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Created August 17, 2023 16:00
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  • Save sumantro93/fadee70ae8706f8b348acf254b084749 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sumantro93/fadee70ae8706f8b348acf254b084749 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Creating a .desktop file involves creating a plain text file with a specific format and saving it with a .desktop extension. These files are used in Linux and other Unix-like systems to define how a particular program is to be launched, how it appears in menus, etc. Here's how you can create a simple .desktop file:
Open a Text Editor:
Open your favorite text editor; this could be gedit, nano, vi, etc. You can usually open a text editor from your applications menu or from the terminal.
gedit or nano
Enter the Desktop File Content:
In the text editor, you need to enter the content for the .desktop file. Below is a simple example:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Sample Application Name
Comment=This is a sample application
Here is a description of some commonly used fields:
[Desktop Entry]: The file must start with this line.
Type: The type of the launcher, usually Application.
Name: The name that should be displayed on the menu.
Exec: The command that launches the application.
Icon: The path to the icon file that will be used for this application.
Comment: A short description of the application.
Terminal: Whether the application should run in a terminal window (true or false).
Categories: Specifies the category or categories of the application.
Save the File:
Save the file with a .desktop extension. For example, you might save it as MyApplication.desktop.
Make the File Executable (Optional, but usually required):
After saving the file, you often need to mark it as executable. This can be done from the terminal with the following command:
chmod +x /path/to/MyApplication.desktop
Test the File:
Now you can test your new .desktop file by double-clicking it, or by running it from the terminal with a command like this:
gtk-launch MyApplication
Install the Desktop File (Optional):
To make the application appear in your application menu, you can move the .desktop file to either /usr/share/applications (for all users) or ~/.local/share/applications (for the current user only). You might need administrative rights to move the file to /usr/share/applications.
sudo mv /path/to/MyApplication.desktop /usr/share/applications/
Validate the File (Optional):
As per the test case, after you create the .desktop file, you should validate it using the desktop-file-validate tool as shown:
desktop-file-validate /path/to/MyApplication.desktop
This is a basic .desktop file. There are many other options that you can include to further customize how your application behaves.
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