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Created March 14, 2019 09:13
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stdout from spark worker
2019-03-14 08:27:28 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:2566 - Started daemon with process name: 3356@worker-2
2019-03-14 08:27:28 INFO SignalUtils:54 - Registered signal handler for TERM
2019-03-14 08:27:28 INFO SignalUtils:54 - Registered signal handler for HUP
2019-03-14 08:27:28 INFO SignalUtils:54 - Registered signal handler for INT
2019-03-14 08:27:28 WARN NativeCodeLoader:62 - Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
2019-03-14 08:27:28 INFO SecurityManager:54 - Changing view acls to: spark
2019-03-14 08:27:28 INFO SecurityManager:54 - Changing modify acls to: spark
2019-03-14 08:27:28 INFO SecurityManager:54 - Changing view acls groups to:
2019-03-14 08:27:28 INFO SecurityManager:54 - Changing modify acls groups to:
2019-03-14 08:27:28 INFO SecurityManager:54 - SecurityManager: authentication disabled; ui acls disabled; users with view permissions: Set(spark); groups with view permissions: Set(); users with modify permissions: Set(spark); groups with modify permissions: Set()
2019-03-14 08:27:28 INFO TransportClientFactory:267 - Successfully created connection to spark-master-host/XXX.XX.XX.XX:26000 after 42 ms (0 ms spent in bootstraps)
2019-03-14 08:27:28 INFO SecurityManager:54 - Changing view acls to: spark
2019-03-14 08:27:28 INFO SecurityManager:54 - Changing modify acls to: spark
2019-03-14 08:27:28 INFO SecurityManager:54 - Changing view acls groups to:
2019-03-14 08:27:28 INFO SecurityManager:54 - Changing modify acls groups to:
2019-03-14 08:27:28 INFO SecurityManager:54 - SecurityManager: authentication disabled; ui acls disabled; users with view permissions: Set(spark); groups with view permissions: Set(); users with modify permissions: Set(spark); groups with modify permissions: Set()
2019-03-14 08:27:28 INFO TransportClientFactory:267 - Successfully created connection to spark-master-host/XXX.XX.XX.XX:26000 after 1 ms (0 ms spent in bootstraps)
2019-03-14 08:27:28 INFO DiskBlockManager:54 - Created local directory at /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/blockmgr-9e95f29c-86e4-4662-b539-cda4139f1f0a
2019-03-14 08:27:28 INFO MemoryStore:54 - MemoryStore started with capacity 366.3 MB
2019-03-14 08:27:28 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Connecting to driver: spark://CoarseGrainedScheduler@spark-master-host:26000
2019-03-14 08:27:28 INFO WorkerWatcher:54 - Connecting to worker spark://Worker@XXX.XX.XX.XX:27000
2019-03-14 08:27:28 INFO TransportClientFactory:267 - Successfully created connection to /XXX.XX.XX.XX:27000 after 0 ms (0 ms spent in bootstraps)
2019-03-14 08:27:28 INFO WorkerWatcher:54 - Successfully connected to spark://Worker@XXX.XX.XX.XX:27000
2019-03-14 08:27:28 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Successfully registered with driver
2019-03-14 08:27:28 INFO Executor:54 - Starting executor ID 0 on host XXX.XX.XX.XX
2019-03-14 08:27:29 INFO Utils:54 - Successfully started service '' on port 33120.
2019-03-14 08:27:29 INFO NettyBlockTransferService:54 - Server created on XXX.XX.XX.XX:33120
2019-03-14 08:27:29 INFO BlockManager:54 - Using for block replication policy
2019-03-14 08:27:29 INFO BlockManagerMaster:54 - Registering BlockManager BlockManagerId(0, XXX.XX.XX.XX, 33120, None)
2019-03-14 08:27:29 INFO BlockManagerMaster:54 - Registered BlockManager BlockManagerId(0, XXX.XX.XX.XX, 33120, None)
2019-03-14 08:27:29 INFO BlockManager:54 - Initialized BlockManager: BlockManagerId(0, XXX.XX.XX.XX, 33120, None)
2019-03-14 08:27:31 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 1
2019-03-14 08:27:31 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 4
2019-03-14 08:27:31 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 7
2019-03-14 08:27:31 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 7.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 7)
2019-03-14 08:27:31 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 4.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 4)
2019-03-14 08:27:31 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 1.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 1)
2019-03-14 08:27:31 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/org.joda_joda-convert-1.2.jar with timestamp 1552552047440
2019-03-14 08:27:31 INFO TransportClientFactory:267 - Successfully created connection to spark-master-host/XXX.XX.XX.XX:26000 after 1 ms (0 ms spent in bootstraps)
2019-03-14 08:27:31 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/org.joda_joda-convert-1.2.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp4609391764591751593.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:31 INFO Utils:54 - Copying /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/12180388771552552047440_cache to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./org.joda_joda-convert-1.2.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:31 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/ with timestamp 1552552047456
2019-03-14 08:27:31 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/ to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp362779190226773159.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:44 INFO Utils:54 - Copying /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/20882109671552552047456_cache to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./
2019-03-14 08:27:44 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/org.openpnp_opencv-3.2.0-1.jar with timestamp 1552552047599
2019-03-14 08:27:44 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/org.openpnp_opencv-3.2.0-1.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp3607004736459080189.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Copying /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-16417294581552552047599_cache to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./org.openpnp_opencv-3.2.0-1.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/org.apache.httpcomponents_httpcore-4.4.10.jar with timestamp 1552552047651
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/org.apache.httpcomponents_httpcore-4.4.10.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp3418713665199010531.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Copying /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-16969623281552552047651_cache to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./org.apache.httpcomponents_httpcore-4.4.10.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/commons-beanutils_commons-beanutils-1.9.3.jar with timestamp 1552552047435
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/commons-beanutils_commons-beanutils-1.9.3.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp7803048479433301615.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Copying /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/6948638471552552047435_cache to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./commons-beanutils_commons-beanutils-1.9.3.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/ with timestamp 1552552047649
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/ to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp2980767826516789867.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Copying /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-9069048491552552047649_cache to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/org.scala-lang_scala-reflect-2.11.8.jar with timestamp 1552552047445
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/org.scala-lang_scala-reflect-2.11.8.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp6729116231999787416.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Copying /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/15782605351552552047445_cache to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./org.scala-lang_scala-reflect-2.11.8.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/commons-codec_commons-codec-1.10.jar with timestamp 1552552047654
