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Created November 19, 2013 18:54
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Bug65792: Add the ability to allow the option of Default Team to be set to Private upon User import/creation
if(!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
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* among other things: 1) sublicense, resell, rent, lease, redistribute, assign
* or otherwise transfer Your rights to the Software, and 2) use the Software
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class DefaultTeam
* This method creates the private team for a new user and makes it default.
* Uncomment line 46, 47 to add this user to the global team.
public function new_user_created(&$user, $event, $arguments)
// new user only
if ($user->module_dir == 'Users' && empty($user->teams)) {
global $current_language, $dictionary;
$mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, 'Users');
$team = new Team();
$team->field_defs = $dictionary[$team->object_name]['fields'];
// uncomment the following two lines to add the user to the global team.
// create private team
$team_id = $user->getPrivateTeamID();
if (empty($team_id)) {
Team::set_team_name_from_user($team, $user);
$description = "{$mod_strings['LBL_PRIVATE_TEAM_FOR']} {$user->user_name}";
$team_id = $team->create_team($user->first_name, $description, create_guid(), 1, $user->last_name, $user->id);
$user->default_team = $team->id;
$user->team_id = $team->id;
// set $user->teams
$user->teams->replace(array($team->id), array(), false);
// tell TeamSetLink::save() not to add assigned_user's private team
$GLOBALS['sugar_config']['disable_team_access_check'] = true;
// tell User::save() not to do this again
$user->team_exists = true;
// Do not store anything in this file that is not part of the array or the hook version. This file will
// be automatically rebuilt in the future.
$hook_version = 1;
$hook_array = array();
// position, file, function
$hook_array['before_save'] = array();
$hook_array['before_save'][] = array(1, 'new_user_created', 'custom/modules/Users/DefaultTeam.php', 'DefaultTeam', 'new_user_created');
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