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Last active December 6, 2019 15:46
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Django 1.11.10 release notes
*February 1, 2018*
Django 1.11.10 fixes a security issue and several bugs in 1.11.9.
CVE-2018-6188: Information leakage in ``AuthenticationForm``
A regression in Django 1.11.8 made
:class:`~django.contrib.auth.forms.AuthenticationForm` run its
``confirm_login_allowed()`` method even if an incorrect password is entered.
This can leak information about a user, depending on what messages
``confirm_login_allowed()`` raises. If ``confirm_login_allowed()`` isn't
overridden, an attacker enter an arbitrary username and see if that user has
been set to ``is_active=False``. If ``confirm_login_allowed()`` is overridden,
more sensitive details could be leaked.
This issue is fixed with the caveat that ``AuthenticationForm`` can no longer
raise the "This account is inactive." error if the authentication backend
rejects inactive users (the default authentication backend, ``ModelBackend``,
has done that since Django 1.10). This issue will be revisited for Django 2.1
as a fix to address the caveat will likely be too invasive for inclusion in
older versions.
* Fixed incorrect foreign key nullification if a model has two foreign keys to
the same model and a target model is deleted (:ticket:`29016`).
* Fixed a regression where ``contrib.auth.authenticate()`` crashes if an
authentication backend doesn't accept ``request`` and a later one does
* Fixed crash when entering an invalid uuid in ``ModelAdmin.raw_id_fields``
Django 1.11.11 release notes
*March 6, 2018*
Django 1.11.11 fixes two security issues in 1.11.10.
CVE-2018-7536: Denial-of-service possibility in ``urlize`` and ``urlizetrunc`` template filters
The ``django.utils.html.urlize()`` function was extremely slow to evaluate
certain inputs due to catastrophic backtracking vulnerabilities in two regular
expressions. The ``urlize()`` function is used to implement the ``urlize`` and
``urlizetrunc`` template filters, which were thus vulnerable.
The problematic regular expressions are replaced with parsing logic that
behaves similarly.
CVE-2018-7537: Denial-of-service possibility in ``truncatechars_html`` and ``truncatewords_html`` template filters
If ``django.utils.text.Truncator``'s ``chars()`` and ``words()`` methods were
passed the ``html=True`` argument, they were extremely slow to evaluate certain
inputs due to a catastrophic backtracking vulnerability in a regular
expression. The ``chars()`` and ``words()`` methods are used to implement the
``truncatechars_html`` and ``truncatewords_html`` template filters, which were
thus vulnerable.
The backtracking problem in the regular expression is fixed.
Django 1.11.12 release notes
*April 2, 2018*
Django 1.11.12 fixes two bugs in 1.11.11.
* Fixed a regression in Django 1.11.8 where combining two annotated
``values_list()`` querysets with ``union()``, ``difference()``, or
``intersection()`` crashed due to mismatching columns (:ticket:`29229`).
* Fixed a regression in Django 1.11 where an empty choice could be initially
selected for the ``SelectMultiple`` and ``CheckboxSelectMultiple`` widgets
Django 1.11.13 release notes
*May 1, 2018*
Django 1.11.13 fixes several bugs in 1.11.12.
* Fixed a regression in Django 1.11.8 where altering a field with a unique
constraint may drop and rebuild more foreign keys than necessary
* Fixed crashes in ``django.contrib.admindocs`` when a view is a callable
object, such as ``django.contrib.syndication.views.Feed`` (:ticket:`29296`).
* Fixed a regression in Django 1.11.12 where ``QuerySet.values()`` or
``values_list()`` after combining an annotated and unannotated queryset with
``union()``, ``difference()``, or ``intersection()`` crashed due to mismatching
columns (:ticket:`29286`).
Django 1.11.14 release notes
*July 2, 2018*
Django 1.11.14 fixes several bugs in 1.11.13.
* Fixed ``WKBWriter.write()`` and ``write_hex()`` for empty polygons on
GEOS 3.6.1+ (:ticket:`29460`).
