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Last active February 3, 2016 02:50
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public enum CouchbaseCachingClient implements ICachingClient {
private final org.slf4j.Logger logger = Logger.init(CouchbaseCachingClient.class);
* A default key used for constructing a JsonNode from a String
* when storing Strings into Couchbase.
private static final String DEFAULT_KEY = "DEFAULT_KEY";
private final CouchbaseCluster cluster;
private Map<String, Bucket> bucketList = new HashMap<String, Bucket>();
* Constructor: Creates the cluster and opens the two buckets
private CouchbaseCachingClient() {
String host = Play.application().configuration().getString("");
logger.debug("Creating cluster with host: {}", host);
cluster = CouchbaseCluster.create(host);
public <T> Promise<T> insert(String bucketName, String key, T value, long ttl) {
return insert(bucketName, key, value)
.map(t -> {
touch(bucketName, key, (int)ttl);
return t;
public <T> Promise<T> insert(String bucketName, String key, T value) {
logger.debug("Inserting entry with key: {} into bucket: {}",key, bucketName);
return getCachingRegion(bucketName)
.map(bucket -> {
throw new EmptyKeyException("Key cannot be empty!");
return bucket.insert(createJsonDocument(key, value));
}).recover(throwable -> {
if(throwable instanceof DocumentAlreadyExistsException)
throw new DuplicateEntryException();
throw new DocumentDatabaseException(throwable);
.map(jsonDocument -> getJsonNode(jsonDocument.content()) )
.map(jsonNode -> (T) Json.fromJson(jsonNode, value.getClass()));
public abstract class SessionAbstractCache implements ISession {
private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = Logger.init(SessionAbstractCache.class);
public static final String AUTH_TOKEN = "authToken";
public static final String SSO_TOKEN = "ssoToken";
public static final String CSRF_TOKEN = "csrfToken";
protected ICachingClient cacheClient;
protected String CACHE_NAME;
protected int sessionTimeOut;
public SessionAbstractCache(int timeOut) {
this.sessionTimeOut = timeOut;
this.cacheClient = CachingFactory.instance();"Session time out set to {0}",
protected static int getDefaultTimeOut() {
return Play.application().configuration()
.getInt("aries.platform.session.timeout", DEFAULT_SESSION_TTL);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* .String)
public Promise<Boolean> create(String sessionId, String createdTime) {
"SessionAbstract create new session {0}", sessionId));
return cacheClient.insert(CACHE_NAME, sessionId,
JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode().put("createdAt", createdTime), sessionTimeOut).map(
node -> true).recover(throwable -> {
if( throwable instanceof DuplicateEntryException ) {
throw new DuplicateSession(sessionId, throwable);
} else if (throwable.getMessage().contains("The Document ID must not be larger than")) {
throw new InvalidKeyException();
throw new DocumentDatabaseException(throwable);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* lang.String)
public Promise<Boolean> keepAlive(String sessionId) {
"SessionAbstract keep alive session {0}", sessionId));
return cacheClient.touch(CACHE_NAME, sessionId, sessionTimeOut);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* .String)
public Promise<Boolean> unlink(String sessionId) {
"SessionAbstract unlink session {0}", sessionId));
return cacheClient.delete(CACHE_NAME, sessionId)
.recover(throwable -> {
if(throwable instanceof EntryNotFoundException)
throw new InvalidSession(sessionId, throwable);
throw new DocumentDatabaseException(throwable);
}).map(sesid -> true);
public Promise<SessionCredentials> setCredentials(String sessionId, SessionCredentials credentials) {
"SessionAbstract update credentials into session {0}",
return this.get(sessionId)
.map(node -> {
ObjectNode session = ((ObjectNode) node);
"SessionAbstract is session null {0}",
session == null));
return node;
.map(node -> this.cacheClient.update(CACHE_NAME, sessionId,
node)).map(node -> credentials);
public Promise<SessionCredentials> getCredentials(String sessionId) {
return this
.map(node -> {
ObjectNode session = ((ObjectNode) node);
"SessionAbstract is session null {0}",
session == null));
SessionCredentials credentials = new SessionCredentials();
return credentials;
private static String toTextValue(JsonNode node) {
return node == null? null: node.textValue();
public void setUp() throws Exception {
session = PowerMockito.mock(SessionAbstractCache.class);
public void testSuccessfulObjectInsert(){
String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
cachingClient.insert(bucketName,uuid, testObjectData)
.map(stored -> {
assertEquals(testObjectData, stored);
return stored;
public void testMultipleInsertThrows(){
String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
cachingClient.insert(bucketName,uuid, testObjectData).get(TIME_OUT);
cachingClient.insert(bucketName,uuid, testObjectData).get(TIME_OUT);
public void testReadExistingDocument() {
String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
cachingClient.insert(bucketName,uuid, testObjectData).get(TIME_OUT);
JsonNode node =, uuid).get(TIME_OUT);
assertEquals("Retrieved JsonNode doesn't match original",node,testObjectDataJson);
public void testGetCredentialsShouldReturnCredentialsWithValues() {
.parse("{\"authToken\": \"dummy\", \"ssoToken\": \"dummy\"}")));
new Condition<Object>() {
public boolean matches(Object arg0) {
if (arg0 instanceof SessionCredentials) {
SessionCredentials credentials = (SessionCredentials) arg0;
return "dummy".equals(credentials.getAuthToken())
&& "dummy".equals(credentials.getSSOToken());
return false;
* Utility class to handle web service calls going out of ARIES applications.