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/commons-codec_commons-codec-1.10.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp8671600201423315499.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Copying /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-12852752261552552047654_cache to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./commons-codec_commons-codec-1.10.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/commons-collections_commons-collections-3.2.2.jar with timestamp 1552552047450
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/commons-collections_commons-collections-3.2.2.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp5307034421764805342.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Copying /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-10242433191552552047450_cache to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./commons-collections_commons-collections-3.2.2.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/net.razorvine_serpent-1.12.jar with timestamp 1552552047452
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/net.razorvine_serpent-1.12.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp2129434378392485060.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Copying /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-14480026801552552047452_cache to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./net.razorvine_serpent-1.12.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/joda-time_joda-time-2.3.jar with timestamp 1552552047437
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/joda-time_joda-time-2.3.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp1182470072686153679.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Copying /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-1682340271552552047437_cache to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./joda-time_joda-time-2.3.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/io.spray_spray-json_2.11-1.3.2.jar with timestamp 1552552047453
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/io.spray_spray-json_2.11-1.3.2.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp6229038069334909076.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Copying /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-2742794181552552047453_cache to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./io.spray_spray-json_2.11-1.3.2.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/com.jcraft_jsch-0.1.54.jar with timestamp 1552552047645
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/com.jcraft_jsch-0.1.54.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp1407656743184650684.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Copying /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-12790589471552552047645_cache to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./com.jcraft_jsch-0.1.54.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/anguenot_pyspark-cassandra-0.9.0.jar with timestamp 1552552047412
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/anguenot_pyspark-cassandra-0.9.0.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp3784741363285055461.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Copying /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-6319130791552552047412_cache to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./anguenot_pyspark-cassandra-0.9.0.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/commons-logging_commons-logging-1.2.jar with timestamp 1552552047653
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/commons-logging_commons-logging-1.2.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp8393939631183046008.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Copying /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-16731009691552552047653_cache to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./commons-logging_commons-logging-1.2.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/com.twitter_jsr166e-1.1.0.jar with timestamp 1552552047433
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/com.twitter_jsr166e-1.1.0.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp6422539786929758695.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Copying /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/6821605831552552047433_cache to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./com.twitter_jsr166e-1.1.0.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/org.apache.httpcomponents_httpclient-4.5.6.jar with timestamp 1552552047647
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/org.apache.httpcomponents_httpclient-4.5.6.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp6298756337916548475.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Copying /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-8792686841552552047647_cache to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./org.apache.httpcomponents_httpclient-4.5.6.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/Azure_mmlspark-0.16.jar with timestamp 1552552047418
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/Azure_mmlspark-0.16.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp5798088683289311877.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:48 INFO Utils:54 - Copying /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-16164497191552552047418_cache to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./Azure_mmlspark-0.16.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:49 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/io.netty_netty-all-4.0.33.Final.jar with timestamp 1552552047441
2019-03-14 08:27:49 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/io.netty_netty-all-4.0.33.Final.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp4754159142686991354.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:49 INFO Utils:54 - Copying /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/20108528541552552047441_cache to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./io.netty_netty-all-4.0.33.Final.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:49 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/net.razorvine_pyrolite-4.10.jar with timestamp 1552552047432
2019-03-14 08:27:49 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/net.razorvine_pyrolite-4.10.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp2010874291607428626.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:49 INFO Utils:54 - Copying /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-15269456761552552047432_cache to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./net.razorvine_pyrolite-4.10.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:49 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/com.datastax.spark_spark-cassandra-connector_2.11-2.3.0.jar with timestamp 1552552047423
2019-03-14 08:27:49 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/files/com.datastax.spark_spark-cassandra-connector_2.11-2.3.0.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp8583581303883211852.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:49 INFO Utils:54 - Copying /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-12707240541552552047423_cache to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./com.datastax.spark_spark-cassandra-connector_2.11-2.3.0.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:49 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/com.twitter_jsr166e-1.1.0.jar with timestamp 1552552047394
