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Last active December 23, 2020 12:07
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VSB Power Line Blog - Get all the true, false, symmetric, positive, and negative peaks
def get_all_peaks(sig, peak_threshold=1):
# find_peaks(signal, height=[minimum_height, maximum_height])
# p_peaks_all gives the indices of the positive peaks having amplitude in the range (peak_threshold,100)
# n_peaks_all gives the indices of the negative peaks having amplitude in the range (peak_threshold,100)
p_peaks_all = find_peaks(sig, height=[peak_threshold, 100])[0]
n_peaks_all = find_peaks(-sig, height=[peak_threshold, 100])[0]
# p_peaks_all = [3,3,1,2,1,2]
# n_peaks_all = [3,1,1,2,5,2,2,3,3,4,1,4,5]
# pn_peaks_all --> [1,2,3,4,5]
pn_peaks_all = np.union1d(p_peaks_all, n_peaks_all)
# Remove false peaks.
# Following values are set by an expert from the following paper:
maxDistance = 10
maxHeightRatio = 0.25
maxTicksRemoval = 500
# Get the difference between the consecutive indices of all the peaks
peak_ind_dist = np.diff(pn_peaks_all)
sym_peak_pair_indices = []
for ind, dist in enumerate(peak_ind_dist):
# find the raito of: (2nd smallest peak)/(1st smallest peak), (3rd smallest peak)/(2nd smallest peak) so on of the signal
ratio = sig[pn_peaks_all[ind+1]]/sig[pn_peaks_all[ind]]
# For a pair of consecutive peaks to be considered as a symmetric peak pair, following conditions has to be met:
# 1. Distance between the current peak index and the next peak index should be less than maxDistance units
# 2. Next peak should be of opposite sign of the current peak
# 3. Ratio of the peak values of the next peak to the current peak should be greater than maxHeightRatio
if (dist < maxDistance):
if (ratio < 0):
# This is to consider the cases where:
# 1. Next peak is higher than the current peak
# 2. Current peak is higher than the next peak
if (np.abs(ratio) > maxHeightRatio) and (np.abs(ratio) < (1/maxHeightRatio)):
# Store the respecive 'symmetric peak pair' index values
sym_peak_pair_indices.append((pn_peaks_all[ind], pn_peaks_all[ind+1]))
# Stores the indices of all the peaks that are to be removed
false_peaks = []
# pn_peaks_all contains all the peak values' indices
for peak_val in pn_peaks_all:
# sym_peak_pair_indices contain symmetric peak pairs
for sym_peak_pair_ind_curr, sym_peak_pair_ind_next in sym_peak_pair_indices:
# If the index of the peak is within the maxTicksRemoval distance from the symmetric peak pair index,
# then consider the indices for removal
if (peak_val >= sym_peak_pair_ind_next) and (peak_val <= (sym_peak_pair_ind_next + maxTicksRemoval)):
# From all the peak indices, do not select the false peak indices
true_peaks = np.setdiff1d(pn_peaks_all, false_peaks)
# Get the peak indices after removing the false peak indices
# a = [3,3,1,2,1,2]
# b = [3,1,1,2,5,2,2,3,3,4,1,4,5]
# np.intersect1d(a,b) = [1,2,3]
p_peaks = np.intersect1d(p_peaks_all, true_peaks)
n_peaks = np.intersect1d(n_peaks_all, true_peaks)
return true_peaks, false_peaks, sym_peak_pair_indices, p_peaks, n_peaks
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