* Fixed a regression in Django 1.10 that could result in large memory usage
when making edits using ``ModelAdmin.list_editable`` (:ticket:`28462`).
Django 1.11.15 release notes
*August 1, 2018*
Django 1.11.15 fixes a security issue in 1.11.14.
CVE-2018-14574: Open redirect possibility in ``CommonMiddleware``
If the :class:`~django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware` and the
:setting:`APPEND_SLASH` setting are both enabled, and if the project has a
URL pattern that accepts any path ending in a slash (many content management
systems have such a pattern), then a request to a maliciously crafted URL of
that site could lead to a redirect to another site, enabling phishing and other
``CommonMiddleware`` now escapes leading slashes to prevent redirects to other
Django 1.11.16 release notes
*October 1, 2018*
Django 1.11.16 fixes a data loss bug in 1.11.15.
* Fixed a race condition in ``QuerySet.update_or_create()`` that could result
in data loss (:ticket:`29499`).
Django 1.11.17 release notes
*December 3, 2018*
Django 1.11.17 fixes several bugs in 1.11.16 and adds compatibility with
Python 3.7.
* Prevented repetitive calls to ``geos_version_tuple()`` in the ``WKBWriter``
class in an attempt to fix a random crash involving ``LooseVersion`` since
Django 1.11.14 (:ticket:`29959`).
Django 1.11.18 release notes
*January 4, 2019*
Django 1.11.18 fixes a security issue in 1.11.17.
CVE-2019-3498: Content spoofing possibility in the default 404 page
An attacker could craft a malicious URL that could make spoofed content appear
on the default page generated by the ``django.views.defaults.page_not_found()``
The URL path is no longer displayed in the default 404 template and the
``request_path`` context variable is now quoted to fix the issue for custom
templates that use the path.
Django 1.11.19 release notes
*February 11, 2019*
Django 1.11.19 fixes a security issue in 1.11.18.
CVE-2019-6975: Memory exhaustion in ``django.utils.numberformat.format()``
If ``django.utils.numberformat.format()`` -- used by ``contrib.admin`` as well
as the ``floatformat``, ``filesizeformat``, and ``intcomma`` templates filters
-- received a ``Decimal`` with a large number of digits or a large exponent, it
could lead to significant memory usage due to a call to ``'{:f}'.format()``.
To avoid this, decimals with more than 200 digits are now formatted using
scientific notation.
Django 1.11.20 release notes
*February 11, 2019*
Django 1.11.20 fixes a packaging error in 1.11.19.
* Corrected packaging error from 1.11.19 (:ticket:`30175`).
Django 1.11.21 release notes
*June 3, 2019*
Django 1.11.21 fixes a security issue in 1.11.20.
CVE-2019-12308: AdminURLFieldWidget XSS
The clickable "Current URL" link generated by ``AdminURLFieldWidget`` displayed
the provided value without validating it as a safe URL. Thus, an unvalidated
value stored in the database, or a value provided as a URL query parameter
payload, could result in an clickable JavaScript link.
``AdminURLFieldWidget`` now validates the provided value using
:class:`~django.core.validators.URLValidator` before displaying the clickable
link. You may customize the validator by passing a ``validator_class`` kwarg to
``AdminURLFieldWidget.__init__()``, e.g. when using
Django 1.11.22 release notes
*July 1, 2019*
Django 1.11.22 fixes a security issue in 1.11.21.
CVE-2019-12781: Incorrect HTTP detection with reverse-proxy connecting via HTTPS
When deployed behind a reverse-proxy connecting to Django via HTTPS,
:attr:`django.http.HttpRequest.scheme` would incorrectly detect client
requests made via HTTP as using HTTPS. This entails incorrect results for
:meth:`~django.http.HttpRequest.is_secure`, and
:meth:`~django.http.HttpRequest.build_absolute_uri`, and that HTTP
requests would not be redirected to HTTPS in accordance with
``HttpRequest.scheme`` now respects :setting:`SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER`, if it
is configured, and the appropriate header is set on the request, for both HTTP
and HTTPS requests.
