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Created December 2, 2008 06:57
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var QTMoo = new Class({
version: 0.1,
Implements: Options,
options: {
ACQTCompatibile: false,
ACQTVersion: '1.2'
initialize: function(options){
if (this.options.ACQTCompatibile){
generateACQTCompatibilityLayer: function(version){
switch (version){
case '1.2':
window.AC_QuickTimeVersion = this.AC_QuickTimeVersion.bind(this);
AC_QuickTimeVersion: function(){
return this.options.ACQTVersion;
var _QTMoo = new Class({
Implements: [Events, Options],
options: {
gTagAttrs: null,
gQTBehaviorID: 'qt_event_source',
gQTEventsEnabled: false,
gArgCountErr: 'The "{callingFunction}" function requires an even number of arguments.\nArguments should be in the form "atttributeName", "attributeValue", ...'
gQTGeneratorVersion: '1.2',
initialize: function(args){
this.gTagAttrs = this.options.gTagAttrs;
this.gQTBehaviorID = this.options.gQTBehaviorID;
this.gQTEventsEnabled = this.options.gQTEventsEnabled;
this.gArgCountErr = this.options.gArgCountErr;
AC_QuickTimeVersion: function(){
return this.gQTGeneratorVersion;
_QTComplain: function(callingFcnName, errMsg){
alert(errMsg.substitute({callingFunction: callingFcnName}));
_QTIsMSIE: function(){
//var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
//var msie = /msie/.test(ua) && !/opera/.test(ua);
//return msie;
return ($defined(Browser.Engine.trident));
_QTGenerateBehavior: function(){
return this.objTag = '<!--[if IE]>'
+ '<object id="' + this.gQTBehaviorID + '" classid="clsid:CB927D12-4FF7-4a9e-A169-56E4B8A75598">'
+ '</object>'
+ '<![endif]-->';
_QTPageHasBehaviorObject: function(callingFcnName, args){
var haveBehavior = false;
//var objects = document.getElementsByTagName('object');
var objects = $$('object');
for ( var ndx = 0, obj; obj = objects[ndx]; ndx++ )
if ( obj.getAttribute('classid') == "clsid:CB927D12-4FF7-4a9e-A169-56E4B8A75598" )
if ( obj.getAttribute('id') == gQTBehaviorID )
haveBehavior = false;
return haveBehavior;
_QTShouldInsertBehavior: function(){
var shouldDo = false;
if ( this.gQTEventsEnabled && this._QTIsMSIE() && !this._QTPageHasBehaviorObject() )
shouldDo = true;
return shouldDo;
_QTAddAttribute: function(prefix, slotName, tagName){
var value;
value = this.gTagAttrs[prefix + slotName];
if ( null == value )
value = this.gTagAttrs[slotName];
if ( null != value )
if ( 0 == slotName.indexOf(prefix) && (null == tagName) )
tagName = slotName.substring(prefix.length);
if ( null == tagName )
tagName = slotName;
return ' ' + tagName + '="' + value + '"';
return "";
_QTAddObjectAttr: function(slotName, tagName){
// don't bother if it is only for the embed tag
if ( 0 == slotName.indexOf("emb#") )
return "";
if ( 0 == slotName.indexOf("obj#") && (null == tagName) )
tagName = slotName.substring(4);
return this._QTAddAttribute("obj#", slotName, tagName);
_QTAddEmbedAttr: function(slotName, tagName){
// don't bother if it is only for the object tag
if ( 0 == slotName.indexOf("obj#") )
return "";
if ( 0 == slotName.indexOf("emb#") && (null == tagName) )
tagName = slotName.substring(4);
return this._QTAddAttribute("emb#", slotName, tagName);
_QTAddObjectParam: function(slotName, generateXHTML){
var paramValue;
var paramStr = "";
var endTagChar = (generateXHTML) ? ' />' : '>';
if ( -1 == slotName.indexOf("emb#") )
// look for the OBJECT-only param first. if there is none, look for a generic one
paramValue = this.gTagAttrs["obj#" + slotName];
if ( null == paramValue )
paramValue = this.gTagAttrs[slotName];
if ( 0 == slotName.indexOf("obj#") )
slotName = slotName.substring(4);
if ( null != paramValue )
paramStr = '<param name="' + slotName + '" value="' + paramValue + '"' + endTagChar;
return paramStr;
_QTDeleteTagAttrs: function(){
for ( var ndx = 0; ndx < arguments.length; ndx++ ){
var attrName = arguments[ndx];
delete this.gTagAttrs[attrName];
delete this.gTagAttrs["emb#" + attrName];
delete this.gTagAttrs["obj#" + attrName];
// generate an embed and object tag, return as a string
_QTGenerate: function(callingFcnName, generateXHTML, args){
// is the number of optional arguments even?
