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Last active January 13, 2016 05:42
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package longevity.integration.quickStart
import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._
import org.scalatest.OptionValues._
import org.scalatest._
import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures
import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScaledTimeSpans
import org.scalatest.time._
import scala.concurrent.Future
/** demonstrates how to get started quickly with longevity. please
* read the manual when you get the chance :)
* @see
* @see
object QuickStartSpec {
// set up your library dependencies in sbt:
// resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases")
// libraryDependencies += "org.longevityframework" %% "longevity" % "0.4.1"
// if you are using mongo, get the mongo driver:
// libraryDependencies += "org.mongodb" %% "casbah" % "3.0.0"
// for cassandra, you need a driver and json4s:
// libraryDependencies += "com.datastax.cassandra" % "cassandra-driver-core" % "2.2.0-rc3"
// TODO pt #107891556 add json4s lib deps
// start building our subdomain:
import longevity.subdomain._
// shorthands help you use typed wrapper classes instead of raw values:
object shorthands {
// define your shorthand classes:
case class Email(email: String)
case class Markdown(markdown: String)
case class Uri(uri: String)
// some convenience methods for using shorthands:
implicit def toEmail(email: String) = Email(email)
implicit def toMarkdown(markdown: String) = Markdown(markdown)
implicit def toUri(uri: String) = Uri(uri)
// build your shorthand pool:
implicit val shorthandPool = ShorthandPool(
Shorthand[Email, String],
Shorthand[Markdown, String],
Shorthand[Uri, String])
import shorthands._
// now define your three aggregates: user, blog, and blog post:
case class User(
username: String,
fullname: String,
email: Email,
profile: Option[UserProfile] = None)
extends Root
object User extends RootType[User] {
object props {
val username = prop[String]("username")
val email = prop[Email]("email")
val usernameKey = key(props.username)
val emailKey = key(
case class UserProfile(
tagline: String,
imageUri: Uri,
description: Markdown)
extends Entity
object UserProfile extends EntityType[UserProfile]
case class Blog(
uri: Uri,
title: String,
description: Markdown,
authors: Set[Assoc[User]])
extends Root
object Blog extends RootType[Blog] {
object props {
val uri = prop[Uri]("uri")
val uriKey = key(props.uri)
case class BlogPost(
uriPathSuffix: String,
title: String,
slug: Option[Markdown] = None,
content: Markdown,
labels: Set[String] = Set(),
postDate: DateTime,
blog: Assoc[Blog],
authors: Set[Assoc[User]])
extends Root
object BlogPost extends RootType[BlogPost] {
object props {
val blog = prop[Assoc[Blog]]("blog")
val uriPathSuffix = prop[String]("uriPathSuffix")
val postDate = prop[DateTime]("postDate")
val uriKey = key(, props.uriPathSuffix)
// build the subdomain:
val blogCore = Subdomain("blogging", EntityTypePool(User, Blog, BlogPost))
// now build the context:
import longevity.context._
val context = LongevityContext(blogCore, Mongo)
// create some unpersisted entities:
val john = User("smithy", "John Smith", "")
val frank = User("franky", "Francis Nickerson", "")
val jerry = User("jerry", "Jerry Jones", "")
val blog = Blog(
uri = "",
title = "The Blogging Ninjas",
description = "We try to keep things interesting blogging about ninjas.",
authors = Set(Assoc(john), Assoc(frank)))
val johnsPost = BlogPost(
uriPathSuffix = "johns_first_post",
title = "John's first post",
content = "_work in progress_",
postDate =,
blog = Assoc(blog),
authors = Set(Assoc(john)))
val franksPost = BlogPost(
uriPathSuffix = "franks_first_post",
title = "Frank's first post",
content = "_work in progress_",
postDate =,
blog = Assoc(blog),
authors = Set(Assoc(frank)))
class QuickStartSpec
extends FlatSpec
with BeforeAndAfterAll
with GivenWhenThen
with Matchers
with ScalaFutures
with ScaledTimeSpans {
override implicit def patienceConfig = PatienceConfig(
timeout = scaled(Span(4000, Millis)),
interval = scaled(Span(50, Millis)))
import QuickStartSpec._
import longevity.subdomain._
import longevity.persistence._
// get the repo pool:
// normally we would use `context.repoPool` here, but since this is actually
// a test, we will use the test DB:
val repos = context.testRepoPool
val userRepo = repos[User]
val blogRepo = repos[Blog]
val blogPostRepo = repos[BlogPost]
"QuickStartSpec" should "exercise basic longevity functionality" in {
// persist the aggregates all at once. it doesn't matter what
// order you pass them in, this method will assure that associated
// aggregates always get persisted first.