2019-03-14 08:27:49 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/com.twitter_jsr166e-1.1.0.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp8765551025043575450.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:49 INFO Utils:54 - /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-14496745301552552047394_cache has been previously copied to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./com.twitter_jsr166e-1.1.0.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:49 INFO Executor:54 - Adding file:/opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./com.twitter_jsr166e-1.1.0.jar to class loader
2019-03-14 08:27:49 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/com.datastax.spark_spark-cassandra-connector_2.11-2.3.0.jar with timestamp 1552552047394
2019-03-14 08:27:49 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/com.datastax.spark_spark-cassandra-connector_2.11-2.3.0.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp276493901076994222.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:49 INFO Utils:54 - /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/8937018891552552047394_cache has been previously copied to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./com.datastax.spark_spark-cassandra-connector_2.11-2.3.0.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:49 INFO Executor:54 - Adding file:/opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./com.datastax.spark_spark-cassandra-connector_2.11-2.3.0.jar to class loader
2019-03-14 08:27:49 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/Azure_mmlspark-0.16.jar with timestamp 1552552047394
2019-03-14 08:27:49 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/Azure_mmlspark-0.16.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp1432238947871924959.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:50 INFO Utils:54 - /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-18683935681552552047394_cache has been previously copied to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./Azure_mmlspark-0.16.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:50 INFO Executor:54 - Adding file:/opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./Azure_mmlspark-0.16.jar to class loader
2019-03-14 08:27:50 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/commons-codec_commons-codec-1.10.jar with timestamp 1552552047395
2019-03-14 08:27:50 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/commons-codec_commons-codec-1.10.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp5152352434371627591.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:50 INFO Utils:54 - /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/12385409751552552047395_cache has been previously copied to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./commons-codec_commons-codec-1.10.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:50 INFO Executor:54 - Adding file:/opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./commons-codec_commons-codec-1.10.jar to class loader
2019-03-14 08:27:50 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/org.openpnp_opencv-3.2.0-1.jar with timestamp 1552552047395
2019-03-14 08:27:50 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/org.openpnp_opencv-3.2.0-1.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp4801447091236894761.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Utils:54 - /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/9908587751552552047395_cache has been previously copied to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./org.openpnp_opencv-3.2.0-1.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Executor:54 - Adding file:/opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./org.openpnp_opencv-3.2.0-1.jar to class loader
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/org.scala-lang_scala-reflect-2.11.8.jar with timestamp 1552552047394
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/org.scala-lang_scala-reflect-2.11.8.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp8541271018670066693.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Utils:54 - /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/8892207501552552047394_cache has been previously copied to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./org.scala-lang_scala-reflect-2.11.8.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Executor:54 - Adding file:/opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./org.scala-lang_scala-reflect-2.11.8.jar to class loader
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/anguenot_pyspark-cassandra-0.9.0.jar with timestamp 1552552047394
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/anguenot_pyspark-cassandra-0.9.0.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp6187343603041956620.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Utils:54 - /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/18919031221552552047394_cache has been previously copied to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./anguenot_pyspark-cassandra-0.9.0.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Executor:54 - Adding file:/opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./anguenot_pyspark-cassandra-0.9.0.jar to class loader
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/org.joda_joda-convert-1.2.jar with timestamp 1552552047394
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/org.joda_joda-convert-1.2.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp1672558945937779567.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Utils:54 - /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-9137962361552552047394_cache has been previously copied to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./org.joda_joda-convert-1.2.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Executor:54 - Adding file:/opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./org.joda_joda-convert-1.2.jar to class loader
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/org.apache.httpcomponents_httpclient-4.5.6.jar with timestamp 1552552047395
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/org.apache.httpcomponents_httpclient-4.5.6.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp1372363198741282207.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Utils:54 - /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-18070347551552552047395_cache has been previously copied to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./org.apache.httpcomponents_httpclient-4.5.6.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Executor:54 - Adding file:/opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./org.apache.httpcomponents_httpclient-4.5.6.jar to class loader
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/net.razorvine_serpent-1.12.jar with timestamp 1552552047394
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/net.razorvine_serpent-1.12.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp8257038804639164324.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Utils:54 - /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/11845855531552552047394_cache has been previously copied to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./net.razorvine_serpent-1.12.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Executor:54 - Adding file:/opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./net.razorvine_serpent-1.12.jar to class loader
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/commons-logging_commons-logging-1.2.jar with timestamp 1552552047395
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/commons-logging_commons-logging-1.2.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp8253077473505567470.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Utils:54 - /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/19328265421552552047395_cache has been previously copied to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./commons-logging_commons-logging-1.2.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Executor:54 - Adding file:/opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./commons-logging_commons-logging-1.2.jar to class loader
