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Last active April 15, 2020 04:51
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* At each step, enqueue the value at the current node and add
* the left & right children to the stack. Option's toList
* helps convert empty children (None values) to an empty list
def preOrderC[T, S](root: Option[BTree[T]], f: T => S): Queue[S] = {
def loop(stack: List[BTree[T]], acc: Queue[S]): Queue[S] = stack match {
case Nil => acc
case BTree(v, l, r) :: ts => loop(l.toList ::: r.toList ::: ts, acc.enqueue(f(v)))
loop(root.toList, Queue.empty)
* We enqueue a value when we reach a bottom left node (BTree(_,None,_))
* otherwise, we add the left subtree to the top of the stack while removing
* it from the current node
def inOrderC[T, S](root: Option[BTree[T]], f: T => S): Queue[S] = {
def loop(stack: List[BTree[T]], queue: Queue[S]): Queue[S] = stack match {
case Nil => queue
case BTree(v, None, r) :: ts => loop(r.toList ::: ts, queue.enqueue(f(v)))
case BTree(v, l, r) :: ts => loop(l.toList ::: BTree(v, None, r) :: ts, queue)
loop(root.toList, Queue.empty)
* Enqueue when we encounter a node with no children, otherwise add the left
* and right child to the stack and remove them from the current node
def postOrderC[T, S](root: Option[BTree[T]], f: T => S): Queue[S] = {
def loop(stack: List[BTree[T]], queue: Queue[S]): Queue[S] = stack match {
case Nil => queue
case BTree(v, None, None) :: ts => loop(ts, queue.enqueue(f(v)))
case BTree(v, l, r) :: ts => loop(l.toList ::: r.toList ::: BTree(v, None, None) :: ts, queue)
loop(root.toList, Queue.empty)
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