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Last active April 25, 2023 10:39
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Syntax Name Description Example Output
+/x Sum Sum all value in x +/1 2 3 4 5 15
-':x Deltas Pairwise differences in x -':1 2 3 4 1 1 1 1
|+x Rotate matrix Rotate x counterclockwise |+3 3#!9 (2 5 8;1 4 7;0 3 6)
x@<x Sort Sort x {x@<x}@8 3 7 1 1 3 7 8
?x,y Set union Unique elements from x and y ?"abac","adob" "abcdo"
x^x^y Intersection Common elements from x and y {?x^x^y}["abac";"adob"] "aba"
x|-x Absolute value Absolute value of x {x|-x}@-1 1
*/y#x Power x in power of y (y>0) {*/y#x}[2;5] 32
y@(#y)!x+!#y Rotate left Rotate y by x elements to the left {y@(#y)!x+!#y}[3;"abcde"] "deabc"
`c$x-32*~"a{"'x Uppercase Upper case of all alphabetic chars {`c$x-32*~"a{"'x}@"happy" "HAPPY"
@[x;i;:;v] Update Update value at x[i] with v a:+`a`b!(0 1 ; 2 3);@[a;0;:;(3,4)] +`a`b!(3 1;4 3)
|/x Max, Any Largest element in x |/3 5 2 5
&/x Min, All Smallest element in x &/3 5 2 2
(+/x)%#x Average Arithmetic mean {(+/x)%#x}@1 2 3 4 5 3.0
z@y/(!y@<x)x Permute axes x⍉y⍴z {z@y/(!y@<x)x}[2 0 1; 2 3 4; `c$"A"+!24] "AMBNCODPEQFRGSHTIUJVKWLX"
*|x Last Last element of x *|"abc" "c"
*<x Index of min Index of smallest element in x *<"banana" 1
*>x Index of max Index of largest element in x *>"banana" 2
*/x Product Multiply all values in x */2 3 4 24
*:/x Deep first First value in nested array x *:/(("ab";"cd");("ef";"gh")) "a"
<<x Ascending ordinals Rank values in x by smallness <<"baka" 2 0 3 1
<>x Descending ordinals Rank values in x by greatness <>"baka" 1 2 0 3
,/x Flatten Remove one level of nesting ,/(("ab";"cd");("ef";"gh")) ("ab";"cd";"ef";"gh")
,//x Enlist Flatten nested array into a list ,//(("ab";"cd");("ef";"gh")) "abcdefgh"
x@&y Compress, Replicate Repeat each value in x y times "abcd"@&1 0 2 0 "acc"
x@\:y Apply list Apply each function in x to y (2+;3*)@\:!5 (2 3 4 5 6;0 3 6 9 12)
d:#'=x; @[(1+|/x)#0;!d;:;.d] Where Inverse Inverse to & {d:#'=x; @[(1+|/x)#0;!d;:;.d]}@ &0 2 1 0 2 1
(!1+#x)#\:x Prefixes Prefixes of x {(!1+#x)#\:x}"abcde" ("";,"a";"ab";"abc";"abcd";"abcde")
(!1+#x)_\:x Suffixes Suffixes of x {(!1+#x)_\:x}"abcde" ("abcde";"bcde";"cde";"de";,"e";"")
x,(-#x)_y Shift before Insert x into the start of y, shifting trailing elements out {x,(-#x)_y}["foo"; "abcde"] "fooab"
((#x)_y),x Shift after Insert x into the end of y, shifting leading elements out {((#x)_y),x}["foo"; "abcde"] "defoo"
(&#'x)@<,/.x Group inverse Inverse to = {(&#'x)@<,/.x}@="banana" "banana"
~x'y In range For x~(a;b) is the same as (~a>y)&y<b ~2 5'!10 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
z=x|y&z In range (inclusive) Shorter version of (~x>z)&~z>y {z=x|y&z}[2;5;!10] 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
~^y?x Elements of For each element in of x check if it's in y ~^"banana"?"bar" 1 1 0
x@.=x-!#x Consequents Consequent sequences of x {x@.=x-!#x}"abclmxyz" ("abc";"lm";"xyz")
m:&x; y@m@.=m-!#m Cut by mask Cut y by mask x {m:&x; y@m@.=m-!#m}[0 1 1 0 1 1 1; "a42b123"] ("42";"123")
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