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Created February 25, 2013 01:29
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Save sulrich/5026737 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
script to parse nested json in database dumps for kathy
use JSON;
use Data::Dumper;
my $debug = 0;
my @json_dump = ();
open(JSON, "$ARGV[0]") || die "error opening: $ARGV[0]\n";
while(<JSON>) {
push(@json_dump, $_);
my $header_flag = 0;
foreach my $call (@json_dump) {
print "new call\n" . '=' x 70 . "\n" if ($debug >= 1);
# rip off the pre/post scoreData JSON wrapper
$call =~ s/^\"\{ scoreData\:\[\{//;
$call =~ s/\]\}\"$//;
$call =~ s/\\r\\n/ /g;
print "\nraw call string\n" . '=' x 70 . "\n" if ($debug >= 3);
print "$call \n" if ($debug >= 3);
# split the caller info into fields
my @screens = split(/\}\,\{/, $call);
# initialize various call variables
my ($totalSupclicks, $nullSupclicks, $totalRepeats) = "";
my %actionScore = "";
foreach my $element (@screens) {
print "new screen\n" . '=' x 70 . "\n" if ($debug >= 1);
$element =~ s/^\"\{ scoreData\:\[\{//;
print "\nraw screen field\n" . '=' x 70 . "\n" if ($debug >= 3);
print $element . "\n\n" if ($debug >= 3);
$element =~ s/\"{2}/\"/g; # remove the duplicate double quotes
$element = '{ ' . $element . ' }';
my $obj = jsonToObj($element);
print Dumper($obj) . "\n" . '-' x 70 . "\n" if ($debug >= 2);
$totalSupclicks = $totalSupclicks + $obj->{extra}->{supervisorClicks};
if ( !defined($obj->{extra}->{supervisorClicks}) ) {
# repeats ----------------------------------------------------
# note - if repeats is null - this gets blessed into a
# JSON::NotString object, skip it.
if ( ref($obj->{repeats}) ne "JSON::NotString" ) {
$totalRepeats = $totalRepeats + $obj->{repeats};
if ($obj->{actionCode} =~ /_NV\d+$/) {
$actionScore{$obj->{actionCode}} = $obj->{score};
if ($obj->{actionCode} =~ /_AB\d+$/) {
$actionScore{$obj->{actionCode} . "_RESPONSE"} = $obj->{values}->[0];
$actionScore{$obj->{actionCode} . "_SCORE"} = $obj->{values}->[1];
# capture the dimension
$actionScore{$obj->{actionCode} . "_DIM"} = $obj->{dimension};
if ($obj->{actionCode} =~ /_KS\d+$/) {
# capture the time
$actionScore{$obj->{actionCode} . "_TIME"} = $obj->{time};
# capture the score
$actionScore{$obj->{actionCode} . "_NV"} = $obj->{score};
# parse the keyboard entry values
my $val_ref = $obj->{values};
for my $idx (0 .. (@$val_ref - 1) ) {
print "$idx: " . $obj->{values}->[$idx] . "\n" if ($debug >= 1);
my $key = $obj->{actionCode} . "_" . $idx;
$actionScore{$key} = $obj->{values}->[$idx];
if ($obj->{actionCode} =~ /_NOTE$/) {
# parse the keyboard entry values
my $note_val_ref = $obj->{values};
my $note_val = "";
for my $note_idx (0 .. (@$note_val_ref - 1) ) {
print "$note_idx: " . $obj->{values}->[$note_idx] . "\n" if ($debug >= 1);
$note_val .= $obj->{values}->[$note_idx];
# escpe the data nicely
$note_val =~ s/\"/\&quot\;/g;
$note_val =~ s/\'/\&rsquo\;/g;
$actionScore{$obj->{actionCode}} = '"' . $note_val . '"';
if ($obj->{actionCode} =~ /_EMAIL$/) {
# parse the keyboard entry values
my $email_val_ref = $obj->{values};
my $email_val = "";
for my $email_idx (0 .. (@$email_val_ref - 1) ) {
print "$email_idx: " . $obj->{values}->[$email_idx] . "\n" if ($debug >= 1);
$email_val .= $obj->{values}->[$email_idx];
# escpe the data nicely
$email_val =~ s/\"/\&quot\;/g;
$email_val =~ s/\'/\&rsquo\;/g;
$actionScore{ $obj->{actionCode} } = '"' . $email_val . '"';
} # end of processing an activeElement on a caller
# check to see if this is the first time that we're outputting
# something. if so, put the field names on the first line
if ($header_flag == 0) {
print "totalSupclicks\t";
print "nullSupclicks\t";
print "totalRepeats\t";
foreach my $i (sort keys(%actionScore)) {
next if $i eq "";
print "$i\t";
print "\n";
$header_flag = 1; # set to prevent output of the headers again
# output for call ------------------------------------------------
print "call output\n" if ($debug >= 1);
print '-' x 70 . "\n" if ($debug >= 1);
print "$totalSupclicks\t";
print "$nullSupclicks\t";
print "$totalRepeats\t";
foreach my $i (sort keys(%actionScore)) {
next if $i eq "";
print "$actionScore{$i}\t";
print "\n";
print '-' x 70 . "\n" if ($debug >= 1);
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