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/ with timestamp 1552552047395
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/ to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp3349926331807729623.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Utils:54 - /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-18713762501552552047395_cache has been previously copied to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Executor:54 - Adding file:/opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./ to class loader
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/joda-time_joda-time-2.3.jar with timestamp 1552552047394
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/joda-time_joda-time-2.3.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp3274527719735364993.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Utils:54 - /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-453128521552552047394_cache has been previously copied to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./joda-time_joda-time-2.3.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Executor:54 - Adding file:/opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./joda-time_joda-time-2.3.jar to class loader
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/net.razorvine_pyrolite-4.10.jar with timestamp 1552552047394
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/net.razorvine_pyrolite-4.10.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp5832834879714811863.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Utils:54 - /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-15210890771552552047394_cache has been previously copied to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./net.razorvine_pyrolite-4.10.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Executor:54 - Adding file:/opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./net.razorvine_pyrolite-4.10.jar to class loader
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/com.jcraft_jsch-0.1.54.jar with timestamp 1552552047395
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/com.jcraft_jsch-0.1.54.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp2604344934570090158.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Utils:54 - /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/6645689021552552047395_cache has been previously copied to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./com.jcraft_jsch-0.1.54.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Executor:54 - Adding file:/opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./com.jcraft_jsch-0.1.54.jar to class loader
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/commons-collections_commons-collections-3.2.2.jar with timestamp 1552552047394
2019-03-14 08:27:53 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/commons-collections_commons-collections-3.2.2.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp7602425244808596067.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:54 INFO Utils:54 - /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-19887147201552552047394_cache has been previously copied to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./commons-collections_commons-collections-3.2.2.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:54 INFO Executor:54 - Adding file:/opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./commons-collections_commons-collections-3.2.2.jar to class loader
2019-03-14 08:27:54 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/commons-beanutils_commons-beanutils-1.9.3.jar with timestamp 1552552047394
2019-03-14 08:27:54 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/commons-beanutils_commons-beanutils-1.9.3.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp2732058159311996396.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:54 INFO Utils:54 - /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/14962199021552552047394_cache has been previously copied to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./commons-beanutils_commons-beanutils-1.9.3.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:54 INFO Executor:54 - Adding file:/opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./commons-beanutils_commons-beanutils-1.9.3.jar to class loader
2019-03-14 08:27:54 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/org.apache.httpcomponents_httpcore-4.4.10.jar with timestamp 1552552047395
2019-03-14 08:27:54 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/org.apache.httpcomponents_httpcore-4.4.10.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp441881078937915293.tmp
2019-03-14 08:27:54 INFO Utils:54 - /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-8956062731552552047395_cache has been previously copied to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./org.apache.httpcomponents_httpcore-4.4.10.jar
2019-03-14 08:27:54 INFO Executor:54 - Adding file:/opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./org.apache.httpcomponents_httpcore-4.4.10.jar to class loader
2019-03-14 08:27:54 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/ with timestamp 1552552047395
2019-03-14 08:27:54 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/ to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp3731028813715578120.tmp
2019-03-14 08:28:01 INFO Utils:54 - /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/20940675661552552047395_cache has been previously copied to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./
2019-03-14 08:28:01 INFO Executor:54 - Adding file:/opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./ to class loader
2019-03-14 08:28:01 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/io.spray_spray-json_2.11-1.3.2.jar with timestamp 1552552047394
2019-03-14 08:28:01 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/io.spray_spray-json_2.11-1.3.2.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp5620624845161196321.tmp
2019-03-14 08:28:01 INFO Utils:54 - /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-18939977451552552047394_cache has been previously copied to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./io.spray_spray-json_2.11-1.3.2.jar
2019-03-14 08:28:01 INFO Executor:54 - Adding file:/opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./io.spray_spray-json_2.11-1.3.2.jar to class loader
2019-03-14 08:28:01 INFO Executor:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/io.netty_netty-all-4.0.33.Final.jar with timestamp 1552552047394
2019-03-14 08:28:01 INFO Utils:54 - Fetching spark://spark-master-host:26000/jars/io.netty_netty-all-4.0.33.Final.jar to /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/fetchFileTemp8234947300294336931.tmp
2019-03-14 08:28:01 INFO Utils:54 - /tmp/spark-e31e48e3-4db8-4022-8a8d-d964b349a18e/executor-ab40937d-73fc-4bba-9511-72930421d47b/spark-da621160-3adf-42e5-897d-e7b6788f4623/-9557750271552552047394_cache has been previously copied to /opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./io.netty_netty-all-4.0.33.Final.jar
2019-03-14 08:28:01 INFO Executor:54 - Adding file:/opt/spark/spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7/work/app-20190314082727-0053/0/./io.netty_netty-all-4.0.33.Final.jar to class loader
2019-03-14 08:28:01 INFO TorrentBroadcast:54 - Started reading broadcast variable 0
2019-03-14 08:28:01 INFO TransportClientFactory:267 - Successfully created connection to /XXX.XX.XX.XX:11482 after 1 ms (0 ms spent in bootstraps)
2019-03-14 08:28:01 INFO MemoryStore:54 - Block broadcast_0_piece0 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 25.9 KB, free 366.3 MB)
2019-03-14 08:28:01 INFO TorrentBroadcast:54 - Reading broadcast variable 0 took 95 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:01 INFO MemoryStore:54 - Block broadcast_0 stored as values in memory (estimated size 54.1 KB, free 366.2 MB)
2019-03-14 08:28:02 INFO ClockFactory:52 - Using native clock to generate timestamps.
