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Last active October 3, 2016 20:33
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My Recommended .jshintrc options for Server Side Development
// JSHint Default Configuration File (as on JSHint website)
// See for more details
// "maxerr" : 50, // {int} Maximum error before stopping
// Enforcing
"bitwise" : false, // true: Prohibit bitwise operators (&, |, ^, etc.)
"camelcase" : true, // true: Identifiers must be in camelCase
// "curly" : true, // true: Require {} for every new block or scope
// "eqeqeq" : true, // true: Require triple equals (===) for comparison
// "forin" : true, // true: Require filtering loops with obj.hasOwnProperty()
// "freeze" : true, // true: prohibits overwriting prototypes of native objects such as Array, Date etc.
// "immed" : false, // true: Require immediate invocations to be wrapped in parens e.g. `(function () { } ());`
// "latedef" : false, // true: Require variables/functions to be defined before being used
// "newcap" : false, // true: Require capitalization of all constructor functions e.g. `new F()`
// "noarg" : true, // true: Prohibit use of `arguments.caller` and `arguments.callee`
// "noempty" : true, // true: Prohibit use of empty blocks
// "nonbsp" : true, // true: Prohibit "non-breaking whitespace" characters.
// "nonew" : false, // true: Prohibit use of constructors for side-effects (without assignment)
// "plusplus" : false, // true: Prohibit use of `++` and `--`
"quotmark" : true, // Quotation mark consistency:
// false : do nothing (default)
// true : ensure whatever is used is consistent
// "single" : require single quotes
// "double" : require double quotes
// "undef" : true, // true: Require all non-global variables to be declared (prevents global leaks)
// "unused" : true, // Unused variables:
// true : all variables, last function parameter
// "vars" : all variables only
// "strict" : all variables, all function parameters
// "strict" : true, // true: Requires all functions run in ES5 Strict Mode
// "maxparams" : false, // {int} Max number of formal params allowed per function
// "maxdepth" : false, // {int} Max depth of nested blocks (within functions)
// "maxstatements" : false, // {int} Max number statements per function
// "maxcomplexity" : false, // {int} Max cyclomatic complexity per function
"maxlen" : 120, // {int} Max number of characters per line
"varstmt" : true, // true: Disallow any var statements. Only `let` and `const` are allowed.
// Relaxing
// "asi" : false, // true: Tolerate Automatic Semicolon Insertion (no semicolons)
// "boss" : false, // true: Tolerate assignments where comparisons would be expected
// "debug" : false, // true: Allow debugger statements e.g. browser breakpoints.
// "eqnull" : false, // true: Tolerate use of `== null`
"esversion" : 6, // {int} Specify the ECMAScript version to which the code must adhere.
// "moz" : false, // true: Allow Mozilla specific syntax (extends and overrides esnext features)
// (ex: `for each`, multiple try/catch, function expression…)
// "evil" : false, // true: Tolerate use of `eval` and `new Function()`
// "expr" : false, // true: Tolerate `ExpressionStatement` as Programs
// "funcscope" : false, // true: Tolerate defining variables inside control statements
// "globalstrict" : false, // true: Allow global "use strict" (also enables 'strict')
// "iterator" : false, // true: Tolerate using the `__iterator__` property
// "lastsemic" : false, // true: Tolerate omitting a semicolon for the last statement of a 1-line block
// "laxbreak" : false, // true: Tolerate possibly unsafe line breakings
// "laxcomma" : false, // true: Tolerate comma-first style coding
// "loopfunc" : false, // true: Tolerate functions being defined in loops
// "multistr" : false, // true: Tolerate multi-line strings
// "noyield" : false, // true: Tolerate generator functions with no yield statement in them.
// "notypeof" : false, // true: Tolerate invalid typeof operator values
// "proto" : false, // true: Tolerate using the `__proto__` property
// "scripturl" : false, // true: Tolerate script-targeted URLs
// "shadow" : false, // true: Allows re-define variables later in code e.g. `var x=1; x=2;`
// "sub" : false, // true: Tolerate using `[]` notation when it can still be expressed in dot notation
// "supernew" : false, // true: Tolerate `new function () { ... };` and `new Object;`
// "validthis" : false, // true: Tolerate using this in a non-constructor function
// Environments
"browser" : false, // Web Browser (window, document, etc)
"browserify" : false, // Browserify (node.js code in the browser)
// "couch" : false, // CouchDB
// "devel" : true, // Development/debugging (alert, confirm, etc)
// "dojo" : false, // Dojo Toolkit
// "jasmine" : false, // Jasmine
// "jquery" : false, // jQuery
"mocha" : true, // Mocha
// "mootools" : false, // MooTools
"node" : true, // Node.js
// "nonstandard" : false, // Widely adopted globals (escape, unescape, etc)
// "phantom" : false, // PhantomJS
// "prototypejs" : false, // Prototype and Scriptaculous
// "qunit" : false, // QUnit
// "rhino" : false, // Rhino
// "shelljs" : false, // ShellJS
// "typed" : false, // Globals for typed array constructions
// "worker" : false, // Web Workers
// "wsh" : false, // Windows Scripting Host
// "yui" : false, // Yahoo User Interface
// Custom Globals
// "globals" : {} // additional predefined global variables
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