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Created May 31, 2018 23:01
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Scrape current EC2 pricing data from Amazon Web Services catalog (Original powdahound/
#!/usr/bin/env python
import requests
import json
from json import encoder
import sys
def add_pretty_names(instances):
family_names = {
't2': 'T2 General Purpose',
'r3': 'R3 Memory Optimized',
'r4': 'R4 Memory Optimized',
'c3': 'C3 High-CPU',
'c4': 'C4 High-CPU',
'm3': 'M3 General Purpose',
'i3': 'I3 High I/O',
'cg1': 'Cluster GPU',
'cc2': 'Cluster Compute',
'cr1': 'High Memory Cluster',
'hs1': 'High Storage',
'c1' : 'C1 High-CPU',
'hi1': 'HI1. High I/O',
'm2' : 'M2 High Memory',
'm1' : 'M1 General Purpose',
'm4' : 'M4 General Purpose'
for k in instances:
i = instances[k]
# instance type format looks like "db.r4.large"; dropping the "db" prefix
pieces = i['instance_type'].split('.')
family = pieces[1]
short = pieces[2]
prefix = family_names.get(family, family.upper())
extra = None
if short.startswith('8x'):
extra = 'Eight'
elif short.startswith('4x'):
extra = 'Quadruple'
elif short.startswith('2x'):
extra = 'Double'
elif short.startswith('10x'):
extra = 'Deca'
elif short.startswith('x'):
extra = ''
bits = [prefix]
if extra is not None:
bits.extend([extra, 'Extra'])
short = 'Large'
i['pretty_name'] = ' '.join([b for b in bits if b])
def scrape(output_file, input_file=None):
# if an argument is given, use that as the path for the json file
if input_file:
with open(input_file) as json_data:
data = json.load(json_data)
price_index = ''
index = requests.get(price_index)
data = index.json()
rds_instances = {}
instances = {}
# region mapping, someone thought it was handy not to include the region id's :(
regions = {
"AWS GovCloud (US)": 'us-gov-west-1',
"Asia Pacific (Mumbai)": 'ap-south-1',
"Asia Pacific (Seoul)": 'ap-northeast-2',
"Asia Pacific (Singapore)": 'ap-southeast-1',
"Asia Pacific (Sydney)": 'ap-southeast-2',
"Asia Pacific (Tokyo)": 'ap-northeast-1',
"Asia Pacific (Osaka-Local)": 'ap-northeast-3',
"Canada (Central)": 'ca-central-1',
"EU (Frankfurt)": 'eu-central-1',
"EU (Ireland)": 'eu-west-1',
"EU (London)": 'eu-west-2',
"EU (Paris)": 'eu-west-3',
"South America (Sao Paulo)": 'sa-east-1',
"US East (N. Virginia)": 'us-east-1',
"US East (Ohio)": 'us-east-2',
"US West (N. California)": 'us-west-1',
"US West (Oregon)": 'us-west-2',
# loop through products, and only fetch available instances for now
for sku, product in data['products'].items():
if product.get('productFamily', None) == 'Database Instance':
# map the region
region = regions[product['attributes']['location']]
except KeyError as e:
if product['attributes']['location'] == 'Any':
region = 'us-east-1'
# set the attributes in line with the ec2 index
attributes = product['attributes']
attributes['region'] = region
attributes['memory'] = attributes['memory'].split(' ')[0]
attributes['network_performance'] = attributes['networkPerformance']
attributes['family'] = attributes['instanceFamily']
attributes['instance_type'] = attributes['instanceType']
attributes['database_engine'] = attributes['databaseEngine']
attributes['arch'] = attributes['processorArchitecture']
attributes['pricing'] = {}
attributes['pricing'][region] = {}
rds_instances[sku] = attributes
if attributes['instance_type'] not in instances.keys():
instances[attributes['instance_type']] = attributes
instances[attributes['instance_type']]['pricing'] = {}
# Parse ondemand pricing
for sku, offers in data['terms']['OnDemand'].items():
