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Created December 23, 2016 02:39
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bus pirate spi flash
require! {
'get-stdin': input
BASE = 0
out = console.~log
b3 = -> [
hex-byte = (x) ->
s = x.toString(16).toUpperCase()
'0x' + '0'*(2 - s.length) + s
WRITE_EN = '[0x06]'
WRITE_CMD = '[0x02'
ERASE_4K = '[0x20 0 0 0]'
ERASE_32K = '[0x52 0 0 0]'
ERASE_64K = '[0xD8 0 0 0]'
ERASE_ALL = '[0x60]'
input.buffer! .then (buf) ->
for i from 0 til buf.length by BYTE_PER_BLOCK
out do
b3 (BASE + i) .map hex-byte .join ' '
block = buf.slice(i, i + BYTE_PER_BLOCK)
for j from 0 til block.length by BYTE_PER_LINE
line = block.slice(j, j + BYTE_PER_LINE)
out ...[hex-byte .. for line]
out ']'
out ''
out ''
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