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Created August 14, 2022 19:21
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Mine another block and check it in node 2
# Disconnect p2p from node 2
peer_messaging = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection(BaseNode())"Create some more blocks")
self.tip = int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16)
self.block_time = self.nodes[0].getblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash())['time'] + 1
height = self.nodes[0].getblockcount()
for _ in range(10):
# Use the blocktools functionality to manually build a block.
# Calling the generate() rpc is easier, but this allows us to exactly
# control the blocks and transactions.
block = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase(height+1), self.block_time)
block_message = msg_block(block)
# Send message is used to send a P2P message to the node over our P2PInterface
self.tip = block.sha256
self.block_time += 1
height += 1"Wait for node1 to reach current tip (height 12) using RPC")
self.nodes[1].waitforblockheight(12)"Wait for node2 to receive all the blocks from node1")
self.sync_all()"Add P2P connection to node2")
peer_receiving = self.nodes[2].add_p2p_connection(BaseNode())"Test that node2 propagates all the blocks to us")
getdata_request = msg_getdata()
for block in blocks:
getdata_request.inv.append(CInv(MSG_BLOCK, block))
# wait_until() will loop until a predicate condition is met. Use it to test properties of the
# P2PInterface objects.
peer_receiving.wait_until(lambda: sorted(blocks) == sorted(list(peer_receiving.block_receive_map.keys())), timeout=5)"Check that each block was received only once")
# The network thread uses a global lock on data access to the P2PConnection objects when sending and receiving
# messages. The test thread should acquire the global lock before accessing any P2PConnection data to avoid locking
# and synchronization issues. Note p2p.wait_until() acquires this global lock internally when testing the predicate.
with p2p_lock:
for block in peer_receiving.block_receive_map.values():
assert_equal(block, 1)
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