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Created July 16, 2014 02:56
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tmux long form commands
attach-session (attach) [-dr] [-c working-directory] [-t target-session]
bind-key (bind) [-cnr] [-t key-table] key command [arguments]
break-pane (breakp) [-dP] [-F format] [-t target-pane]
capture-pane (capturep) [-aCeJpPq] [-b buffer-index] [-E end-line] [-S start-line][-t target-pane]
choose-buffer [-t target-window] [-F format] [template]
choose-client [-t target-window] [-F format] [template]
choose-list [-l items] [-t target-window][template]
choose-session [-t target-window] [-F format] [template]
choose-tree [-suw] [-b session-template] [-c window template] [-S format] [-W format] [-t target-window]
choose-window [-t target-window][-F format] [template]
clear-history (clearhist) [-t target-pane]
clock-mode [-t target-pane]
command-prompt [-I inputs] [-p prompts] [-t target-client] [template]
confirm-before (confirm) [-p prompt] [-t target-client] command
copy-mode [-u] [-t target-pane]
delete-buffer (deleteb) [-b buffer-index]
detach-client (detach) [-P] [-a] [-s target-session] [-t target-client]
display-message (display) [-p] [-c target-client] [-F format] [-t target-pane] [message]
display-panes (displayp) [-t target-client]
find-window (findw) [-CNT] [-F format] [-t target-window] match-string
has-session (has) [-t target-session]
if-shell (if) [-b] [-t target-pane] shell-command command [command]
join-pane (joinp) [-bdhv] [-p percentage|-l size] [-s src-pane] [-t dst-pane]
kill-pane (killp) [-a] [-t target-pane]
kill-session [-a] [-t target-session]
kill-window (killw) [-a] [-t target-window]
last-pane (lastp) [-t target-window]
last-window (last) [-t target-session]
link-window (linkw) [-dk] [-s src-window] [-t dst-window]
list-buffers (lsb) [-F format]
list-clients (lsc) [-F format] [-t target-session]
list-commands (lscm)
list-keys (lsk) [-t key-table]
list-panes (lsp) [-as] [-F format] [-t target-window]
list-sessions (ls) [-F format]
list-windows (lsw) [-a] [-F format] [-t target-session]
load-buffer (loadb) [-b buffer-index] path
lock-client (lockc) [-t target-client]
lock-server (lock)
lock-session (locks) [-t target-session]
move-pane (movep) [-bdhv] [-p percentage|-l size] [-s src-pane] [-t dst-pane]
move-window (movew) [-dkr] [-s src-window] [-t dst-window]
new-session (new) [-AdDP] [-c start-directory] [-F format] [-n window-name] [-s session-name] [-t target-session] [-x width] [-y height] [command]
new-window (neww) [-adkP] [-c start-directory] [-F format] [-n window-name] [-t target-window] [command]
next-layout (nextl) [-t target-window]
next-window (next) [-a] [-t target-session]
paste-buffer (pasteb) [-dpr] [-s separator] [-b buffer-index] [-t target-pane]
pipe-pane (pipep) [-o] [-t target-pane] [command]
previous-layout (prevl) [-t target-window]
previous-window (prev) [-a] [-t target-session]
refresh-client (refresh) [-S] [-C size] [-t target-client]
rename-session (rename) [-t target-session] new-name
rename-window (renamew) [-t target-window] new-name
resize-pane (resizep) [-DLRUZ] [-x width] [-y height] [-t target-pane] [adjustment]
respawn-pane (respawnp) [-k] [-t target-pane] [command]
respawn-window (respawnw) [-k] [-t target-window] [command]
rotate-window (rotatew) [-DU] [-t target-window]
run-shell (run) [-b] [-t target-pane] shell-command
save-buffer (saveb) [-a] [-b buffer-index] path
select-layout (selectl) [-np] [-t target-window] [layout-name]
select-pane (selectp) [-lDLRU] [-t target-pane]
select-window (selectw) [-lnpT] [-t target-window]
send-keys (send) [-lR] [-t target-pane] key ...
send-prefix [-2] [-t target-pane]
server-info (info)
set-buffer (setb) [-b buffer-index] data
set-environment (setenv) [-gru] [-t target-session] name [value]
set-option (set) [-agosquw] [-t target-session|target-window] option [value]
set-window-option (setw) [-agoqu] [-t target-window] option [value]
show-buffer (showb) [-b buffer-index]
show-environment (showenv) [-g] [-t target-session] [name]
show-messages (showmsgs) [-IJT] [-t target-client]
show-options (show) [-gqsvw] [-t target-session|target-window] [option]
show-window-options (showw) [-gv] [-t target-window] [option]
source-file (source) path
split-window (splitw) [-dhvP] [-c start-directory] [-F format] [-p percentage|-l size] [-t target-pane] [command]
start-server (start)
suspend-client (suspendc) [-t target-client]
swap-pane (swapp) [-dDU] [-s src-pane] [-t dst-pane]
swap-window (swapw) [-d] [-s src-window] [-t dst-window]
switch-client (switchc) [-lnpr] [-c target-client] [-t target-session]
unbind-key (unbind) [-acn] [-t key-table] key
unlink-window (unlinkw) [-k] [-t target-window]
wait-for (wait) [-L|-S|-U] channel
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