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Forked from Justin-Heer/
Created August 16, 2020 16:23
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def extract_features(iDirName, cnn_model):
# get face detector from dlib and initialize the face aligner
detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
# open the video file
iFramePaths = [os.path.join(iDirName, iFramePath) for iFramePath in os.listdir(iDirName)]
# an empty list to hold the results
features = []
# process each frame
for iFramePath in iFramePaths:
# read a frame from the dir
frame = cv2.imread(iFramePath)
frame_gray = cv2.imread(iFramePath, flags=cv2.COLOR_BGRA2GRAY)
# convert to grayscale
# frame_gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# detect a valid face from the frame
faces = detector(frame_gray, 2)
# continue if more than one face is detected
if len(faces) != 1:
# get the coordinates of the bounding box
(x, y, w, h) = rect_to_bb(faces[0])
# crop the negative values
if x < 0:
w = w + x
x = 0
if y < 0:
h = h + y
y = 0
# resize the image to 224x224
# face = imutils.resize(frame[x:x + w, y:y + h], width=224, height=224)
face = cv2.resize(frame[x:x + w, y:y + h], (224, 224), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
except Exception as e:
print(f'The shape of the face is {frame[x:x + w, y:y + h].shape}')
print(f'The shape of the frame is {frame_gray.shape}')
print(f'The file is {iFramePath}')
# expand the shape of the image by one dimension
face_in = np.expand_dims(face, axis=0)
# convert to dtype 'float64'
face_in = face_in.astype('float64')
# some preprocessing required by the model
face_in = preprocess_input(face_in, version=2)
# feature extraction using CNN
feature = cnn_model.predict(face_in).ravel()
# add to the list
# convert to ndarray and return the results
return np.array(features)
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