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Last active March 7, 2022 17:43
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my @vals= <1 2 40 40 90 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 4 4 6>;
my @new = @vals.BagHash.sort(+*.key);
my $i=1;
for @new {
if .value == 1 {
say .key => $i;
} else {
say .key => $i+(.value - 1)/2;
$i = $i + .value
for @vals {
$_ = %damn{$_}
#Recursive solutions
sub lucas_number(Int $nth) {
given $nth {
when 0 { 2 };
when 1 { 1 };
default {lucas_number($nth-1) + lucas_number($nth-2)}
say lucas_number(20)
#2nd recursive solution
multi lucas_number(0) {2};
multi lucas_number(1) {1};
multi lucas_number(Int $nth) {
lucas_number($nth - 1) + lucas_number($nth - 2)
say lucas_number(20)
# Fastest solution
multi lucas_number(0) {2};
multi lucas_number(1) {1};
multi lucas_number(Int $nth where * > 1) {
my @array = <2 1>;
my $i = 1;
while $i < $nth {
@array.push(@array[$i] + @array[$i-1]);
$i = $i + 1
say lucas_number(3500)
# Suggested by lizmat
my @lucas = 0, 1, * + * ... *;
for 1..20 {say @lucas[$_]};
say @lucas[3500]
for 1..3 {say "Bio",$_,".jpg"};
.say for "Bio" <<~<< (1..3) >>~>> ".jpg";
"Bio$($_).jpg".say for 1..3;
.fmt("Bio%d.jpg").say for 1..3;
<Bio .jpg>.join((1..3).join(".jpg\nBio")).say;
say ("Bio1.jpg", *.succ ... *).head(3);
say "Bio" xx 3 Z~ 1..3 Z~ ".jpg" xx 3;
say [Z~] "Bio" xx 3, 1..3, ".jpg" xx 3;
say (S/ℵ/$(1..$++)/ given "Bioℵ.jpg") xx 3;
# script to list files in a directory matching a file extension
# Main function takes two parameters: folder and a file extension pattern
sub MAIN($folder, $pattern) {
if $folder.IO.d {
# if folder is a directory
for $folder.IO.dir -> $filename {
say $filename if $filename.IO.f && $filename ~~ /:i $pattern$/;
# if filename matches the file extension and the filename is a file
# Usage:
# raku script.raku <folder> <extension>
# softmax function
my @z = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0];
sub softmax(@val,$beta) {
my @beta_into_n = {exp($_*$beta)};
return {exp($_)/sum(@beta_into_n)}
say softmax(@z,1)
#Sorting keys as Integer in Hash
my %my_hash is Hash[Int, Int] = 9 => 3, 12 => 5, 5 => 7, 3 => 11, 11 => 13;
for %my_hash.sort -> (:$key, :$value) {
say "'$key' => '$value'";
my %my_hash = 9 => 3, 12 => 5, 5 => 7, 3 => 11, 11 => 13;
for %my_hash.sort(+*.key) -> (:$key, :$value) {
say "'$key' => '$value'";
my @test1 = [6,6,4,6,8,6,8,4,4,6,6,8,8,8,8,8,8,4,4,4,4,8,8,8,8,4,4,4,8,6,8,4];
my @test2 = [160.0,160.0,108.0,258.0,360.0,225.0,360.0,146.7,140.8,167.6,167.6,
my @test3 = @test1.roll(10);
my @test4 = @test2.roll(10);
my @test5 = @test1.roll(10);
# write csv
my $fh = 'my-file.csv' :w;
$fh.print: "car, mileage, numbers"; # headers
for @test3 Z @test4 Z @test5 {
$fh.print: "\n", $_.join(", ");
my @test1 = [6,6,4,6,8,6,8,4,4,6,6,8,8,8,8,8,8,4,4,4,4,8,8,8,8,4,4,4,8,6,8,4];
my @test2 = [160.0,160.0,108.0,258.0,360.0,225.0,360.0,146.7,140.8,167.6,167.6,
# write csv
# columns are variables
sub write_csv($filename, List :$columns, List :$headers) {
# checking
die "Provide csv file" if $filename !~~ /\.csv$/;
die "Provide equal number of headers and columns" if
$columns.elems != $headers.elems;
my $fh = $ :w;
$fh.print: $headers.join(", "); # headers
for [Z] $columns {
$fh.print: "\n", $_.join(", ");
write_csv("my-file.csv", columns=>(@test1, @test2), headers=>("car", "mile"));
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