val createManyResult: Future[Seq[PState[_ <: Root]]] =
repos.createMany(john, frank, blog, johnsPost, franksPost)
// `futureValue` is a ScalaTest way of saying "wait for the future to
// complete and assert success"
// retrieve an entity:
// `Repo[User].retrieve` returns a `Future[Option[PState[User]]]`,
// aka `FOPState[User]`
val retrieveResult: FOPState[User] =
// unwrap the future and option:
// `value` is a ScalaTest way of saying "assert the Option is defined, and
// get the contents"
val userState: PState[User] = retrieveResult.futureValue.value
// unwrap the persistent state:
val user: User = userState.get
user should equal (john)
// modify the user and persist the change:
val modified: PState[User] = { user: User => user.copy(fullname = "John Smith Jr.") }
val updateResult: FPState[User] = userRepo.update(modified)
val updatedUserState: PState[User] = updateResult.futureValue
// create a new blog post:
val blogKeyVal: root.KeyVal[Blog] = Blog.uriKey(blog.uri)
val blogState: PState[Blog] =
val newPost = BlogPost(
uriPathSuffix = "new_post",
title = "New post",
content = "_work in progress_",
postDate =,
blog = blogState.assoc,
authors = Set(userState.assoc))
val futurePostState: Future[PState[BlogPost]] =
// clean up the new post:
val postState = futurePostState.futureValue
// add a new author to a blog:
val newUserState = userRepo.create(jerry).futureValue
val modifiedBlogState = { blog =>
blog.copy(authors = blog.authors + updatedUserState.assoc)
// there are convenience methods in `FPState` and `FOPState` that allow
// you to conveniently manipulate the enclosed root. for example, suppose
// we have two service methods that work on a user:
object userService {
def updateUser(user: User): User = user
def updateUserReactive(user: User): Future[User] = Future.successful(user)
// we can apply these service methods directly to an `FPState[User]` or an
// `FOPState[User]`, like so:
val updated: FOPState[User] =
userService.updateUser _
val updatedReactive: FOPState[User] =
userService.updateUserReactive _
// equivalent to above, but without mapRoot and flatMapRoot
val updatedNoMapRoot: FPState[User] = {
userRepo retrieve User.usernameKey(john.username) flatMap { optUserState =>
val userState = optUserState getOrElse { throw new RuntimeException }
val updatedState = userState map userService.updateUser
userRepo update updatedState
def applyEvent(username: String): FPState[User] = {
userRepo retrieve User.usernameKey(username) flatMap { optUserState =>
val userState = optUserState getOrElse { throw new RuntimeException }
val updatedState = userState map userService.updateUser
userRepo update updatedState
// use an `Assoc` to retrieve an author from a blog post:
val post: BlogPost = blogPostRepo.retrieve(
BlogPost.uriKey(blogState.assoc, johnsPost.uriPathSuffix)
val authorAssoc: Assoc[User] = post.authors.head
val author: FPState[User] = userRepo.retrieveOne(authorAssoc)
// find posts for a given blog published in the last week:
import BlogPost.queryDsl._
val recentPosts: Future[Seq[PState[BlogPost]]] = blogPostRepo.retrieveByQuery( eqs blogState.assoc and
BlogPost.props.postDate gt - 1.week)
recentPosts.futureValue.size should equal (2)
// same thing without the DSL:
import longevity.subdomain.root.Query
val noDsl: Future[Seq[PState[BlogPost]]] = blogPostRepo.retrieveByQuery(
Query.eqs(, blogState.assoc),, - 1.week)))
noDsl.futureValue.size should equal (2)
// clean up the database after the test:
override def afterAll = {
deletePost(johnsPost, blog)
deletePost(franksPost, blog)
private def deleteUser(user: User): Unit = {
val futureDeleted = for {
optUserState <- userRepo retrieve User.usernameKey(user.username)
deleted <- optUserState map userRepo.delete getOrElse Future.successful(())
} yield deleted
private def deletePost(post: BlogPost, blog: Blog): Unit = {
val deleted = for {
optBlogState <- blogRepo retrieve Blog.uriKey(blog.uri)
optKeyVal = optBlogState map { blogState => BlogPost.uriKey(blogState.assoc, post.uriPathSuffix) }
optPostState <- optKeyVal map blogPostRepo.retrieve getOrElse Future.successful(None)
deleted <- optPostState map blogPostRepo.delete getOrElse Future.successful(())
} yield deleted
private def deleteBlog(blog: Blog): Unit = {
val deleted = for {
optBlogState <- blogRepo retrieve Blog.uriKey(blog.uri)
deleted <- optBlogState map blogRepo.delete getOrElse Future.successful(())
} yield deleted
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