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Last active January 18, 2016 14:17
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ProPL: 14 January, 2016
;; by conditioning on A, note that we could also condition on B first if desired
(define (ab)
(define a (flip 0.8))
(define b (if a (flip 0.5) (flip 0.3)))
(list a b)
(hist (repeat 1000 ab) "joint AB by conditioning on A")
;; alternative solution
(define (joint-ab)
(define val (uniform 0 1))
(if (<= val 0.14)
(list #f #f)
(if (<= val 0.2)
(list #f #t)
(if (<= val 0.6)
(list #t #f)
(list #t #t)))))
(hist (repeat 1000 joint-ab) "joint AB")
;; using 'cond' statement
(define (joint-ab-cond)
(define val (uniform 0 1))
(cond ((<= val 0.14) (list #f #f))
((<= val 0.20) (list #f #t))
((<= val 0.60) (list #t #f))
(else (list #t #t))))
(hist (repeat 1000 joint-ab-cond) "joint AB w/ cond")
;; What is the probability that in a room filled with N people, at least one pair
;; of people has the same birthday?
(define N 23)
(define (two-birthdays-match?)
;; Q: why should this be defined within the scope of rejection-query?
(define birthday
(mem (lambda (i) (+ (sample-integer 365) 1)))
;; assume that the birthdays are uniformly distributed; ignore leap years
(define (any-pair-equal?)
(define (pair-equal i j)
"compare all pairs starting from a given value of i and j"
(if (> i N)
(if (> j N)
(pair-equal (+ i 1) (+ i 2))
(if (= (birthday i) (birthday j))
(pair-equal i (+ j 1))))))
;; start comparing from the first pair
(pair-equal 1 2))
;;;known - i.e., no conditioning:
(hist (repeat 1000 two-birthdays-match?))
;; try the code at
;; deterministic function: sqrt
(sqrt 4) ;; 2
;; non-deterministic function: flip (i.e., flipping a weighted coin)
;; invoke it w/ default argument (i.e., flipping a fair coin)
;; invoke it passing in an argument for probability of #t
(flip 0.01)
;; define: use it to bind values to symbols
;; >> pi
;; this will give an error because "pi" hasn't been defined yet
;; 8:1-8:2: pi is not defined
;; Church stack array:
;; pi: 8:1-8:2
;; JS stack:
;; ReferenceError: pi is not defined
;; at churchProgram (eval at really_evaluate (, <anonymous>:16:12)
;; at eval (eval at really_evaluate (, <anonymous>:17:2)
;; at really_evaluate (
;; at evaluate (
;; at
;; at (
;; at
;; let's define "pi" as a constant
(define pi 3.1415926)
pi ;; invoke value of constant pi
;; church has some builtins eg. sqrt
(sqrt 4) ;; 2
;; but it doesn't have a square function. let's define 'sq' to be a function
(define sq
(lambda (x) ;; syntax for defining anonymous function
(* x x) ;; note prefix notation. the function '*' is applied to 'x' and 'x'
(sq 2) ;; 4
;; we can do the above in fewer steps
(define (sq1 x) ;; define sq1 as a function of one argument. it's equivalent to the above
(* x x))
(sq1 3) ;; 9
;; define lists
(list 0 1 1 1 0 0)
(list (flip) (flip) (flip) (flip))
;; plot a histogram of lists
(hist (list (flip) (flip) (flip) (flip)) "title: hist of flips")
;; we can plot real values too
(hist (list 0.1 0.1 0.11 0.2 0.0 0.4 0.5 0.8) "title: hist of reals")
;; for continuous distributions however we can also plot density
(density (list 0.1 0.1 0.11 0.2 0.0 0.4 0.5 0.8) "title: density of reals")
(density (list 0.1 0.1 0.11 0.2 0.0 0.4 0.5 0.8) "title: density of reals w/hist" #t)
;; function which operates on other functions: eg 'repeat'
;; create a list with the output of repeated function calls
(hist (repeat 100 flip) "title: hist of 100 flips")
;; memoization: remember settings
;; w/o memoization. in this case eye-color rolls the dice everytime
(define eye-color
(lambda (person) (uniform-draw '(blue green brown))))
(eye-color 'bob)
(eye-color 'alice)
(eye-color 'bob))
;; with memoization. in this case eye-color-mem rolls the dice for the first time for each "person", and
;; remembers for the next time
(define eye-color-mem
(mem (lambda (person) (uniform-draw '(blue green brown)))))
(eye-color-mem 'bob)
(eye-color-mem 'alice)
(eye-color-mem 'bob))
;; stochastic recursion: like regular recursion, except functions are non-deterministic
(define (geometric p)
"(the number of coin tosses needed to yield #t) - 1"
(if (flip p)
0 ;; if cointoss resulted in true
(+ 1 (geometric p)) ;; else increment counter, and try again
(hist (repeat 1000 (lambda () (geometric 0.6))) "Geometric of 0.6")
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