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Last active December 18, 2015 04:49
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  • Save sugar84/5728083 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sugar84/5728083 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple xmpp bot, post all log message from dir to specified jabber accounts
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin qw/$Bin/;
use lib "$Bin/../..";
use POSIX qw/setsid/;
use File::Basename qw/basename/;
use AnyEvent;
use AnyEvent::XMPP::Client;
use constant DEBUG => 0;
my $config = {
pid_file => "$Bin/",
log_file => "$Bin/notificator.log",
log_dir => '/tmp/logs',
src_accs => [
jid => '',
jid_pass => 'kill all humans!',
recipients => [
my ($client, $error, $main_timer, $cv, $reconn_timer, $start_timer);
$cv = AE::cv;
$client = AnyEvent::XMPP::Client->new;
for my $acc ( @{$config->{src_accs}} ) {
$reconn_timer = 1;
session_ready => sub {
my ($client, $acc) = @_;
debug("connected to " . $acc->jid);
undef $reconn_timer;
undef $start_timer;
unless ($main_timer) {
$main_timer = AE::timer( 1, 30, \&main_loop);
error => sub {
my ($client, $acc, $err) = @_;
$error = $err->string;
error("some error: $error");
disconnect => sub {
my ($client, $acc, $h, $p, $reas) = @_;
return if $reconn_timer;
error("disconnected: " . $reas);
my $reset_timer;
$reconn_timer = AE::timer(1, 10, sub {
warning("try to restart connection");
$start_timer = AE::timer(1, 15, sub {
debug("try to connect to all accounts");
info("the end\n");
sub main_loop {
if ($client->get_connected_accounts) {
info("have connected accounts");
else {
warning("no connected accounts");
while (my $log_file = get_log_file()) {
my $log = parse_log($log_file);
my $time = get_time($log->{time});
my $msg = "Source: $log->{source}. Level: $log->{level}.\n" .
"Time: $time;\n $log->{msg}";
for my $jid (@{$config->{recipients}}) {
$client->send_message($msg, $jid, undef, 'chat');
info("sent to $jid; message:\n$msg");
unlink $log_file;
sub get_log_file {
my @files = glob "$config->{log_dir}/*.log";
return '' unless @files;
my ($oldest_log) =
map { $_->[0] }
sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }
map { [$_, (stat $_)[9]] }
debug("got log file: $oldest_log");
return $oldest_log;
sub parse_log {
my $file = shift;
my (%log, $contents);
open my $fh, "<", $file;
local $/;
$contents = <$fh>;
close $fh;
@log{qw/level time source msg/} = split /\n/, $contents, 4;
return \%log;
sub save_log {
my $log = shift;
my ($fname) = split /:/, $log->{source};
my $time = get_time($log->{time});
my $msg = "[$time] $log->{level} $log->{source}:\n$log->{msg}\n";
my $arch_fname = "$config->{log_dir}/archive/" . basename($fname) . '.log';
open my $fh, '>>', $arch_fname;
print {$fh} ("=====" x 10) . "\n";
print {$fh} $msg;
print {$fh} ("=====" x 10) . "\n";
close $fh;
debug("saved log to $arch_fname");
return 0;
## utils
sub daemonize {
die q[Cant fork] unless defined (my $child = fork);
exit if $child;
close STDIN;
close STDOUT;
close STDERR;
sub write_pid {
my $pid_file = $config->{pid_file};
open my $fh, '>', $pid_file;
unless ($fh) {
error("cant save pid_file: $!");
exit 1;
debug("pid file is successfully opened: $pid_file");
print {$fh} $$;
close $fh;
return 0;
sub _loggy {
my ($level, @msg) = @_;
if (!DEBUG && $level ne 'ERROR') {
open my $fh, '>>', $config->{log_file}
or die "log error: $!";
my $time = get_time();
print {$fh} "[$time] $level: " , join(" ", @msg) . "\n";
close $fh;
return 0;
sub error { _loggy('ERROR', @_) }
sub warning { _loggy('WARN', @_) }
sub info { _loggy('INFO', @_) }
sub debug { _loggy('DEBUG', @_) }
sub get_time {
my @time = localtime(shift || time);
$time[5] += 1900;
$time[4] += 1;
return sprintf "%02u.%02u.%04u %02u:%02u:%02u", @time[3, 4, 5, 2, 1, 0];
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