* @author M1004972
public final class WSClient {
private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = Logger.init(WSClient.class);
* Name of cache partition for web service response.
private static final String WS_CACHE_NAME = "ARIES_CACHE";
private static final String CACHE_CONTROL = "Cache-Control";
public static final IWSTypeCast<JsonNode> RESPONSE_JSON = ResponseAsJson.INSTANCE;
public static final IWSTypeCast<Document> RESPONSE_XML = ResponseAsXml.INSTANCE;
public static final IWSTypeCast<String> RESPONSE_TEXT = ResponseAsText.INSTANCE;
* Default Constructor
private WSClient() {
* Perform an HTTP request, if the request has a cacheTime set and a
* previous response is cached then return the cached response.
* @param request
* WSRequest instances providing the details for the request
* @param transform
* IWSTypeCast instance help transform the WSRequest to the need
* Type of output or deserialize the coherence cached data to the
* needed Type
* @return
public static <R> Promise<R> execute(WSRequest request, IWSTypeCast<R> transform) {
if (request.getCacheTime() > 0) {
return CachingFactory.instance()
.read(WS_CACHE_NAME, HashUtility.hash(request.toString()))
.recoverWith(throwable -> {
if (throwable instanceof EntryNotFoundException) {
//If the resource is not found in the cache, fetch it from the web, cache it before returning it
Promise<WSResponse> response = executeNoCache(request);
return response.flatMap(wsResponse ->
Map<String, List<String>> headers = wsResponse.getAllHeaders();
return CachingFactory.instance()
.insert(WS_CACHE_NAME, HashUtility.hash(request.toString()), transform.cast().apply(wsResponse), getTTLForResponse(headers, request.getCacheTime()))
.flatMap(success -> {"Request `{}` cached {}", request.toString(), success);//change to print output
throw throwable;
return executeNoCache(request, transform);//For resources that can't/shouldn't be cached
* Do a HTTP GET request and does not cache the response.
* @param request
* WSRequest instances providing the details for the request
* @param transform
* IWSTypeCast instance help transform the WSRequest to the need
* Type of output
* @return
public static <R> Promise<R> executeNoCache(WSRequest request,
IWSTypeCast<R> transform) {
//"WS Get request: " + request);
WSRequestHolder holder = request.request();"Request for URL {}", holder.getUrl());
return holder.execute().map(transform.cast());
public static Promise<WSResponse> executeNoCache(WSRequest request) {
WSRequestHolder holder = request.request();"Request for URL {}", holder.getUrl());
return holder.execute();
* Go through the response headers, determine if there
* is information on cache-control (ETag or max-age)
* @param headers resposne headers
* @param defaultTTL
* @return
public static long getTTLForResponse(Map<String, List<String>> headers, long defaultTTL) {
return headers.get(CACHE_CONTROL).stream().filter(entry -> entry.contains("max-age=")).mapToLong(entry -> {
return Long.parseLong(entry.split("max-age=")[1]);
}).filter(age -> age > 0).findFirst().orElse(defaultTTL);
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