2019-03-14 08:28:02 INFO NettyUtil:79 - Found Netty's native epoll transport in the classpath, using it
2019-03-14 08:28:02 INFO Cluster:1543 - New Cassandra host spark-master-host/XXX.XX.XX.XX:9044 added
2019-03-14 08:28:02 INFO CassandraConnector:35 - Connected to Cassandra cluster:
2019-03-14 08:28:03 INFO CodeGenerator:54 - Code generated in 162.110718 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:03 INFO CodeGenerator:54 - Code generated in 64.379862 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:03 INFO CodeGenerator:54 - Code generated in 6.600836 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:03 INFO CodeGenerator:54 - Code generated in 6.560786 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:03 INFO CodeGenerator:54 - Code generated in 23.329322 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:03 INFO CodeGenerator:54 - Code generated in 7.628445 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:03 INFO CodeGenerator:54 - Code generated in 10.176233 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:03 INFO PythonRunner:54 - Times: total = 1247, boot = 318, init = 929, finish = 0
2019-03-14 08:28:03 INFO PythonRunner:54 - Times: total = 1250, boot = 320, init = 930, finish = 0
2019-03-14 08:28:03 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 4.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 4). 3103 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:03 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 1.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 1). 3103 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:03 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 14
2019-03-14 08:28:03 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 14.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 14)
2019-03-14 08:28:03 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 15
2019-03-14 08:28:03 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 15.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 15)
2019-03-14 08:28:12 INFO PythonRunner:54 - Times: total = 10322, boot = 315, init = 1078, finish = 8929
2019-03-14 08:28:13 INFO PythonRunner:54 - Times: total = 9179, boot = -55, init = 178, finish = 9056
2019-03-14 08:28:13 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 7.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 7). 3275 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:13 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 14.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 14). 3275 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO PythonRunner:54 - Times: total = 10504, boot = -57, init = 261, finish = 10300
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 15.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 15). 3275 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 22
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 2.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 22)
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 24
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 4.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 24)
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 25
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 5.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 25)
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO MapOutputTrackerWorker:54 - Updating epoch to 1 and clearing cache
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO TorrentBroadcast:54 - Started reading broadcast variable 1
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO TransportClientFactory:267 - Successfully created connection to spark-master-host/XXX.XX.XX.XX:19264 after 1 ms (0 ms spent in bootstraps)
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO MemoryStore:54 - Block broadcast_1_piece0 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 23.7 KB, free 366.2 MB)
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO TorrentBroadcast:54 - Reading broadcast variable 1 took 16 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO MemoryStore:54 - Block broadcast_1 stored as values in memory (estimated size 45.0 KB, free 366.2 MB)
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO MapOutputTrackerWorker:54 - Don't have map outputs for shuffle 0, fetching them
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO MapOutputTrackerWorker:54 - Don't have map outputs for shuffle 0, fetching them
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO MapOutputTrackerWorker:54 - Don't have map outputs for shuffle 0, fetching them
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO MapOutputTrackerWorker:54 - Doing the fetch; tracker endpoint = NettyRpcEndpointRef(spark://MapOutputTracker@spark-master-host:26000)
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO MapOutputTrackerWorker:54 - Got the output locations
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 6 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 6 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 6 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO CodeGenerator:54 - Code generated in 19.113069 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 5.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 25). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 2.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 22). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 4.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 24). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 30
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 10.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 30)
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 32
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 12.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 32)
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 33
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 1 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 13.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 33)
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 10.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 30). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 36
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 16.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 36)
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 12.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 32). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 13.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 33). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 16.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 36). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 41
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 21.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 41)
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 42
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 22.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 42)
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 43
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 23.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 43)
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 21.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 41). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 22.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 42). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 1 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 23.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 43). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 47
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 27.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 47)
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 48
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 28.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 48)
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 49
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 29.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 49)
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 1 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 1 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 29.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 49). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 27.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 47). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:14 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 28.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 48). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 55
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 35.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 55)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 56
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 36.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 56)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 57
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 37.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 57)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 37.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 57). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 36.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 56). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 35.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 55). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 64
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 45.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 64)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 65
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 46.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 65)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 66
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 47.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 66)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 45.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 64). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 1 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 46.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 65). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 73
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 47.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 66). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 54.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 73)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 75
