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// Simple example code to load a Wav file and play it with WASAPI
// This is NOT complete Wav loading code. It is a barebones example
// that makes a lot of assumptions, see the assert() calls for details
// References:
// Handmade Hero Day 138: Loading WAV Files
#include <windows.h>
#include <mmdeviceapi.h>
#include <audioclient.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h> // for sin()
#include <stdint.h>
// Struct to get data from loaded WAV file.
// NB: This will only work for WAV files containing PCM (non-compressed) data
// otherwise the layout will be different.
struct WavFile {
// RIFF Chunk
uint32_t riffId;
uint32_t riffChunkSize;
uint32_t waveId;
// fmt Chunk
uint32_t fmtId;
uint32_t fmtChunkSize;
uint16_t formatCode;
uint16_t numChannels;
uint32_t sampleRate;
uint32_t byteRate;
uint16_t blockAlign;
uint16_t bitsPerSample;
// These are not present for PCM Wav Files
// uint16_t cbSize;
// uint16_t wValidBitsPerSample;
// uint32_t dwChannelMask;
// char subFormatGUID[16];
// data Chunk
uint32_t dataId;
uint32_t dataChunkSize;
uint16_t samples; // actual samples start here
bool win32LoadEntireFile(char* filename, void** data, uint32_t* numBytesRead)
HANDLE file = CreateFileA(filename, GENERIC_READ, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
if((file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) return false;
DWORD fileSize = GetFileSize(file, 0);
if(!fileSize) return false;
*data = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, fileSize+1);
if(!*data) return false;
if(!ReadFile(file, *data, fileSize, (LPDWORD)numBytesRead, 0))
return false;
((uint8_t*)*data)[fileSize] = 0;
return true;
void Win32FreeFileData(void *data)
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, data);
int main()
void* fileBytes;
uint32_t fileSize;
bool result = win32LoadEntireFile("Flowing-Water.wav", &fileBytes, &fileSize);
WavFile* wav = (WavFile*)fileBytes;
// Check the Chunk IDs to make sure we loaded the file correctly
assert(wav->riffId == 1179011410);
assert(wav->waveId == 1163280727);
assert(wav->fmtId == 544501094);
assert(wav->dataId == 1635017060);
// Check data is in format we expect
assert(wav->formatCode == 1); // Only support PCM data
assert(wav->numChannels == 2); // Only support 2-channel data
assert(wav->fmtChunkSize == 16); // This should be true for PCM data
assert(wav->sampleRate == 44100); // Only support 44100Hz data
assert(wav->bitsPerSample == 16); // Only support 16-bit samples
// This is how these fields are defined, no harm to assert that they're what we expect
assert(wav->blockAlign == wav->numChannels * wav->bitsPerSample/8);
assert(wav->byteRate == wav->sampleRate * wav->blockAlign);
uint32_t numWavSamples = wav->dataChunkSize / (wav->numChannels * sizeof(uint16_t));
uint16_t* wavSamples = &wav->samples;
HRESULT hr = CoInitializeEx(nullptr, COINIT_SPEED_OVER_MEMORY);
assert(hr == S_OK);
IMMDeviceEnumerator* deviceEnumerator;
hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(MMDeviceEnumerator), nullptr, CLSCTX_ALL, __uuidof(IMMDeviceEnumerator), (LPVOID*)(&deviceEnumerator));
assert(hr == S_OK);
IMMDevice* audioDevice;
hr = deviceEnumerator->GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(eRender, eConsole, &audioDevice);
assert(hr == S_OK);
IAudioClient2* audioClient;
hr = audioDevice->Activate(__uuidof(IAudioClient2), CLSCTX_ALL, nullptr, (LPVOID*)(&audioClient));
assert(hr == S_OK);
// WAVEFORMATEX* defaultMixFormat = NULL;
// hr = audioClient->GetMixFormat(&defaultMixFormat);
// assert(hr == S_OK);
WAVEFORMATEX mixFormat = {};
mixFormat.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
mixFormat.nChannels = 2;
mixFormat.nSamplesPerSec = 44100;//defaultMixFormat->nSamplesPerSec;
mixFormat.wBitsPerSample = 16;
mixFormat.nBlockAlign = (mixFormat.nChannels * mixFormat.wBitsPerSample) / 8;
mixFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec = mixFormat.nSamplesPerSec * mixFormat.nBlockAlign;
const int64_t REFTIMES_PER_SEC = 10000000; // hundred nanoseconds
REFERENCE_TIME requestedSoundBufferDuration = REFTIMES_PER_SEC * 2;
hr = audioClient->Initialize(AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_SHARED,
0, &mixFormat, nullptr);
assert(hr == S_OK);
IAudioRenderClient* audioRenderClient;
hr = audioClient->GetService(__uuidof(IAudioRenderClient), (LPVOID*)(&audioRenderClient));
assert(hr == S_OK);
UINT32 bufferSizeInFrames;
hr = audioClient->GetBufferSize(&bufferSizeInFrames);
assert(hr == S_OK);
hr = audioClient->Start();
assert(hr == S_OK);
double playbackTime = 0.0;
const float TONE_HZ = 440;
const int16_t TONE_VOLUME = 3000;
int wavPlaybackSample = 0;
while (true)
// Padding is how much valid data is queued up in the sound buffer
// if there's enough padding then we could skip writing more data
UINT32 bufferPadding;
hr = audioClient->GetCurrentPadding(&bufferPadding);
assert(hr == S_OK);
// How much of our sound buffer we want to fill on each update.
// Needs to be enough so that the playback doesn't reach garbage data
// but we get less latency the lower it is (e.g. how long does it take
// between pressing jump and hearing the sound effect)
// Try setting this to e.g. bufferSizeInFrames / 250 to hear what happens when
// we're not writing enough data to stay ahead of playback!
UINT32 soundBufferLatency = bufferSizeInFrames / 50;
UINT32 numFramesToWrite = soundBufferLatency - bufferPadding;
int16_t* buffer;
hr = audioRenderClient->GetBuffer(numFramesToWrite, (BYTE**)(&buffer));
assert(hr == S_OK);
for (UINT32 frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < numFramesToWrite; ++frameIndex)
*buffer++ = wavSamples[wavPlaybackSample]; // left
*buffer++ = wavSamples[wavPlaybackSample]; // right
wavPlaybackSample %= numWavSamples;
hr = audioRenderClient->ReleaseBuffer(numFramesToWrite, 0);
assert(hr == S_OK);
// Get playback cursor position
// This is good for visualising playback and seeing the reading/writing in action!
IAudioClock* audioClock;
audioClient->GetService(__uuidof(IAudioClock), (LPVOID*)(&audioClock));
UINT64 audioPlaybackFreq;
UINT64 audioPlaybackPos;
audioClock->GetPosition(&audioPlaybackPos, 0);
UINT64 audioPlaybackPosInSeconds = audioPlaybackPos/audioPlaybackFreq;
UINT64 audioPlaybackPosInSamples = audioPlaybackPosInSeconds*mixFormat.nSamplesPerSec;
return 0;
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