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Created July 5, 2014 07:44
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suggestion for an additional for-loop structure.
# suggestion for an additional for-loop structure.
for x in y while condition:
# as syntax sugar for:
for x in y:
if condition:
# I want a way to loop through an iterable, but stop as soon as a condition
# becomes False. So, essentially I want a hybrid of a for and a while loop.
# Uses for stopping iteration once condition becomes False:
# - Useful for saving computation in cases where you know that, once the
# condition is False, it won't evaluate to True for any more of the elements in
# the iterable.
# - Especially important if the contents of the for block are
# computationally expensive.
# - Problem is compounded if you have a very long iterable.
# This could be accompanied by an additional list comprehension and generator
# expression structure:
l = [x for x in y while condition]
g = (x for x in y while condition)
# this syntax would be sugar for the more clunky:
l = []
for x in y:
if condition:
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