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Last active January 18, 2023 15:39
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#![allow(unused, non_camel_case_types)]
pub mod m
{ macro_rules! bE
{ ($c:expr; $t:expr; $e:expr) => (if $c {$t} else {$e});
($c:expr; $t:expr; ) => (if $c {$t} else { });
($c:expr; ; $e:expr) => (if $c { } else {$e}); }
macro_rules! oE
{ ($o:expr; $x:pat,$s:expr; $n:expr) => (match $o {Some($x)=>$s, None=>$n});
($o:expr; $x:pat,$s:expr; ) => (match $o {Some($x)=>$s, None=>()});
($o:expr; ; $n:expr) => (match $o {Some(x) =>x, None=>$n}); }
macro_rules! rE
{ ($r:expr; $x:pat,$o:expr; $y:pat,$e:expr) => (match $r {Ok($x)=>$o, Err($y)=>$e});
($r:expr; $x:pat,$o:expr; ) => (match $r {Ok($x)=>$o, Err(_) =>()});
($r:expr; ; $y:pat,$e:expr) => (match $r {Ok(x) =>x, Err($y)=>$e}); }
macro_rules! oR
{ ($x:expr; $r:expr) => (oE![$x;; r![$r]]);
($x:expr; ) => (oE![$x;; r![Default::default()]]); }
macro_rules! rR
{ ($x:expr; $y:pat,$r:expr) => (rE![$x;; $y,r![$r]]);
($x:expr; ) => (rE![$x;; _,r![Default::default()]]); }
macro_rules! a {($a:expr) => (assert!($a))}
macro_rules! uw {($u:expr) => (($u).unwrap())}
macro_rules! l {($($x:pat = $v:expr),+) => ($(let $x = $v);+;)}
macro_rules! m {($e:expr) => (&mut $e); ($e:expr, $r:expr) => (&mut $e[$r])}
macro_rules! M {($e:expr; $($p:pat,$v:expr);+) => (match $e {$($p => $v),+});}
macro_rules! r
{ () => (return); ($e:expr) => (return $e);
($c:expr; $e:expr) => (bE![$c; return $e;]);
($c:expr;) => (bE![$c; return Default::default();]); }
macro_rules! br
{ () => (break); ($e:expr) => (break $e);
($c:expr; $e:expr) => (bE![$c; break $e;]);
($c:expr;) => (bE![$c; break;]); }
macro_rules! ct
{ () => (continue); ($c:expr) => (bE![$c; continue;]) }
macro_rules! f
{ ( $v:pat=$g:expr; $b:expr) => (for $v in $g {$b});
($i:pat,$v:pat=$g:expr; $b:expr) => (for ($i,$v) in $g.into_iter().enumerate() {$b}); }
macro_rules! u8 {($n:expr) => ($n as u8) } macro_rules! i8 {($n:expr) => ($n as i8) }
macro_rules! u16 {($n:expr) => ($n as u16)} macro_rules! i16 {($n:expr) => ($n as i16)}
macro_rules! u32 {($n:expr) => ($n as u32)} macro_rules! i32 {($n:expr) => ($n as i32)}
macro_rules! u64 {($n:expr) => ($n as u64)} macro_rules! i64 {($n:expr) => ($n as i64)}
macro_rules! uz {($n:expr) => ($n as uz) } macro_rules! iz {($n:expr) => ($n as uz) }
pub(crate) use
{ bE,oE,rE, oR,rR, a,uw,l,m,M,r,br,ct,f, u8,u16,u32,u64,uz, i8,i16,i32,i64,iz }; }
pub type uz = usize; pub type iz = isize;
pub type O<T> = Option<T>; pub type R<T,E> = Result<T,E>;
pub const T:bool = true; pub const F:bool = false;
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