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Last active May 14, 2017 12:06
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  • Save suewonjp/32af159a63378b8bea42f737507cd441 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save suewonjp/32af159a63378b8bea42f737507cd441 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
## Preconditions;
## 1: Destination (Github) repository name == Source (local) repository name
## 2: [IMPORTANT!!!] Those two repositories (for GitHub & local) should be created prior to running this script
if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then
echo "Usage : $scriptName [repo name] [github user name] [remote alias]"
exit 0
userName="${2:-suewonjp}" ## Customize default value as you wish
remoteAlias="${3:-github}" ## Customize default value as you wish
echo "$scriptName : srcRepoPath=${srcRepoPath}"
echo "$scriptName : userName=${userName}"
echo "$scriptName : remoteAlias=${remoteAlias}"
## Of course, the source repository should exist!
[ -d "${srcRepoPath}" ] && {
cd "${srcRepoPath}"
[ -d .git ] || {
echo "$scriptName [ERROR] : The directory [ ${srcRepoPath} ] is NOT a git repository"
exit 1
cd - > /dev/null 2>&1
} || {
echo "$scriptName [ERROR] : The directory [ ${srcRepoPath} ] doesn't exist!"
exit 1
type wget || {
echo "$scriptName [ERROR] : wget is required! Please, install it first"
exit 1
wget --spider "${dstRepo}" || {
echo "$scriptName [ERROR] : The remote repository [ ${dstRepo} ] doesn't exist!"
exit 1
## Create a temporary directory for a bare clone to push
tmpDir=~/Downloads/__tmp__$( date "+%y-%m-%d_%Hh%Mm%Ss" )
mkdir -p "${tmpDir}"
trap 'rm -rf "${tmpDir}"' 0
cd "${tmpDir}"
## Create a bare clone of the source repository
git clone --bare "${srcRepoPath}"
## Push the bare repository to GitHub using the "mirror" option,
## which ensures that all references, such as branches and tags are copied to the destination repository
cd "${srcRepo}".git
git push --mirror "${dstRepo}"
## Move to the source repository
cd "${srcRepoPath}"
## Add the destination Github repository as remote
git remote add "${remoteAlias}" "${dstRepo}"
## Confirm the remote has been properly added
git remote -v
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suewonjp commented Feb 2, 2017

say that you have a local git repo named MyAweomeProject

  1. First, manually create your repo at github ( the name of the github repo should be MyAweomeProject )

  2. Run the script /path/to/MyAwesomeProject

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