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Last active November 19, 2023 18:35
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AWS CLI script that iterates over CloudWatch log groups, and sets the retention policy on log groups that don't have one.
echo "$(date) Starting..."
while true; do
if [[ "${next_token}" == "" ]]; then
echo "$(date) making api call to search for log groups.."
response=$(aws logs describe-log-groups --max-items 50)
echo "$(date) making api call to search for log groups using next token..."
response=$(aws logs describe-log-groups --max-items 50 --starting-token "$next_token")
log_group_names=$(echo "$response" | jq -r '.logGroups | map(select( has("retentionInDays") | not ))[] | .logGroupName ')
for i in $log_group_names; do
echo "setting retention on log group with name \"$i\" to $RETENTION_POLICY_IN_DAYS"
aws logs put-retention-policy --log-group-name "$i" --retention-in-days $RETENTION_POLICY_IN_DAYS
next_token=$(echo "$response" | jq '.NextToken')
if [[ "${next_token}" == "null" ]]; then
echo "$(date) no more log groups left."
# no more results left. Exit loop...
echo "$(date) Done!"
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