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Created March 26, 2014 04:16
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project euler problem 67
require 'debugger'
require 'awesome_print'
# project euler problem 67 depends on problem 18
# maximum path sum
# use a bottom up strategy
# split into subproblems
# store subproblem result
# don't recompute subproblem
# use a bottom up strategy
# flip over the triangle
# 8 5 9 3
# 2 4 6
# 7 4
# 3
# let's assume the max total path_sum is known from the 1st row to the number 4 in the 2nd row
# at 4 choose max of two paths, 5 or 9 -> 9
# formula:
# array(i,j) = array(i,j) + max( array(i-1, j), array(i-1, j+1) )
# apply the formula to every array(i,j) and keep the most recent result of each subproblem
# 8 5 9 3 = [ 8, 5, 9, 3 ]
# 2 4 6 [ 2+max(8,5), 4+max(5,9), 6+max(9,3)]
# = [ 10, 13, 15 ]
# 7 4 [ 7+max(10,13), 4+max(13,15)]
# = [ 20, 19 ]
# 3 [ 3+max(20,19)]
# = [ 23 ]
DEBUG = ARGV.include?"debug"
input ="18.txt").readlines
input ="67.txt").readlines if NUM != nil and NUM == "67"
triangle = []
path_sum_triangle = []
# load triangle
# init path sum triangle
input.each do |row|
triangle <<
path_sum_triangle << []
def path_sum(triangle, path_sum_triangle=[], row=0, index=0, total=0)
return 0 if triangle[row] == nil or triangle[row][index] == nil
return total = total + path_sum_triangle[row][index] if path_sum_triangle[row][index] != nil
# left adjacent
left = path_sum(triangle, path_sum_triangle, row + 1, index, total)
# right adjacent
right = path_sum(triangle, path_sum_triangle, row + 1, index + 1, total)
# max(left, right)
max = [left, right].max
ap "at #{triangle[row][index]}"
ap "left #{left}"
ap "right #{right}"
ap "max(left, right) -> #{max}"
ap "add #{max} + #{triangle[row][index]} -> #{max + triangle[row][index]}"
# path_sum_triangle contains the the calculated path sum
path_sum_triangle[row][index] = max + triangle[row][index]
ap triangle
max_sum = path_sum( triangle, path_sum_triangle )
ap path_sum_triangle
ap max_sum
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