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Created June 15, 2015 11:40
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happy: [":)", ":-)", ":->"]
,sad: [":(", ":-(", ":-<"]
,grin: [":D", ":-D"]
,wink: [";)", ";-)"]
,surprise: [":O", ":-O", ":-o", ":o"]
,tongue: [":P", ":-P", ":p", ":-p"]
,shades: ["B)", "B-)"]
,angry: ["X(", "X-(", ":@", ":-@", "x(", "x-("]
,crying: [":'(", ":,("]
,indifferent: [":|", ":-|"]
,perplexed: ["o_O", "O_o"]
,heart: ["<3"]
,thumbsUp: ["(Y)", "(y)"]
,thumbsDown: ["(N)", "(n)"]
,smirk: [":/", ":-/", ":\\", ":-\\"]
,confused: [":S", ":s", ":-S", ":-s"]
,sleeping: ["-_-"]
,heartbreak: ["</3"]
,speechless: [":X",":x",":-X",":-x"]
,shy: [":$", ":-$"]
,angel: ["O:)", "o:)", "O:-)", "o:-)"]
,yell: [">O", ">o"]
,zipped: [":!", ":-!"]
,kiss: [":*", ":-*"]
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