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 56.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 75)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 76
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 57.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 76)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 54.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 73). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 81
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 62.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 81)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 56.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 75). 3754 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 57.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 76). 3754 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 84
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 65.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 84)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 85
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 66.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 85)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 62.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 81). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 1 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 89
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 70.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 89)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 65.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 84). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 66.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 85). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 1 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 92
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 73.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 92)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 93
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 74.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 93)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 70.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 89). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 1 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 74.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 93). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 73.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 92). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 98
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 79.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 98)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 100
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 81.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 100)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 101
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 82.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 101)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 79.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 98). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 1 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 105
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 86.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 105)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 81.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 100). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 82.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 101). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 86.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 105). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 106
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 87.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 106)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 107
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 88.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 107)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 87.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 106). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 88.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 107). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 113
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 94.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 113)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 114
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 95.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 114)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 115
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 96.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 115)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 1 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 94.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 113). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 95.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 114). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 96.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 115). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 121
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 102.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 121)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 122
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 103.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 122)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 123
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 104.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 123)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 102.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 121). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 127
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 108.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 127)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 104.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 123). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 103.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 122). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 1 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 108.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 127). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 131
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 112.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 131)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 132
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 113.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 132)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 135
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 116.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 135)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 113.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 132). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 112.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 131). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 1 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 116.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 135). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 138
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 119.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 138)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 139
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 120.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 139)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 119.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 138). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 120.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 139). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 142
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 123.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 142)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 123.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 142). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 146
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 127.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 146)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 147
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 128.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 147)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 1 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 1 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 127.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 146). 3754 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 128.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 147). 3754 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 151
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 132.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 151)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 154
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 135.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 154)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 132.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 151). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 155
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 136.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 155)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 1 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 135.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 154). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 136.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 155). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 160
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 141.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 160)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 161
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 142.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 161)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 163
