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Created February 14, 2017 04:53
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concatenable IDs
* a sans-shapeless solution to the problem described and solved here:
* <>. note
* that the solution below uses the tagless final approach to bake in
* extensibility for multiple interpretations (which adds to the complexity),
* but it's not strictly needed for the problem at hand.
* per aleczorab: "if I have multiple different classes with a field called
* (say) `id` and a `String => T` constructor, how do I make a `(T, String) =>
* T` whilst minimising the amount of boilerplate needed for each different
* class. Extra style points for type safety, avoiding "undesirable" behaviour
* for whatever heuristics one has for undesirable and, as ever, compile time
* is better than runtime"
* solution:
* - id = a method declared in trait ID. this gives `T => String`
* - `String => T` constructors for the various IDs are implicits
* - trait `IDSym` embodies the methods of the DSL which when defined once can
* be used by all IDs
object IDsImpl {
import cats._
import cats.syntax.semigroup._
* the trait encapsulating the DSL primitives that we want.
* note, that it is parameterized on a representation domain as well as a
* type which defines the universe of IDs. the representation domain (repr)
* can best be understood as corresponding to a unique semantic
* interpretation of the DSL (eg. evaluation, debugging etc).
abstract class IDSym[repr[_]: Functor, id] {
def lit[T](x: T): repr[T]
def unwrap[T <: id](id: repr[T]): repr[String]
def add[T <: id](id: repr[T], str: repr[String])(implicit
wrap: String => T,
sg: Semigroup[repr[String]]): repr[T]
* the semantic domain corresponding to program evaluation.
case class Eval[T](value: T)
// some convenience implicits for working with 'Eval'
implicit object EvalAsFunctor extends Functor[Eval] {
def map[A, B](fa: Eval[A])(f: A => B) = Eval(f(fa.value))
implicit def EvalLiftSemigroup[T](implicit sg: Semigroup[T]): Semigroup[Eval[T]] = new Semigroup[Eval[T]] {
def combine(x: Eval[T], y: Eval[T]) = Eval(x.value |+| y.value)
implicit object StringAsSemigroup extends Semigroup[String] {
def combine(x: String, y: String) = x ++ y
* the base trait for all IDs in the system
trait ID extends Any {
def id: String
* evaluation semantics for IDs in our DSL
implicit object IDSym_ID extends IDSym[Eval, ID] {
val f = implicitly[Functor[Eval]]; import f._
def lit[T](x) = Eval[T](x)
def unwrap[T <: ID](id: Eval[T]): Eval[String] = map(id)(
def add[T <: ID](id: Eval[T], str: Eval[String])(implicit
wrap: String => T,
sg: Semigroup[Eval[String]]): Eval[T] = {
map(unwrap(id) |+| str)(wrap)
// some IDs - note the 'implicit' keyword
implicit class Foo(val id: String) extends AnyVal with ID
implicit class Bar(val id: String) extends AnyVal with ID
implicit class Baz(val id: String) extends AnyVal with ID
object Uses {
// TODO: generalize the usage here to be extensible to other semantic
// representations (by parametrizing on `repr[_]`)
val sym = implicitly[IDSym[Eval, ID]]; import sym._
* some syntactic sugar specialized for evaluation semantics.
implicit class IDEvalOps[T <: ID](me: T) {
def +(that: String)(implicit wrap: String => T): T = {
add(lit(me), lit(that)).value
val t1 = Foo("foo") + "bar"
val t2 = Bar("bar") + "baz"
val t3 = Baz("baz") + "qu"
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