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Last active March 12, 2018 01:04
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Tic-Tac-Toe MinMax in Haskell
module MinMax where
import Data.List (minimumBy)
-- a game of tic-tac-toe
--- load this file in ghci, and enter
--- 'ticTacToe' in the prompt
type Token = Char
data Row = Row Token Token Token
data Board = Board Row Row Row
instance Show Row where
show (Row x y z) = [x] ++ "|" ++ [y] ++ "|" ++ [z]
instance Show Board where
show (Board r1 r2 r3) = "\n" ++
show r1 ++
"\n-----\n" ++
show r2 ++
"\n-----\n" ++
show r3 ++
ticTacToe :: IO ()
ticTacToe = (humanPlay . cpuPlay) newBoard
rowMoves :: Row -> Token -> [Row]
rowMoves row tok = (playM row) ++ (playL row) ++ (playR row)
where playL (Row ' ' y z) = [Row tok y z]
playL _ = []
playM (Row x ' ' z) = [Row x tok z]
playM _ = []
playR (Row x y ' ') = [Row x y tok]
playR _ = []
moves :: Board -> Token -> [Board]
moves (Board r1 r2 r3) tok = b2 ++ b1 ++ b3
where b1 = fmap (\r -> Board r r2 r3) $ rowMoves r1 tok
b2 = fmap (\r -> Board r1 r r3) $ rowMoves r2 tok
b3 = fmap (\r -> Board r1 r2 r) $ rowMoves r3 tok
utility :: Board -> Float
utility board@(Board _ (Row _ middle _) _)
| win == 'X' = 1.0
| win == 'O' = -1.0
| middle == 'X' = 0.5
| middle == 'O' = -0.5
| otherwise = 0.0
where win = winpos board
cpuPlay :: Board -> Board
cpuPlay board = bestMove
where plays = fmap (\b -> (minmax b, b)) $ moves board circle
(_,bestMove) = minimumBy cmp plays
cmp (x,_) (y,_) = compare x y
humanPlay :: Board -> IO ()
humanPlay board = do
putBoard board
if winpos board /= empty then do
if isTie board then do
putStrLn "O ties with X!"
else do
putStrLn "O wins!"
else do
pos <- readPos board
let newBoard = place board pos
if winpos newBoard /= empty then do
if isTie newBoard then do
putStrLn "O ties with X!"
else do
putStrLn "X wins!"
else do
(humanPlay . cpuPlay) newBoard
readPos :: Board -> IO (Int, Int)
readPos board = do
putStr "Where will you play (x, y)? "
move <- getLine
let coords@(x, y) = read move :: (Int, Int)
if x < 0 || x > 2 || y < 0 || y > 2 || inPos board (x, y) then do
putStrLn "Invalid position..."
readPos board
else return coords
inPos :: Board -> (Int, Int) -> Bool
inPos (Board (Row t1 t2 t3) (Row t4 t5 t6) (Row t7 t8 t9)) (x, y)
| x == 0 && y == 0 = t1 /= empty
| x == 1 && y == 0 = t2 /= empty
| x == 2 && y == 0 = t3 /= empty
| x == 0 && y == 1 = t4 /= empty
| x == 1 && y == 1 = t5 /= empty
| x == 2 && y == 1 = t6 /= empty
| x == 0 && y == 2 = t7 /= empty
| x == 1 && y == 2 = t8 /= empty
| x == 2 && y == 2 = t9 /= empty
place :: Board -> (Int, Int) -> Board
place (Board (Row t1 t2 t3) (Row t4 t5 t6) (Row t7 t8 t9)) (x, y)
| x == 0 && y == 0 = Board (Row cross t2 t3) (Row t4 t5 t6) (Row t7 t8 t9)
| x == 1 && y == 0 = Board (Row t1 cross t3) (Row t4 t5 t6) (Row t7 t8 t9)
| x == 2 && y == 0 = Board (Row t1 t2 cross) (Row t4 t5 t6) (Row t7 t8 t9)
| x == 0 && y == 1 = Board (Row t1 t2 t3) (Row cross t5 t6) (Row t7 t8 t9)
| x == 1 && y == 1 = Board (Row t1 t2 t3) (Row t4 cross t6) (Row t7 t8 t9)
| x == 2 && y == 1 = Board (Row t1 t2 t3) (Row t4 t5 cross) (Row t7 t8 t9)
| x == 0 && y == 2 = Board (Row t1 t2 t3) (Row t4 t5 t6) (Row cross t8 t9)
| x == 1 && y == 2 = Board (Row t1 t2 t3) (Row t4 t5 t6) (Row t7 cross t9)
| x == 2 && y == 2 = Board (Row t1 t2 t3) (Row t4 t5 t6) (Row t7 t8 cross)
isTie :: Board -> Bool
isTie (Board r1 r2 r3) = rowNotNull r1 && rowNotNull r2 && rowNotNull r3
where rowNotNull (Row t1 t2 t3) = t1 /= empty && t2 /= empty && t3 /= empty
minmax :: Board -> Float
minmax = minval 2.0 . (\board -> moves board circle)
minval :: Float -> [Board] -> Float
minval s = foldr (\b bs -> min (maxval (utility b) $ moves b cross) bs) s
maxval :: Float -> [Board] -> Float
maxval s = foldr (\b bs -> max (minval (utility b) $ moves b circle) bs) s
winpos :: Board -> Token
winpos (Board (Row t1 t2 t3) (Row t4 t5 t6) (Row t7 t8 t9))
| t1 == t2 && t2 == t3 = t1 -- horizontal
| t4 == t5 && t5 == t6 = t4
| t7 == t8 && t8 == t9 = t7
| t1 == t4 && t4 == t7 = t1 -- vertical
| t2 == t5 && t5 == t8 = t2
| t3 == t6 && t6 == t9 = t3
| t1 == t5 && t5 == t9 = t1 -- diagonal
| t3 == t5 && t5 == t7 = t3
| otherwise = empty
newBoard :: Board
newBoard = Board emptyRow emptyRow emptyRow
where emptyRow = Row empty empty empty
putBoard :: Board -> IO ()
putBoard = (\(_:board) -> putStr board) . show
cross :: Token
cross = 'X'
circle :: Token
circle = 'O'
empty :: Token
empty = ' '
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