If you deploy Django behind a reverse-proxy that forwards HTTP requests, and
that connects to Django via HTTPS, be sure to verify that your application
correctly handles code paths relying on ``scheme``, ``is_secure()``,
``build_absolute_uri()``, and ``SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT``.
Django 1.11.23 release notes
*August 1, 2019*
Django 1.11.23 fixes security issues in 1.11.22.
CVE-2019-14232: Denial-of-service possibility in ``django.utils.text.Truncator``
If ``django.utils.text.Truncator``'s ``chars()`` and ``words()`` methods
were passed the ``html=True`` argument, they were extremely slow to evaluate
certain inputs due to a catastrophic backtracking vulnerability in a regular
expression. The ``chars()`` and ``words()`` methods are used to implement the
:tfilter:`truncatechars_html` and :tfilter:`truncatewords_html` template
filters, which were thus vulnerable.
The regular expressions used by ``Truncator`` have been simplified in order to
avoid potential backtracking issues. As a consequence, trailing punctuation may
now at times be included in the truncated output.
CVE-2019-14233: Denial-of-service possibility in ``strip_tags()``
Due to the behavior of the underlying ``HTMLParser``,
:func:`django.utils.html.strip_tags` would be extremely slow to evaluate
certain inputs containing large sequences of nested incomplete HTML entities.
The ``strip_tags()`` method is used to implement the corresponding
:tfilter:`striptags` template filter, which was thus also vulnerable.
``strip_tags()`` now avoids recursive calls to ``HTMLParser`` when progress
removing tags, but necessarily incomplete HTML entities, stops being made.
Remember that absolutely NO guarantee is provided about the results of
``strip_tags()`` being HTML safe. So NEVER mark safe the result of a
``strip_tags()`` call without escaping it first, for example with
CVE-2019-14234: SQL injection possibility in key and index lookups for ``JSONField``/``HStoreField``
:lookup:`Key and index lookups <jsonfield.key>` for
:class:`~django.contrib.postgres.fields.JSONField` and :lookup:`key lookups
<hstorefield.key>` for :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.fields.HStoreField`
were subject to SQL injection, using a suitably crafted dictionary, with
dictionary expansion, as the ``**kwargs`` passed to ``QuerySet.filter()``.
CVE-2019-14235: Potential memory exhaustion in ``django.utils.encoding.uri_to_iri()``
If passed certain inputs, :func:`django.utils.encoding.uri_to_iri` could lead
to significant memory usage due to excessive recursion when re-percent-encoding
invalid UTF-8 octet sequences.
``uri_to_iri()`` now avoids recursion when re-percent-encoding invalid UTF-8
octet sequences.
Django 1.11.24 release notes
*September 2, 2019*
Django 1.11.24 fixes a regression in 1.11.23.
* Fixed crash of ``KeyTransform()`` for
:class:`~django.contrib.postgres.fields.JSONField` and
:class:`~django.contrib.postgres.fields.HStoreField` when using on
expressions with params (:ticket:`30672`).
Django 1.11.25 release notes
*October 1, 2019*
Django 1.11.25 fixes a regression in 1.11.23.
* Fixed a crash when filtering with a ``Subquery()`` annotation of a queryset
containing :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.fields.JSONField` or
:class:`~django.contrib.postgres.fields.HStoreField` (:ticket:`30769`).
Django 1.11.26 release notes
*November 4, 2019*
Django 1.11.26 fixes a regression in 1.11.25.
* Fixed a crash when using a ``contains``, ``contained_by``, ``has_key``,
``has_keys``, or ``has_any_keys`` lookup on
:class:`~django.contrib.postgres.fields.JSONField`, if the right or left hand
side of an expression is a key transform (:ticket:`30826`).
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