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 144.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 163)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 141.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 160). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 142.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 161). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 144.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 163). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 166
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 147.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 166)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 167
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 148.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 167)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 168
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 149.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 168)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 148.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 167). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 147.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 166). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 149.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 168). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 174
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 155.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 174)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 175
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 156.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 175)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 176
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 157.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 176)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 155.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 174). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 156.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 175). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 157.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 176). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 182
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 163.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 182)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 183
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 164.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 183)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 184
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 165.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 184)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 163.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 182). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 164.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 183). 3754 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 165.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 184). 3754 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 188
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 169.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 188)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 189
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 170.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 189)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 190
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 171.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 190)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 1 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 169.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 188). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 170.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 189). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 171.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 190). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 196
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 177.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 196)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 197
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 178.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 197)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 198
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 179.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 198)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 177.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 196). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 178.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 197). 3754 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 179.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 198). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 203
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 184.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 203)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 204
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 185.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 204)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 205
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 186.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 205)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 1 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 184.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 203). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 186.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 205). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 185.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 204). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 209
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 210
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 190.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 209)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 192.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 210)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 213
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 192.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 210). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 190.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 209). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 195.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 213)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 217
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 199.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 217)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 195.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 213). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Getting 0 non-empty blocks including 0 local blocks and 0 remote blocks
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator:54 - Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 199.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 217). 3711 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 218
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 0.0 in stage 2.0 (TID 218)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 221
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 3.0 in stage 2.0 (TID 221)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 224
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 6.0 in stage 2.0 (TID 224)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO TorrentBroadcast:54 - Started reading broadcast variable 2
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO MemoryStore:54 - Block broadcast_2_piece0 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 4.4 KB, free 366.3 MB)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO TorrentBroadcast:54 - Reading broadcast variable 2 took 7 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO MemoryStore:54 - Block broadcast_2 stored as values in memory (estimated size 9.9 KB, free 366.3 MB)
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO CodeGenerator:54 - Code generated in 14.566026 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 3.0 in stage 2.0 (TID 221). 1275 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 0.0 in stage 2.0 (TID 218). 1275 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:15 INFO Executor:54 - Finished task 6.0 in stage 2.0 (TID 224). 1275 bytes result sent to driver
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 227
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 1.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 227)
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 230
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 4.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 230)
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 233
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 7.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 233)
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO TorrentBroadcast:54 - Started reading broadcast variable 3
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO MemoryStore:54 - Block broadcast_3_piece0 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 35.6 KB, free 366.3 MB)
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO TorrentBroadcast:54 - Reading broadcast variable 3 took 8 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO MemoryStore:54 - Block broadcast_3 stored as values in memory (estimated size 86.7 KB, free 366.2 MB)
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO CodeGenerator:54 - Code generated in 41.859555 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO PythonRunner:54 - Times: total = 157, boot = -1763, init = 1920, finish = 0
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO MemoryStore:54 - Block rdd_23_4 stored as values in memory (estimated size 16.0 B, free 366.0 MB)
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO CodeGenerator:54 - Code generated in 3.37374 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO PythonRunner:54 - Times: total = 174, boot = -3274, init = 3448, finish = 0
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO MemoryStore:54 - Block rdd_23_1 stored as values in memory (estimated size 16.0 B, free 366.1 MB)
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO CodeGenerator:54 - Code generated in 22.34793 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO PythonRunner:54 - Times: total = 203, boot = -3087, init = 3290, finish = 0