if ( args.length < 4 || (0 != (args.length % 2)) )
this._QTComplain(callingFcnName, this.gArgCountErr);
return "";
// allocate an array, fill in the required attributes with fixed place params and defaults
this.gTagAttrs = new Object();
this.gTagAttrs["src"] = args[0];
this.gTagAttrs["width"] = args[1];
this.gTagAttrs["height"] = args[2];
this.gTagAttrs["classid"] = "clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B";
//Impportant note: It is recommended that you use this exact classid in order to ensure a seamless experience for all viewers
this.gTagAttrs["pluginspage"] = "";
// set up codebase attribute with specified or default version before parsing args so
// anything passed in will override
var activexVers = args[3]
if ( (null == activexVers) || ("" == activexVers) )
activexVers = "7,3,0,0";
this.gTagAttrs["codebase"] = "" + activexVers;
var attrName,
// add all of the optional attributes to the array
for ( var ndx = 4; ndx < args.length; ndx += 2)
attrName = args[ndx].toLowerCase();
attrValue = args[ndx + 1];
this.gTagAttrs[attrName] = attrValue;
if ( ("postdomevents" == attrName) && (attrValue.toLowerCase() != "false") )
this.gQTEventsEnabled = true;
if ( this._QTIsMSIE() )
this.gTagAttrs["obj#style"] = "behavior:url(#" + this.gQTBehaviorID + ")";
// init both tags with the required and "special" attributes
this.objTag = '<object '
+ this._QTAddObjectAttr("classid")
+ this._QTAddObjectAttr("width")
+ this._QTAddObjectAttr("height")
+ this._QTAddObjectAttr("codebase")
+ this._QTAddObjectAttr("name")
+ this._QTAddObjectAttr("id")
+ this._QTAddObjectAttr("tabindex")
+ this._QTAddObjectAttr("hspace")
+ this._QTAddObjectAttr("vspace")
+ this._QTAddObjectAttr("border")
+ this._QTAddObjectAttr("align")
+ this._QTAddObjectAttr("class")
+ this._QTAddObjectAttr("title")
+ this._QTAddObjectAttr("accesskey")
+ this._QTAddObjectAttr("noexternaldata")
+ this._QTAddObjectAttr("obj#style")
+ '>'
+ this._QTAddObjectParam("src", generateXHTML);
this.embedTag = '<embed '
+ this._QTAddEmbedAttr("src")
+ this._QTAddEmbedAttr("width")
+ this._QTAddEmbedAttr("height")
+ this._QTAddEmbedAttr("pluginspage")
+ this._QTAddEmbedAttr("name")
+ this._QTAddEmbedAttr("id")
+ this._QTAddEmbedAttr("align")
+ this._QTAddEmbedAttr("tabindex");
// delete the attributes/params we have already added
// and finally, add all of the remaining attributes to the embed and object
for ( var attrName in this.gTagAttrs )
attrValue = this.gTagAttrs[attrName];
if ( null != attrValue )
this.embedTag += this._QTAddEmbedAttr(attrName);
this.objTag += this._QTAddObjectParam(attrName, generateXHTML);
// end both tags, we're done
return this.objTag + this.embedTag + '></em' + 'bed></ob' + 'ject' + '>';
// return the object/embed as a string
QT_GenerateOBJECTText: function(){
var txt = this._QTGenerate("QT_GenerateOBJECTText", false, arguments);
if ( this._QTShouldInsertBehavior() )
txt = this._QTGenerateBehavior() + txt;
return txt;
QT_GenerateOBJECTText_XHTML: function(){
var txt = this._QTGenerate("QT_GenerateOBJECTText_XHTML", true, arguments);
if ( this._QTShouldInsertBehavior() )
txt = this._QTGenerateBehavior() + txt;
return txt;
QT_WriteOBJECT: function(){
var txt = this._QTGenerate("QT_WriteOBJECT", false, arguments);
if ( this._QTShouldInsertBehavior() )
QT_WriteOBJECT_XHTML: function(){
var txt = this._QTGenerate("QT_WriteOBJECT_XHTML", true, arguments);
if ( this._QTShouldInsertBehavior() )
QT_GenerateBehaviorOBJECT: function(){
return this._QTGenerateBehavior();
QT_ReplaceElementContents: function(){
var element = $(arguments[0]);
var args = [];
// copy all other arguments we want to pass through to the fcn
for ( var ndx = 1; ndx < arguments.length; ndx++ )
var txt = this._QTGenerate("QT_ReplaceElementContents", false, args);
if ( txt.length > 0 ) {
element.set('html', txt);
//element.innerHTML = txt;
QT_ReplaceElementContents_XHTML: function(){
var element = $(arguments[0]);
var args = [];
// copy all other arguments we want to pass through to the fcn
for ( var ndx = 1; ndx < arguments.length; ndx++ )
var txt = this._QTGenerate("QT_ReplaceElementContents_XHTML", true, args);
if ( txt.length > 0 ){
element.set('html', txt);
//element.innerHTML = txt;
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