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Created April 2, 2020 10:23
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Task value calculations
const { ProjectSchedulerRepository } = require('../../repository/projectscheduler');
const { ProjectTaskRepository } = require('../../repository/project-task');
const { CalendarRepository } = require('../../repository/calendars');
const { ConstructManageApi } = require('../../service-apis/construct-manage-api');
const error = require("../action-helper/common-error");
const throwError = error.throwError;
const objectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID;
const moment = require('moment');
class GetProjectSPI {
constructor(project_id) {
this.project_id = project_id;
// to get dates list between two dates
async getDateArray(start, end){
let arr = new Array();
let dt = new Date(start);
while (dt <= end) {
arr.push(new Date(dt));
dt.setDate(dt.getDate() + 1);
return arr;
// to get difference between two dates
async dateDiff(startDate, endDate){
const diffTime = startDate - endDate;
const diffDays = Math.ceil(diffTime / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
return diffDays;
async execute() {
let projectSchedulerRepo = new ProjectSchedulerRepository();
let projectTaskRepo = new ProjectTaskRepository();
let calendarRepo = new CalendarRepository();
// check if valid project_id
let project_details = await ConstructManageApi.getProjectDetails(this.project_id);
if( != this.project_id){
throwError(400, "Invalid Project ! Please choose a valid project from the project dropdown menu");
// get schedule details for the project
let projectScheduleDetails = await projectSchedulerRepo.getPublishedProjectScheduler(this.project_id);
// get all project tasks
let projectTasks = projectScheduleDetails.tasks;
// get project calendar
let projectCalendar = await calendarRepo.getAllProjectCalendars(this.project_id);
let totalBCWP = 0; //earned value (EV or BCWP)
let totalBCWS = 0; // BCWS
let total_estimated_cost = 0; // Total Estimated Cost
let total_actual_cost = 0; // Total Actual Cost
let expectedprogressPercentage;
// get non working days
for(let taskDetails of projectTasks){
if(taskDetails.task_id !== this.project_id){
// get the calendar
let taskCalendar = projectCalendar.find(ele => objectID(ele._id).equals(objectID(taskDetails.calendar_id)));
//let taskCalendar = projectCalendar.filter(ele => ele._id == taskDetails.calendar_id);
let working_days = taskCalendar.working_days;
let calendarHolidays = taskCalendar.holidays;
// get the non working days
let non_working_days = [];
for (let key in working_days) {
if(working_days[key] === 0){
// get the holiday list
let holiday_list = [];
for(let holiday of calendarHolidays){
// get date list between planned start date and planned end date
let plannedStartDate = taskDetails.planned_start_date;
let taskDuration = taskDetails.duration;
let startDate = moment(plannedStartDate);
let endDate = moment(startDate).add(taskDuration, 'day');
//get the date list
let dateList = await this.getDateArray(startDate, endDate);
let dayCount = 0;
for(let dates of dateList){
let working_day = moment(dates).format('dddd').toLowerCase();
if (!(holiday_list.includes(dates)) && !(non_working_days.includes(working_day))){
let working_days_count = dayCount;
// calculate total_estimated_cost
taskDetails.estimated_cost_material = taskDetails.estimated_cost_material != null ? taskDetails.estimated_cost_material : 0;
taskDetails.estimated_cost_resource = taskDetails.estimated_cost_resource != null ? taskDetails.estimated_cost_resource : 0;
taskDetails.estimated_lumpsum_cost = taskDetails.estimated_lumpsum_cost != null ? taskDetails.estimated_lumpsum_cost : 0;
let task_total_estimated_cost = taskDetails.estimated_cost_material + taskDetails.estimated_cost_resource + taskDetails.estimated_lumpsum_cost;
// calculate total_actual_cost
taskDetails.actual_cost_material = taskDetails.actual_cost_material != null ? taskDetails.actual_cost_material : 0;
taskDetails.actual_cost_resource = taskDetails.actual_cost_resource != null ? taskDetails.actual_cost_resource : 0;
taskDetails.actual_lumpsum_cost = taskDetails.actual_lumpsum_cost != null ? taskDetails.actual_lumpsum_cost : 0;
let task_total_actual_cost = taskDetails.actual_cost_material + taskDetails.actual_cost_resource + taskDetails.actual_lumpsum_cost;
// Planned cost per day
let planned_cost_per_day = task_total_estimated_cost / working_days_count;
// Days Elapsed = Today's Date - Planned Start Date (If result is positive else 0)
let todays_date = moment();
// let daysElapsed = working_days_count > taskDuration ? taskDuration : working_days_count;
let daysDifference = await this.dateDiff(todays_date, startDate);
let daysElapsed = daysDifference > taskDuration ? taskDuration : daysDifference;
// Expected Progress of a task = Days Elapsed / Total duration
daysElapsed = daysElapsed > 0 ? daysElapsed : 0;
let expectedProgress = daysElapsed / taskDuration;
expectedprogressPercentage = expectedProgress;
// BCWS (Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled) = Expected Progress * Cost Assigned to the task
let taskBCWS = expectedprogressPercentage * task_total_estimated_cost;
// EV or BCWP (Earned Value) = Updated Progress Percentage * Costs assigned to the Task
let taskProgress = taskDetails.progress;
let updatedProgressPercentage = (taskProgress / 100);
let taskBCWP = (updatedProgressPercentage * task_total_estimated_cost);
total_estimated_cost = total_estimated_cost + task_total_estimated_cost;
total_actual_cost = total_actual_cost + task_total_actual_cost;
// Total
totalBCWS = totalBCWS + taskBCWS;
totalBCWP = totalBCWP + taskBCWP;
} // end of if task calendar
} // end of loop
// CPI = EarnedValue(BCWP) / Total Actual Cost
let cpi_value = totalBCWP / total_actual_cost;
let CPI = cpi_value > 0 ? cpi_value : 0;
// if Total Estimated Cost in a project is 0, then show "N/a" for Earned Value, SPI and Scheduled Value fields of the task board
if ( total_estimated_cost === 0 ) {
let result = {
"earned_value": "N/A",
"BCWS": "N/A",
"SPI": "N/A",
"CPI": "N/A",
"total_project_value": total_estimated_cost,
"allocated_value": total_estimated_cost
return result
// In a case where Total SV or BCWS for a project is 0, then show the SPI as 100%
if( totalBCWS === 0 ){
let result = {
"earned_value": Number(totalBCWP.toFixed(2)),
"BCWS": Number(totalBCWS.toFixed(2)),
"SPI": 1,
"CPI": Number(CPI.toFixed(2)),
"total_project_value": total_estimated_cost,
"allocated_value": total_estimated_cost
return result
else {
// SPI = total BCWP / totalBCWS
let SPI = totalBCWP / totalBCWS;
let result = {
"earned_value": Number(totalBCWP.toFixed(2)),
"BCWS": Number(totalBCWS.toFixed(2)),
"SPI": Number(SPI.toFixed(2)),
"CPI": Number(CPI.toFixed(2)),
"total_project_value": total_estimated_cost,
"allocated_value": total_estimated_cost
return result;
throw error;
exports.GetProjectSPI = GetProjectSPI;
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