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Last active June 30, 2021 06:56
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Класс для получения / изменения формы редактирования элементов / разделов инфоблока пользователем #Bitrix
$UserOptionFormNews = new UserOptionForm(1);
if ($arOptions = $UserOptionFormNews->fetchAll()) {
$arOptions['edit1']['NAME'] = 'Новость';
$arOptions['edit1']['PROPS']['PROPERTY_1'] = 'Изображение';
if ($UserOptionFormNews->save($arOptions, true)) {
echo "Success message";
class UserOptionForm
const TYPE_ELEMENT = 'element';
const TYPE_SECTION = 'section';
private $name;
private $userId;
private function getAllowedTypes()
return [self::TYPE_ELEMENT, self::TYPE_SECTION];
public function __construct(int $iblockId, $type = '', int $userId = 0)
// @todo throw exception
$allowedTypes = $this->getAllowedTypes();
if (!in_array($type, $allowedTypes)) $type = current($allowedTypes);
$this->name = 'form_' . (in_array($type, $allowedTypes) ? $type : current($type)) . '_' . $iblockId;
$this->userId = $userId;
public function fetchAll() {
$arFormTabs = [];
$option = CUserOptions::GetOption('form', $this->name, ['tabs' => ''], $this->userId);
$arTabs = explode('--;--', $option['tabs']);
if (!empty($arTabs)):
foreach ($arTabs as $sTab)
$arFields = explode('--,--', $sTab);
list($sTabId, $sTabName) = explode('--#--', array_shift($arFields));
if (!$sTabId) continue;
$arFormTabs[ $sTabId ] = ['NAME' => $sTabName, 'PROPS' => []];
foreach ($arFields as $sField)
list($propId, $propLabel) = explode('--#--', $sField);
$arFormTabs[ $sTabId ]['PROPS'][ $propId ] = $propLabel;
return $arFormTabs;
private function encode(array $arFormTabs)
$arTabs = [];
foreach ($arFormTabs as $sFormTabCode => $arFormTab)
$arTab = [$sFormTabCode.'--#--'.$arFormTab['NAME']];
foreach($arFormTab['PROPS'] as $propId => $propLabel) $arTab[] = $propId.'--#--'.$propLabel;
$arTabs[] = implode('--,--', $arTab);
return count($arTabs) > 0 ? ['tabs' => implode('--;--', $arTabs) . '--;--'] : [];
public function save(array $_arFormTabs, $clearCurrent = false)
$arFormTabs = $this->encode($_arFormTabs);
if (count($arFormTabs) <= 0) return false;
if ($clearCurrent) {
// clear for current user
CUserOptions::DeleteOption("form", $this->name, $bCommon = false, $user_id = false);
// Save for all
return CUserOptions::SetOption("form", $this->name, $arFormTabs, 0 === $this->userId, $this->userId);
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