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Last active September 20, 2017 07:03
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A bloody simple script for lazy cats.
# Written by Makito <>
# A bloody simple script for lazy cats.
# I'm too lazy to give it a name more than two words.
# Just regard it as the abbreviation of ping, please.
# You : Can I ping a URL?
# Ping: NO WAY! Cannot resolve *****: Unknown host!!
# Pn : It's my turn.
# First things first:
# Append the line below into your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc or similiar files:
# function pn(){;ping `echo $@ | perl -pe 's/(?:\w+:\/\/)([^:\/\n]+)(\S*)/\1/ig'`;}
# Alternatively, you can use ln -s to create a symbolic link or just move
# the script into the bin directory so that you can run the script as a
# convenient command whenever you feel lazy. :-\
# How to use?
# Since the script only works as a wrapper, any native options
# for the ping command will be passed to the real ping.
# And also, you can ping a URL directly, without any pain.
# pn [native_options] hostname|URL
# pn -c 5 => ping -c 5
# Have fun.
function pn(){
ping `echo $@ | perl -pe 's/(?:\w+:\/\/)([^:\/\n]+)(\S*)/\1/ig'`
pn $@
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