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Last active March 7, 2016 06:28
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HG7881_Motor_Driver_Example - Arduino sketch
This example shows how to drive a motor with using HG7881 (L9110) Dual
Channel Motor Driver Module. For simplicity, this example shows how to
drive a single motor. Both channels work the same way.
This example is meant to illustrate how to operate the motor driver
and is not intended to be elegant, efficient or useful.
Arduino digital output D10 to motor driver input B-IA.
Arduino digital output D11 to motor driver input B-IB.
Motor driver VCC to operating voltage 5V.
Motor driver GND to common ground.
Motor driver MOTOR B screw terminals to a small motor.
Related Banana Robotics items:
BR010038 HG7881 (L9110) Dual Channel Motor Driver Module
// wired connections
#define HG7881_B_IA 10 // D10 --> Motor B Input A --> MOTOR B +
#define HG7881_B_IB 11 // D11 --> Motor B Input B --> MOTOR B -
// functional connections
#define MOTOR_B_PWM HG7881_B_IA // Motor B PWM Speed
#define MOTOR_B_DIR HG7881_B_IB // Motor B Direction
// the actual values for "fast" and "slow" depend on the motor
#define PWM_SLOW 50 // arbitrary slow speed PWM duty cycle
#define PWM_FAST 200 // arbitrary fast speed PWM duty cycle
#define DIR_DELAY 1000 // brief delay for abrupt motor changes
void setup()
Serial.begin( 115200 );
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, LOW );
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, LOW );
void loop()
boolean isValidInput;
// draw a menu on the serial port
Serial.println( "-----------------------------" );
Serial.println( "MENU:" );
Serial.println( "1) Fast forward" );
Serial.println( "2) Forward" );
Serial.println( "3) Soft stop (coast)" );
Serial.println( "4) Reverse" );
Serial.println( "5) Fast reverse" );
Serial.println( "6) Hard stop (brake)" );
Serial.println( "-----------------------------" );
byte c;
// get the next character from the serial port
Serial.print( "?" );
while( !Serial.available() )
; // LOOP...
c =;
// execute the menu option based on the character recieved
switch( c )
case '1': // 1) Fast forward
Serial.println( "Fast forward..." );
// always stop motors briefly before abrupt changes
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, LOW );
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, LOW );
delay( DIR_DELAY );
// set the motor speed and direction
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, HIGH ); // direction = forward
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, 255-PWM_FAST ); // PWM speed = fast
isValidInput = true;
case '2': // 2) Forward
Serial.println( "Forward..." );
// always stop motors briefly before abrupt changes
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, LOW );
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, LOW );
delay( DIR_DELAY );
// set the motor speed and direction
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, HIGH ); // direction = forward
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, 255-PWM_SLOW ); // PWM speed = slow
isValidInput = true;
case '3': // 3) Soft stop (preferred)
Serial.println( "Soft stop (coast)..." );
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, LOW );
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, LOW );
isValidInput = true;
case '4': // 4) Reverse
Serial.println( "Fast forward..." );
// always stop motors briefly before abrupt changes
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, LOW );
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, LOW );
delay( DIR_DELAY );
// set the motor speed and direction
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, LOW ); // direction = reverse
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, PWM_SLOW ); // PWM speed = slow
isValidInput = true;
case '5': // 5) Fast reverse
Serial.println( "Fast forward..." );
// always stop motors briefly before abrupt changes
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, LOW );
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, LOW );
delay( DIR_DELAY );
// set the motor speed and direction
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, LOW ); // direction = reverse
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, PWM_FAST ); // PWM speed = fast
isValidInput = true;
case '6': // 6) Hard stop (use with caution)
Serial.println( "Hard stop (brake)..." );
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, HIGH );
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, HIGH );
isValidInput = true;
// wrong character! display the menu again!
isValidInput = false;
} while( isValidInput == true );
// repeat the main loop and redraw the menu...
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