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO MemoryStore:54 - Block rdd_23_10 stored as values in memory (estimated size 16.0 B, free 366.2 MB)
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO CodeGenerator:54 - Code generated in 14.277789 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO MemoryStore:54 - Block rdd_35_7 stored as values in memory (estimated size 16.0 B, free 366.2 MB)
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO MemoryStore:54 - Block rdd_35_1 stored as values in memory (estimated size 16.0 B, free 366.2 MB)
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO MemoryStore:54 - Block rdd_35_4 stored as values in memory (estimated size 16.0 B, free 366.2 MB)
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO CodeGenerator:54 - Code generated in 11.555043 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO CodeGenerator:54 - Code generated in 7.042605 ms
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO LightGBMClassifier:172 - Successfully bound to port 12400
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO LightGBMClassifier:164 - Could not bind to port 12400...
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO LightGBMClassifier:164 - Could not bind to port 12400...
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO LightGBMClassifier:172 - Successfully bound to port 12401
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO LightGBMClassifier:164 - Could not bind to port 12401...
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO LightGBMClassifier:172 - Successfully bound to port 12402
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO LightGBMClassifier:210 - LightGBM worker connecting to host: XXX.XX.XX.XX and port: 22307
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO LightGBMClassifier:210 - LightGBM worker connecting to host: XXX.XX.XX.XX and port: 22307
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO LightGBMClassifier:210 - LightGBM worker connecting to host: XXX.XX.XX.XX and port: 22307
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO LightGBMClassifier:186 - send current worker info to driver: XXX.XX.XX.XX:12400
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO LightGBMClassifier:186 - send current worker info to driver: XXX.XX.XX.XX:12402
2019-03-14 08:28:16 INFO LightGBMClassifier:186 - send current worker info to driver: XXX.XX.XX.XX:12401
2019-03-14 08:53:06 INFO LightGBMClassifier:192 - LightGBM worker got nodes for network init: null
2019-03-14 08:53:06 INFO LightGBMClassifier:192 - LightGBM worker got nodes for network init: null
2019-03-14 08:53:06 INFO LightGBMClassifier:192 - LightGBM worker got nodes for network init: null
2019-03-14 08:53:06 INFO LightGBMClassifier:215 - LightGBM worker listening on: 12402
2019-03-14 08:53:06 INFO LightGBMClassifier:215 - LightGBM worker listening on: 12400
2019-03-14 08:53:06 INFO LightGBMClassifier:215 - LightGBM worker listening on: 12401
2019-03-14 08:53:06 ERROR Executor:91 - Exception in task 7.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 233)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.MapPartitionsExec$$anonfun$5.apply(objects.scala:188)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.MapPartitionsExec$$anonfun$5.apply(objects.scala:185)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD$$anonfun$mapPartitionsInternal$1$$anonfun$apply$24.apply(RDD.scala:836)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD$$anonfun$mapPartitionsInternal$1$$anonfun$apply$24.apply(RDD.scala:836)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.MapPartitionsRDD.compute(MapPartitionsRDD.scala:52)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD.computeOrReadCheckpoint(RDD.scala:324)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD.iterator(RDD.scala:288)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.MapPartitionsRDD.compute(MapPartitionsRDD.scala:52)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD.computeOrReadCheckpoint(RDD.scala:324)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD.iterator(RDD.scala:288)
at org.apache.spark.scheduler.ResultTask.runTask(ResultTask.scala:90)
at org.apache.spark.executor.Executor$TaskRunner$$anonfun$10.apply(Executor.scala:402)
at org.apache.spark.util.Utils$.tryWithSafeFinally(Utils.scala:1360)
at org.apache.spark.executor.Executor$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
2019-03-14 08:53:06 ERROR Executor:91 - Exception in task 1.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 227)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.MapPartitionsExec$$anonfun$5.apply(objects.scala:188)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.MapPartitionsExec$$anonfun$5.apply(objects.scala:185)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD$$anonfun$mapPartitionsInternal$1$$anonfun$apply$24.apply(RDD.scala:836)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD$$anonfun$mapPartitionsInternal$1$$anonfun$apply$24.apply(RDD.scala:836)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.MapPartitionsRDD.compute(MapPartitionsRDD.scala:52)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD.computeOrReadCheckpoint(RDD.scala:324)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD.iterator(RDD.scala:288)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.MapPartitionsRDD.compute(MapPartitionsRDD.scala:52)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD.computeOrReadCheckpoint(RDD.scala:324)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD.iterator(RDD.scala:288)
at org.apache.spark.scheduler.ResultTask.runTask(ResultTask.scala:90)
at org.apache.spark.executor.Executor$TaskRunner$$anonfun$10.apply(Executor.scala:402)
at org.apache.spark.util.Utils$.tryWithSafeFinally(Utils.scala:1360)
at org.apache.spark.executor.Executor$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
2019-03-14 08:53:06 ERROR Executor:91 - Exception in task 4.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 230)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.MapPartitionsExec$$anonfun$5.apply(objects.scala:188)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.MapPartitionsExec$$anonfun$5.apply(objects.scala:185)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD$$anonfun$mapPartitionsInternal$1$$anonfun$apply$24.apply(RDD.scala:836)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD$$anonfun$mapPartitionsInternal$1$$anonfun$apply$24.apply(RDD.scala:836)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.MapPartitionsRDD.compute(MapPartitionsRDD.scala:52)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD.computeOrReadCheckpoint(RDD.scala:324)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD.iterator(RDD.scala:288)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.MapPartitionsRDD.compute(MapPartitionsRDD.scala:52)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD.computeOrReadCheckpoint(RDD.scala:324)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD.iterator(RDD.scala:288)
at org.apache.spark.scheduler.ResultTask.runTask(ResultTask.scala:90)
at org.apache.spark.executor.Executor$TaskRunner$$anonfun$10.apply(Executor.scala:402)
at org.apache.spark.util.Utils$.tryWithSafeFinally(Utils.scala:1360)
at org.apache.spark.executor.Executor$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
2019-03-14 08:53:06 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 234
2019-03-14 08:53:06 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 235
2019-03-14 08:53:06 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 8.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 234)
2019-03-14 08:53:06 INFO CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend:54 - Got assigned task 236
2019-03-14 08:53:06 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 10.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 236)
2019-03-14 08:53:06 INFO Executor:54 - Running task 9.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 235)
2019-03-14 08:53:06 INFO Executor:54 - Executor is trying to kill task 8.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 234), reason: Stage cancelled
2019-03-14 08:53:06 INFO Executor:54 - Executor is trying to kill task 9.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 235), reason: Stage cancelled
2019-03-14 08:53:06 INFO Executor:54 - Executor is trying to kill task 10.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 236), reason: Stage cancelled
2019-03-14 08:53:06 INFO PythonRunner:54 - Times: total = 167, boot = 9, init = 158, finish = 0
2019-03-14 08:53:06 INFO MemoryStore:54 - Block rdd_23_12 stored as values in memory (estimated size 16.0 B, free 366.1 MB)
2019-03-14 08:53:06 WARN BlockManager:66 - Putting block rdd_35_10 failed due to exception org.apache.spark.TaskKilledException.
2019-03-14 08:53:06 WARN BlockManager:66 - Block rdd_35_10 could not be removed as it was not found on disk or in memory
2019-03-14 08:53:06 INFO Executor:54 - Executor killed task 10.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 236), reason: Stage cancelled
2019-03-14 08:53:07 INFO PythonRunner:54 - Times: total = 290, boot = 27, init = 263, finish = 0
2019-03-14 08:53:07 INFO MemoryStore:54 - Block rdd_23_3 stored as values in memory (estimated size 16.0 B, free 366.1 MB)
2019-03-14 08:53:07 WARN BlockManager:66 - Putting block rdd_35_8 failed due to exception org.apache.spark.TaskKilledException.
2019-03-14 08:53:07 WARN BlockManager:66 - Block rdd_35_8 could not be removed as it was not found on disk or in memory
2019-03-14 08:53:07 INFO Executor:54 - Executor killed task 8.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 234), reason: Stage cancelled
2019-03-14 08:53:07 WARN BlockManager:66 - Putting block rdd_23_8 failed due to exception org.apache.spark.TaskKilledException.
2019-03-14 08:53:07 WARN BlockManager:66 - Block rdd_23_8 could not be removed as it was not found on disk or in memory
2019-03-14 08:53:07 WARN BlockManager:66 - Putting block rdd_35_9 failed due to exception org.apache.spark.TaskKilledException.
2019-03-14 08:53:07 WARN BlockManager:66 - Block rdd_35_9 could not be removed as it was not found on disk or in memory
2019-03-14 08:53:07 INFO Executor:54 - Executor killed task 9.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 235), reason: Stage cancelled
2019-03-14 08:53:14 INFO CassandraConnector:35 - Disconnected from Cassandra cluster:
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