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Created February 20, 2014 05:50
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symfony getting started

Symfony Standard Getting Started Guide


You must have composer and phing installed.

Create New Project

Create a new project by running the command

$ composer create-project nerdery/symfony-standard clientnameblog

This will create a new symfony project in the directory clientnameblog. Composer will copy the files from nerdery/symfony-standard and install all of the dependencies and then run the install hook, which will prompt you for settings for your parameters.yml file:

Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
Creating the "app/config/parameters.yml" file
Some parameters are missing. Please provide them.
database_driver (pdo_mysql): 
database_host ( 
database_port (null): 
database_name (symfony): clientnameblog
database_user (root): 
database_password (null): 
mailer_transport (smtp): 
mailer_host ( 
mailer_user (null): 
mailer_password (null): 
locale (en): 
secret (ThisTokenIsNotSoSecretChangeIt): 
email_dev_delivery (null): 


Change into the new directory

$ cd clientnameblog

Run the phing install command to run all the tasks for installing the application. During this process it will ask you for the application environment. Symfony has two environments: dev and prod. For development, type dev when prompted.

$ phing install
Buildfile: /var/www/clientnameblog/build.xml

Symfony2 Build Template > clean:cache:clear:

   [delete] Directory /var/www/clientnameblog/app/logs does not exist or is not a directory.

Symfony2 Build Template > build:prepare:

     [echo] Creating build directories ...
    [mkdir] Created dir: /var/www/clientnameblog/app/cache
    [mkdir] Created dir: /var/www/clientnameblog/app/logs
    [mkdir] Created dir: /var/www/clientnameblog/build
    [mkdir] Created dir: /var/www/clientnameblog/build/output
    [mkdir] Created dir: /var/www/clientnameblog/build/docs
    [mkdir] Created dir: /var/www/clientnameblog/build/docs/phpdoc
    [mkdir] Created dir: /var/www/clientnameblog/build/docs/docblox
    [mkdir] Created dir: /var/www/clientnameblog/build/logs
    [mkdir] Created dir: /var/www/clientnameblog/build/logs/coverage
    [mkdir] Created dir: /var/www/clientnameblog/build/logs/pdepend

Symfony2 Build Template > build:configs:

[phingcall] Calling Buildfile '/var/www/clientnameblog/build.xml' with target 'build:phpunit:config'

Symfony2 Build Template > build:phpunit:config:

     [copy] Copying 1 file to /var/www/clientnameblog/app
[phingcall] Calling Buildfile '/var/www/clientnameblog/build.xml' with target 'build:htaccess'

Symfony2 Build Template > build:htaccess:

[phingcall] Calling Buildfile '/var/www/clientnameblog/build.xml' with target 'build:htaccess:from-prompt'

Symfony2 Build Template > build:htaccess:from-prompt:

Application environment
         [prod]? dev
     [copy] Copying 1 file to /var/www/clientnameblog/web

Symfony2 Build Template > detect-composerbin:

     [echo] Using composer at '/usr/local/bin/composer'

Symfony2 Build Template > build:dependencies:install:

Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
Nothing to install or update
Generating autoload files
Updating the "app/config/parameters.yml" file

Symfony2 Build Template > build:permissions:

    [chmod] Changed file mode on '/var/www/clientnameblog/app/logs/' to 777
    [chmod] Changed file mode on '/var/www/clientnameblog/app/cache/' to 777

Symfony2 Build Template > symfony:assets:install:

Installing assets using the symlink option
Installing assets for Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle into web/bundles/framework
Installing assets for Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle into web/bundles/sensiodistribution

Symfony2 Build Template > symfony:cache:warmup:

Clearing the cache for the dev environment with debug true
Warming up the cache for the dev environment with debug true

Symfony2 Build Template > install:


Total time: 11.3010 seconds

Check Configuration

Now we want to view our application in a web browser. Use apache/nginx or some other PHP web server. The webroot should be set to the web directory.

If you are using a local machine and you have PHP version 5.4 or greater, you can use PHP's built in server by running the following command from the root of your project folder:

$ php -S localhost:8080 -t web 

In a web browser go to /config.php with the appropriate domain (localhost, server sandbox or alias) and root (/ or /clientnameblog/web/ depending on your setup).

This page should show a welcome page and some potential issues to correct or else a message stating "Your configuration looks good to run Symfony."

From a command prompt, you should also run the command php app/check.php to determine that the configuration is correct for the CLI execution of PHP tasks.

Once you correct any errors, you are ready to proceed.

Creating a Bundle

If you attempt to go to the home page for your new application, you will see a 404 page. This is because we have no routes defined yet. Let's create a new bundle and a route.

$ app/console generate:bundle

  Welcome to the Symfony2 bundle generator  

Your application code must be written in bundles. This command helps
you generate them easily.

Each bundle is hosted under a namespace (like Acme/Bundle/BlogBundle).
The namespace should begin with a "vendor" name like your company name, your
project name, or your client name, followed by one or more optional category
sub-namespaces, and it should end with the bundle name itself
(which must have Bundle as a suffix).

See for more
details on bundle naming conventions.

Use / instead of \  for the namespace delimiter to avoid any problem.

Bundle namespace: ClientName/BlogBundle

In your code, a bundle is often referenced by its name. It can be the
concatenation of all namespace parts but it's really up to you to come
up with a unique name (a good practice is to start with the vendor name).
Based on the namespace, we suggest ClientNameBlogBundle.

Bundle name [ClientNameBlogBundle]: 

The bundle can be generated anywhere. The suggested default directory uses
the standard conventions.

Target directory [/var/www/clientnameblog/src]: 

Determine the format to use for the generated configuration.

Configuration format (yml, xml, php, or annotation): yml

To help you get started faster, the command can generate some
code snippets for you.

Do you want to generate the whole directory structure [no]? no

  Summary before generation  

You are going to generate a "ClientName\BlogBundle\ClientNameBlogBundle" bundle
in "/var/www/clientnameblog/src/" using the "yml" format.

Do you confirm generation [yes]? yes

  Bundle generation  

Generating the bundle code: OK
Checking that the bundle is autoloaded: OK
Confirm automatic update of your Kernel [yes]? yes
Enabling the bundle inside the Kernel: OK
Confirm automatic update of the Routing [yes]? 

Importing the bundle routing resource: OK

  You can now start using the generated code!  
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