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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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Currently supported Emoji set
:grinning:" : 0x1f600,
":grin:" : 0x1f601,
":joy:" : 0x1f602,
":smiley:" : 0x1f603,
":smile:": 0x1f604,
":sweat_smile:" : 0x1f605,
":laughing:": 0x1f606,
":innocent:": 0x1f607,
":smiling_imp:": 0x1f608,
":wink:": 0x1f609,
":blush:": 0x1f60a,
":yum:": 0x1f60b,
":relieved:": 0x1f60c,
":heart_eyes:": 0x1f60d,
":sunglasses:": 0x1f60e,
":smirk:": 0x1f60f,
":neutral_face:": 0x1f610,
":expressionless:": 0x1f611,
":unamused:": 0x1f612,
":sweat:": 0x1f613,
":pensive:": 0x1f614,
":confused:": 0x1f615,
":confounded:": 0x1f616,
":kissing:": 0x1f617,
":kissing_heart:": 0x1f618,
":kissing_smiling_eyes:": 0x1f619,
":kissing_closed_eyes:": 0x1f61a,
":stuck_out_tongue:": 0x1f61b,
":stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:": 0x1f61c,
":stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:" : 0x1f61d,
":disappointed:" : 0x1f61e,
":worried:" : 0x1f61f,
":angry:" : 0x1f620,
":rage:": 0x1f621,
":cry:": 0x1f622,
":persevere:": 0x1f623,
":triumph:": 0x1f624,
":disappointed_relieved:": 0x1f625,
":frowning:": 0x1f626,
":anguished:": 0x1f627,
":fearful:" : 0x1f628,
":weary:" : 0x1f629,
":sleepy:" : 0x1f62a,
":tired_face:": 0x1f62b,
":grimacing:" : 0x1f62c,
":sob:" : 0x1f62d,
":open_mouth:" : 0x1f62e,
":hushed:": 0x1f62f,
":cold_sweat:": 0x1f630,
":scream:" : 0x1f631,
":astonished:": 0x1f632,
":flushed:": 0x1f633,
":sleeping:": 0x1f634,
":dizzy_face:": 0x1f635,
":no_mouth:": 0x1f636,
":mask:": 0x1f637,
":heart:": 0x2764,
":broken_heart:": 0x1f494,
":birthday:": 0x1f382,
":alarm_clock:": 0x23f0,
":phone:": 0x260e,
":telephone_receiver:": 0x1f4de,
":moneybag:": 0x1f4b0,
":bulb:": 0x1f4a1,
":email:": 0x2709,
":beer:": 0x1f37a,
":beers:": 0x1f37b,
":coffee:": 0x2615,
":tada:": 0x1f389,
":confetti_ball:": 0x1f38a,
":see_no_evil:" : 0x1f648,
":hear_no_evil:": 0x1f649,
":speak_no_evil:": 0x1f64a,
":japanese_ogre:": 0x1f479,
":hankey:": 0x1f4a9,
":poop:": 0x1f4a9,
":two_men_holding_hands:" : 0x1f46c,
":runner:": 0x1f3c3,
":dancer:": 0x1f483,
":hand:": 0x270b,
":raised_hands:" : 0x1f64c,
":point_up:": 0x261d,
":pray:" : 0x1f64f,
":fist:" : 0x270a,
":muscle:": 0x1f4aa,
":facepunch:" : 0x1f44a,
":ok_hand:" : 0x1f44c,
":v:" : 0x270c,
":thumbsup:": 0x1f44d,
":+1:" : 0x1f44d,
":-1:" : 0x1f44e,
":clap:" : 0x1f44f
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