res.Valid]);
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