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Created February 27, 2016 17:15
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Install Redis
# Build Redis from Source
echo "[-] Install Redis Requirements"
apt-get install -y build-essential tcl8.5
echo "[-] Install Redis Server"
echo " Download Source"
tar xzf redis-2.8.9.tar.gz
rm !!:2
echo " Build Source"
cd redis-2.8.9
# make test
make install
# Configure Redis
echo " Setup Service"
cd utils
# Redis on 6366 - For Bidder Data
sed -i "s/^read /#read /g"
sed -i "s/^#read -r/read -r/g"
sed -i "s/_REDIS_PORT=6379/_REDIS_PORT=6366/g"
# Setup Redis
update-rc.d redis_6366 defaults
sed -i "s|# unixsocket /.*|unixsocket /tmp/redis_6366.sock|g" /etc/redis/6366.conf
sed -i "s|# unixsocketperm .*|unixsocketperm 777|g" /etc/redis/6366.conf
service redis_6366 stop
service redis_6366 start
# If it's slave server
# echo " Setup Redis Salve"
# echo "slaveof redis.master 6366" >> /etc/redis/6366.conf
# Load Test Redis
# Normal TCP
redis-benchmark -q -n 100000 -p 6366
# TCP with Pipelining
redis-benchmark -q -n 100000 -P 16 -p 6366
# Normal Unix Socket
redis-benchmark -q -n 100000 -s /tmp/redis_6366.sock
# Unix Socket with Pipelining
redis-benchmark -q -n 100000 -P 16 -s /tmp/redis_6366.sock
# Just SET and LPUSH performance
redis-benchmark -q -n 100000 -t set,lpush -p 6366
# Clear data
redis-cli -p 6366 flushall
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