for code, offer in offers.items():
for key, dimension in offer['priceDimensions'].items():
# skip these for now
if any(descr in dimension['description'].lower() for descr in ['transfer', 'global', 'storage', 'iops', 'requests', 'multi-az']):
instance = rds_instances.get(sku)
if not instance:
print("ERROR: Instance type not found for sku={}".format(sku))
if instance['region'] not in instances[instance['instance_type']]['pricing']:
instances[instance['instance_type']]['pricing'][instance['region']] = {}
instances[instance['instance_type']]['pricing'][instance['region']][instance['database_engine']] = {
'ondemand': float(dimension['pricePerUnit']['USD'])
reserved_mapping = {
'3yr Partial Upfront': 'yrTerm3.partialUpfront',
'1yr Partial Upfront': 'yrTerm1.partialUpfront',
'3yr All Upfront': 'yrTerm3.allUpfront',
'1yr All Upfront': 'yrTerm1.allUpfront',
'1yr No Upfront': 'yrTerm1.noUpfront'
# Parse reserved pricing
for sku, offers in data['terms']['Reserved'].items():
for code, offer in offers.items():
for key, dimension in offer['priceDimensions'].items():
# skip multi-az
if rds_instances[sku]['deploymentOption'] != 'Single-AZ':
instance = rds_instances[sku]
region = rds_instances[sku]['region']
# create a regional hash
if region not in instances[instance['instance_type']]['pricing']:
instances[instance['instance_type']]['pricing'][region] = {}
# create a reserved hash
if 'reserved' not in instances[instance['instance_type']]['pricing'][region][instance['database_engine']]:
instances[instance['instance_type']]['pricing'][region][instance['database_engine']]['reserved'] = {}
# store the pricing in placeholder field
reserved_type = "%s %s" % (offer['termAttributes']['LeaseContractLength'], offer['termAttributes']['PurchaseOption'])
instances[instance['instance_type']]['pricing'][region][instance['database_engine']]['reserved']['%s-%s' % (reserved_mapping[reserved_type], dimension['unit'].lower())] = float(dimension['pricePerUnit']['USD'])
# Calculate all reserved effective pricings (upfront hourly + hourly price)
for instance_type, instance in instances.items():
for region, pricing in instance['pricing'].items():
for engine, prices in pricing.items():
if 'reserved' not in prices:
# no multi-az here
reserved_prices = {
'yrTerm3.partialUpfront': (prices['reserved']['yrTerm3.partialUpfront-quantity'] / (365 * 3) / 24) + prices['reserved']['yrTerm3.partialUpfront-hrs'],
'yrTerm1.partialUpfront': (prices['reserved']['yrTerm1.partialUpfront-quantity'] / 365 / 24) + prices['reserved']['yrTerm1.partialUpfront-hrs'],
'yrTerm3.allUpfront': (prices['reserved']['yrTerm3.allUpfront-quantity'] / (365 * 3) / 24) + prices['reserved']['yrTerm3.allUpfront-hrs'],
'yrTerm1.allUpfront': (prices['reserved']['yrTerm1.allUpfront-quantity'] / 365 / 24) + prices['reserved']['yrTerm1.allUpfront-hrs'],
'yrTerm1.noUpfront': prices['reserved']['yrTerm1.noUpfront-hrs'],
instances[instance_type]['pricing'][region][engine]['reserved'] = reserved_prices
except Exception as e:
print("ERROR: Trouble generating RDS reserved price for {}: {!r}".format(instance_type, e))
# write output to file
encoder.FLOAT_REPR = lambda o: format(o, '.5f')
with open(output_file, 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(list(instances.values()), outfile, indent=4)
if __name__ == '__main__':
input_file = None
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
input_file = sys.argv[1]
output_file = 'instances.json'
scrape(output_file, input_file)
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