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Last active January 17, 2018 11:50
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[DFA] Deterministic Finite Automata in Haskell
module DFA where
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
data Transition i a = Transition a (State i a)
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
data State i a = State
{ identifier :: i
, isFinalState :: Bool
, adjacentStates :: [Transition i a]
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
-- transition to a state s by c
transition :: (Eq a) => State i a -> a -> Maybe (State i a)
transition (State _ _ []) c = Nothing
transition (State _ _ ((Transition c' s):ss)) c
| c == c' = Just s
| otherwise = transition (State u u ss) c
where u = undefined
-- check if a DFA accepts a word
accepts :: (Eq i, Eq a) => State i a -> [a] -> Bool
accepts (State _ True _) [] = True
accepts (State _ False _) [] = False
accepts s (c:cs)
| s' == Nothing = False
| otherwise = accepts (fromJust s') cs
where s' = s `transition` c
-- log transitions
logTransitions' :: (Show i, Show a, Eq i, Eq a) => State i a -> [a] -> IO ()
logTransitions' (State i True _) [] = putStrLn "Accepted"
logTransitions' (State i False _) [] = putStrLn "Failed, not a final state"
logTransitions' s (c:cs)
| s' == Nothing = putStrLn $ "No possible transition by " ++ (show c)
| otherwise = do putStrLn $ "Transitioned by " ++ (show c) ++ " to state " ++ (show i)
logTransitions' s'' cs
where s' = s `transition` c
s''@(State i _ _) = fromJust s'
logTransitions :: (Show i, Show a, Eq i, Eq a) => State i a -> [a] -> IO ()
logTransitions s@(State i _ _) cs = do putStrLn $ "Started at state " ++ (show i)
logTransitions' s cs
import DFA
-- DFA for binary numbers divisible by 2
divisibleTwoDFA :: State String Char
divisibleTwoDFA = s0
where s0 = State "s0" True [Transition '0' s0, Transition '1' s1]
s1 = State "s1" False [Transition '0' s0, Transition '1' s1]
-- DFA for a*b*
abDFA :: State String Char
abDFA = s0
where s0 = State "s0" True [Transition 'a' s1, Transition 'b' s2]
s1 = State "s1" True [Transition 'a' s1, Transition 'b' s2]
s2 = State "s2" True [Transition 'b' s2]
-- DFA for (00*) + (11*)
zeroesOrOnesDFA :: State String Char
zeroesOrOnesDFA = s0
where s0 = State "s0" False [Transition '0' s2, Transition '1' s1]
s1 = State "s1" True [Transition '0' s3, Transition '0' s1]
s2 = State "s2" True [Transition '0' s2, Transition '1' s3]
s3 = State "s3" False [Transition '0' s3, Transition '1' s3]
-- DFA for (ba*) + (ab + ba)*
moreAsBsDFA :: State String Char
moreAsBsDFA = s0
where s0 = State "s0" True [Transition 'a' s5, Transition 'b' s1]
s1 = State "s1" True [Transition 'a' s2]
s2 = State "s2" True [Transition 'a' s3, Transition 'b' s7]
s3 = State "s3" True [Transition 'a' s4, Transition 'b' s6]
s4 = State "s4" True [Transition 'a' s4]
s5 = State "s5" False [Transition 'b' s6]
s6 = State "s6" True [Transition 'a' s5, Transition 'b' s7]
s7 = State "s7" False [Transition 'a' s6]
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